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India Slips Further Behind China During First Five Years of Modi

The Western media has literally been on India's *** lately trying to tell us how far we are falling behind China and how we are losing the edge to Pakistan because of not spending enough on our military and a slow bureaucracy delaying military purchases.

Enough with these American military industrial complex funded articles man. Give us a break.
LOL! The world only sees lynch mobs, gang-rapists, beggars, scammers (IRS, refund etc) and an open defecating population. The world only sees filth rising from the dust. :rolleyes1:

lol.... you must be confusing PDF for the world :lol:

Typical frog in a well.
lol.... you must be confusing PDF for the world :lol:

Typical frog in a well.
What's the matter? Been reading too much rosey, self-gratifying news in Indian media?

This is the reality of last 5 years of Modi rule. BBC investigated last week:

Cow lynch mobs:


LOL at "BBC" :lol:

They have as much credibility as china's global times.
FACT REMAINS: Modi and you his "chowkidars" are bad news for India but good news for Pakistan and China. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

You're a fool for underestimating the BBC and France 24. :lol:
FACT REMAINS: Modi and you his "chowkidars" are bad news for India but good news for Pakistan and China. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

You're a fool for underestimating the BBC and France 24. :lol:

You mean the same two countries who's GDP we just beat last year to become No. 5 ? :cheesy:
You mean the same two countries who's GDP we just beat last year to become No. 5 ? :cheesy:
And still holding the title for filth, rapes, IRS scams, cheating, extremism, lynching and defecating. Yes, the same "No. 5" India. :haha::omghaha:
And still holding the title for filth, rapes, IRS scams, cheating, extremism, lynching and defecating. Yes, the same "No. 5" India. :haha::omghaha:

Have you listened to the interview ? These are people who have no ration card or Adhaar card so they do not exist in the system. They could very well be Nepali citizens who have moved to India to live.
They're your fellow Hindi speaking Indians, they belong in India. They've been treated like dirt by your government and local politicians. Very cheap and typical of you to discard them off as "Nepalese". :lol::lol::lol:

This is the reality in "No. 5" - super power - India, where you cannot even get your poor out of misery and filth. If you want to compete with China, think rationally, not with your inflated head and macho ego. :sarcastic:

I believe in giving people what they deserve, not what they demand. :agree:
Weak. :cheesy:
China’s opponents have never been India, but the United States.
Beyond the United States, once again becoming the world's number one power is China's destiny.
China’s opponents have never been India, but the United States.
Beyond the United States, once again becoming the world's number one power is China's destiny.
India is a nation of slaves and cowards, unfortunately. It's in their DNA to told what to do by powerful nations.

"This country, India, is the most cowardly on earth. Otherwise, how was it possible to make such a vast country a slave for hundreds of years? And to small races like the English - not even equal to a province! Five hundred million people being enslaved by thirty million people looks illogical. But whosoever came - Huns, Moghuls, Turks, the English - whosoever came, India was always ready to be a slave. Why so much cowardice?" -- Osho

In the meantime, China is hosting a wonderful grand Expo 2019 ceremony LIVE as I type this. What is India doing, lynching innocents? Most likely.

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