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India Slips Further Behind China During First Five Years of Modi

The RSS IT cell and Modi slaves are so penetrating through social media, such that average Northie Hindu is believing that India is rising; Apparently, it is not so. Hindu card is used to polarize Forward caste Hindus and they are all excited to see their new hero making India nearing their Golwalkarian dream of Hindu Ummah. Yes, the mentality is something similar to radical Musalman, who will want to capture whole world to enforce the rules as rigid as possible. North Indian Hindu is no different in their penchant for religious bigotry and craving for Hindu state.

That's it. You're an Idiot. with a capital I.

The RSS IT cell and Modi slaves are so penetrating through social media, such that average Northie Hindu is believing that India is rising; Apparently, it is not so. Hindu card is used to polarize Forward caste Hindus and they are all excited to see their new hero making India nearing their Golwalkarian dream of Hindu Ummah. Yes, the mentality is something similar to radical Musalman, who will want to capture whole world to enforce the rules as rigid as possible. North Indian Hindu is no different in their penchant for religious bigotry and craving for Hindu state.

begaani shaadi mein abdullah diwana...
Another desperate attempt at DEFLECTION.

Pathetic. This is what the chinese are famous for. Lies and Deflection, anything to hide the truth. You lot even have a universal nick name. "50 cent army" that captures the essence of chinese posters. If that is not mockery, then I don't know what is.

This thread is about Indian economy under Modi.

Open a new thread if you want to discussing pakistani F16 or "toilet" or "rape" or "Train" or "Caste" or "high iq".
oh bhai leave them . when you start debating they start crying , and jump the goal post easily , and then cry out loud , call others for help and then again cry and then call the mods . :(
oh bhai leave them . when you start debating they start crying , and jump the goal post easily , and then cry out loud , call others for help and then again cry and then call the mods . :(
haha, thats actually Indian strategy.

you guys started crying about Balakot, then cry about f16, then call big daddy USA and say "but but but Pakistan used F16:cry:"

Also, still waiting for Super Power India 2020
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