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India Slips Further Behind China During First Five Years of Modi

Stay away from our internal issues, is it that hard for you? Or you dont have anything to do? :smokin:
Unlike in facist India, the free world has the right to learn about facts and have opinions.
I know it hurts your facist tendencies but thankfully we don't live in Gangadesh, so there is nothing you do to stop us from learning the truth and having opinions:azn:
What do I "Feel" ? :cheesy:

I was not aware that Economics was about "feeling" :lol:

I would rather stick to FACTS and Statistics.

But if you really want me to "Feel", tell me how should the pakistanis "Feel" when their "iron brother" sidelines their PM in a group photo ?

I can see Russian president standing next to your President. Why is u'r "iron brother" PM who was received by a municipal deputy head made to stand in a corner ?
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Unlike in facist India, the free world has the right to learn about facts and have opinions.
I know it hurts your facist tendencies but thankfully we don't live in Gangadesh, so there is nothing you do to stop us from learning the truth and having opinions:azn:
These folks were on the BBC Newsnight recently about the cow lyncher mobs. They're running killing innocent people.

This is a country that wants to be a super power by 2020 yet its population is still stuck in the last 2 centuries and 2/3 don't have access to a proper toilet.
These folks were on the BBC Newsnight recently about the cow lyncher mobs. They're running killing innocent people.

This is a country that wants to be a super power by 2020 yet its population is still stuck in the last 2 centuries and 2/3 don't have access to a proper toilet.

Here is a video of your imran khan claiming that 55% of pakistan does not have toilets and India is way ahead of pakistan in this.

Meanwhile India in January 2019 was 96% open defecation free. By April 2019 we are almost 100% open defecation free. (with exceptions).
Here is a video of your imran khan claiming that 55% of pakistan does not have toilets and India is way ahead of pakistan in this.

Meanwhile India in January 2019 was 96% open defecation free. By April 2019 we are almost 100% open defecation free. (with exceptions).
Modi ki gs number?
All that means jack****. They're just numbers knocked up on paper. It's been reported recently that Modi is hiding ugly data on economy. Unemployment is all-time high in 45 yrs, 14 airlines gone bankrupt in the last 3 decades and farmers are committing suicide now every HOUR.

And the latest news today:

“It’s impossible to keep pace with China,” said Vishnu Prakash, a former Indian ambassador to South Korea and consul general in Shanghai. “We cannot get into checkbook diplomacy with China. We don’t have that kind of economic muscle.”

Whether Modi returns to power or not, India’s next government will still be saddled with aging equipment like Soviet-era MiG warplanes, a bureaucracy that hinders military upgrades and an undersized diplomatic corps. To fend off China, it’s likely to continue shifting toward the U.S. and other like-minded countries in Asia while seeking to protect its periphery.

Here is the Proof that India has fallen "Behind" china :lol: (Under Modi)


Here is further proof of India falling under Modi :cheesy:

GDP, 2019. ($ trillion)

1. US: 21.34 trillion $
2. China: 14.22 trillion $
3. Japan: 5.18 trillion $
4. Germany: 3.96 trillion $
5. India: 2.97 trillion $
6. UK: 2.83 trillion $
7. France: 2.76 trillion $
8. Italy: 2.03 trillion $

Here is your Installed & Selected Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan opining just a few years ago: Only the rich, endowed should do politics. The hungry, naked, poor would obviously do corruption.

You are so lucky to have him as your PM. :agree:

Meanwhile India in January 2019 was 96% open defecation free. By April 2019 we are almost 100% open defecation free. (with exceptions).
LIAR. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

All that means jack****. They're just numbers knocked up on paper. It's been reported recently that Modi is hiding ugly data on economy. Unemployment is all-time high in 45 yrs, 14 airlines gone bankrupt in the last 3 decades and farmers are committing suicide now every HOUR.

And the latest news today:

“It’s impossible to keep pace with China,” said Vishnu Prakash, a former Indian ambassador to South Korea and consul general in Shanghai. “We cannot get into checkbook diplomacy with China. We don’t have that kind of economic muscle.”

Whether Modi returns to power or not, India’s next government will still be saddled with aging equipment like Soviet-era MiG warplanes, a bureaucracy that hinders military upgrades and an undersized diplomatic corps. To fend off China, it’s likely to continue shifting toward the U.S. and other like-minded countries in Asia while seeking to protect its periphery.


