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India Slips Further Behind China During First Five Years of Modi

We are importing goods from China and helping you earn.

while Pakistan is using your money and may or may not repay you

you are spitting on a hand that is helping you.

lets wait and watch, time will tell that who is a useless bum :omghaha:
Lol.. Pakistan allow us to ship goods thru gawadar and facilitate our trade which help us brings in money and they support many of our foreign policy.

You india is just a small trade partner to China compare to even a small South Korea. Not having India as trade partner wouldnt hurt us too much. But having an trouble maker neighbour who give us problem for our foreign policy is annoying.
Here is the Proof that India has fallen "Behind" china :lol: (Under Modi)


Here is further proof of India falling under Modi :cheesy:

GDP, 2019. ($ trillion)

1. US: 21.34 trillion $
2. China: 14.22 trillion $
3. Japan: 5.18 trillion $
4. Germany: 3.96 trillion $
5. India: 2.97 trillion $
6. UK: 2.83 trillion $
7. France: 2.76 trillion $
8. Italy: 2.03 trillion $

Here is your Installed & Selected Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan opining just a few years ago: Only the rich, endowed should do politics. The hungry, naked, poor would obviously do corruption.

You are so lucky to have him as your PM. :agree:
What do you feel in reality other than those numbers on paper?
Here is the Proof that India has fallen "Behind" china :lol: (Under Modi)


Here is further proof of India falling under Modi :cheesy:

GDP, 2019. ($ trillion)

1. US: 21.34 trillion $
2. China: 14.22 trillion $
3. Japan: 5.18 trillion $
4. Germany: 3.96 trillion $
5. India: 2.97 trillion $
6. UK: 2.83 trillion $
7. France: 2.76 trillion $
8. Italy: 2.03 trillion $

Here is your Installed & Selected Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan opining just a few years ago: Only the rich, endowed should do politics. The hungry, naked, poor would obviously do corruption.

You are so lucky to have him as your PM. :agree:

Of cos india is growing.... By manipulating data. It's so easy but a hard fall for reality.

This report is by IMF and not some Pakistan or China reported.

How many high speed rail is build? Zero.
Putting a fake semi- high speed train on old existing rail trying to fool the masses about India infrastructure growth and progress. Is ganga river clean up? It's even more dirty than 5 years ago. Has slum been reduced? No, Mumbai slum in fact is getting bigger and more crowded. You ask any foreigner who visit India, they will say nothing has changed and it's still the same old India. Worst is, India get humiliated by much smaller Pakistan on 27th Feb LOC. Lol...

It's armed forces is even less capable than 5 years ago as less India flyable aircraft. Aircraft carrier looks nice but recently caught fire and killed an officer. Is this the so called miracle India under modi? :rofl:
You india is just a small trade partner to China compare to even a small South Korea.
Why act like a bum, compare your trade between Pakistan and India :lol:
What do you feel in reality other than those numbers on paper?

What do I "Feel" ? :cheesy:

I was not aware that Economics was about "feeling" :lol:

I would rather stick to FACTS and Statistics.

But if you really want me to "Feel", tell me how should the pakistanis "Feel" when their "iron brother" sidelines their PM in a group photo ?

I can see Russian president standing next to your President. Why is u'r "iron brother" PM who was received by a municipal deputy head made to stand in a corner ?



Of cos india is growing.... By manipulating data. It's so easy but a hard fall for reality.

This report is by IMF and not some Pakistan or China reported.

How many high speed rail is build? