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India spanks USA over diplomat arrest issue !

The other thread was closed.

So whats new? did US apologize ?

No they are annoyed the way India is reacting to there diplomats. :P
US is passing the buck to "US Marshal department".

Here is a common American view from a comment on an AP article.

Indian official: Diplomat's arrest in NYC barbaric - Yahoo News

Good - I'm glad to hear this. Indian nationals can very sneaky and snotty. Their country is run on a caste system and when you have to deal with someone who thinks they are a member of the top caste, they let you know it. She got treated like the common criminal that she is. Entirely appropriate.

Shoo, get away you communist..

stop trolling here
No they are annoyed the way India is reacting to there diplomats. :P
US is passing the buck to "US Marshal department".


What other cards India has at hands to play?

that was quiet alot of pressure it applied so far
The ultimate irony in this is that she is India's appointed "women's rights advocate" to the United Nations, yet, she was keeping a young woman as her personal slave.
The ultimate irony in this is that she is India's appointed "women's rights advocate" to the United Nations, yet, she was keeping a young woman as her personal slave.

She didn't practice what she preach, I'm assure you that.
The ultimate irony in this is that she is India's appointed "women's rights advocate" to the United Nations, yet, she was keeping a young woman as her personal slave.

Another comment that shows how most Americans view this event

Ms. Khobragade, Welcome to America! You may come from a privileged family - but that does not privy you to break the laws of the land. No matter how high-and-mighty you may be - or other Indians think you are - you are not above the law of the land. So was not Richard Nixon. Most Indians - world over - have a superiority complex. This is an opportunity for all arrogant Indians to learn: your upper Brahmin caste, high class, tech savvy education, etc. - none of it matters, you are just like any ordinary person. I hope she gets that maximum sentence and thrownin jail for 10 years.
What other cards India has at hands to play?

that was quiet alot of pressure it applied so far

India have nothing up their sleeve to pressure US on anything, India just threw a fist full of childish display just to annoy the US government.
India have nothing up their sleeve to pressure US on anything, India just threw a fist full of childish display just to annoy the US government.

:) India is using all pressure so quickly that i felt they used all cards so was asking if anything left?
:) India is using all pressure so quickly that i felt they used all cards so was asking if anything left?

US diplomat currently not commit any crime on Indian land, US economy not totally depend on India to survive or provide job with benefit to the US, US national security not under the umbrella of protection from Indian military might. What kind of power can Indian yield to force US to be on her knee and toll Indian line?

They cry too hard with their temper tantrum, no more tears left for more drama.

Cry and laugh are part of human emotion, let Indian overcome their emotional and everything will be back to normal.
it can never make India boss, is what I am trying to point out
India is trying to make it a partner of equal, not one partner being junior ( like we used to have with USSR). Obviously India is not equal to USA in military or economic terms but it might be possible to bring equality through diplomacy by setting the expectation in relationship.
How successful we are, is something to be seen.

Your comparison with SU is misplaced; even though the relationship with SU was unequal, the SU was careful not to be arrogant. That is because the Russians (and Europeans) have a "sense of History". Unfortunately Americans are not blessed with that. Coupled with the "Official America" that is simply filled with arrogance upto its gills.

Which is why India refused to ride on American Coat-tails in the past and will not look to doing that going forward. American Officials are so full of themselves, with this Hollywoodesque aura of the US Cavalry or John Wayne swooping around the world and doing as they please.
In consequence of that; American Citizens get greeted with "Yanqui go home" or worse still get shot up or even beheaded in different parts of the world. And American Flags getting burned is so frequent that it is simply passe now.
They cry too hard with their temper tantrum, no more tears left for more drama.

removing barricades from the US embassy was hilarious

the hindis knows that they can't do anything, in fact, they enjoy being humiliated at the hands of the yankees

once the US says sorry they'll be okay lol
IFS has a powerful association which has been meeting in Delhi to rally behind their colleague.
They cry too hard with their temper tantrum, no more tears left for more drama.
US diplomat currently not commit any crime on Indian land, US economy not totally depend on India to survive or provide job with benefit to the US, US national security not under the umbrella of protection from Indian military might. What kind of power can Indian yield to force US to be on her knee and toll Indian line?

Cry and laugh are part of human emotion, let Indian overcome their emotional and everything will be back to normal.

:D actually though i liked their attitude but its funny when they removed the barricades saying these were obstructing smooth passage of public. One wonders if the Indian diplomat was not arrested they would have selected going blind towards the same barricades
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