Indian Economy grew to almost 3 Trillion $ last year. Next 5 years under Modi will make us at lest 5 Trillion $ economy. This is a conservative estimate.

In real terms (PPP), our economy is already 10.4 Trillion $.

We don't need to counter china with "cheque book" diplomacy. We use our conventional diplomacy to protect our self interests.

Are you calling your own PM imran khan, a "Liar" ?

Posting old videos can only help you ease your butt hurt. But THIS is the reality today.

THIS is what the UN had to say,


.....Since the inception of the SBM program, the rural sanitation coverage of India has increased significantly, from 39 per cent in October 2014 to over 92 per cent as of end of August 2018. The number of people practicing open defecation in rural India has gone down from 550 million in 2014, to less than 150 million today. Over 83.9 million household toilets have been constructed under the Swachh Bharat Mission. As a result, 19 States/Union Territories, 447 districts, and approximately 440,000 villages have declared themselves as free from open defecation.

India is on track to achieve open defecation free status by 2019
What do I "Feel" ? :cheesy:

Deflection by talking about "rape', "toilet", "slum" or even "train" and "AC" will not work anymore. It just makes you look desperate.
Nah, the world sees how desperate the Indians are with their ego and hyperbole attitude amongst all that filthy dirt that India represents. No woman is safe alone in India. Super power 2020 my a**.

India is on track to achieve open defecation free status by 2019
I hope you're gonna be around by the end of 2019 because the filth in India doesn't wear off easy. :sarcastic:

Posting old videos can only help you ease your butt hurt. But THIS is the reality today.
Posted 5 hours ago. A girl gets raped after she went to defecate outside. Reality today.

Nah, the world sees how desperate the Indians are with their ego and hyperbole attitude amongst all that filthy dirt that India represents. No woman is safe alone in India. Super power 2020 my a**.

What India represents is the oldest civilization on the planet. The cradle of civilization rising up from its ashes. That is what the world sees.

The less said about women's safety in pakistan, the better. Malala even got a nobel prize just for daring to be a pakistani girl child. What more needs to be said ?

Posted 5 hours ago. A girl gets raped after she went to defecate outside. Reality today.

LOL...... so now this thread is all about "rape", "toilet" and "caste" :lol:

Want me to start posting "rape" news from pakistan ?
THIS is what the UN had to say,


.....Since the inception of the SBM program, the rural sanitation coverage of India has increased significantly, from 39 per cent in October 2014 to over 92 per cent as of end of August 2018. The number of people practicing open defecation in rural India has gone down from 550 million in 2014, to less than 150 million today. Over 83.9 million household toilets have been constructed under the Swachh Bharat Mission. As a result, 19 States/Union Territories, 447 districts, and approximately 440,000 villages have declared themselves as free from open defecation.

India is on track to achieve open defecation free status by 2019
MORE LIES. Yesterday a journalist went to check and found villagers were claiming there were no toilets and STILL they defecate outside. :bad:

Many other services still unavailable. Modi government has been paying off UN workers to chant fake data in UN. Corruption.:omghaha:

This is the ground reality right here (April 27, 2019):

Want me to start posting "rape" news from pakistan ?
If it pleases you. Doesn't help your argument of denial tho. Pakistanis know about their problems but we don't suffer from a big ego unlike you guys who embarrass yourself without even realizing how silly you present yourselves. :-)

What India represents is the oldest civilization on the planet. The cradle of civilization rising up from its ashes. That is what the world sees.
LOL! The world only sees lynch mobs, gang-rapists, beggars, scammers (IRS, refund etc) and an open defecating population. The world only sees filth rising from the dust. :rolleyes1:
MORE LIES. Yesterday a journalist went to check and found villagers were claiming there were no toilets and STILL they defecate outside. :bad:

Many other services still unavailable. Modi government has been paying off UN workers to chant fake data in UN. Corruption.:omghaha:

This is the ground reality right here (April 27, 2019):

If it pleases you. Doesn't help your argument of denial tho. Pakistanis know about their problems but we don't suffer from a big ego unlike you guys who embarrass yourself without even realizing how silly you present yourselves. :-)

Have you listened to the interview ? These are people who have no ration card or Adhaar card so they do not exist in the system. They could very well be Nepali citizens who have moved to India to live.

Which is why Modi govt. is now initiating action for a National Register of Citizens (NRC). Once that is done, the facts on the ground will match those on official records.

Meanwhile there is no progress in pakistan.
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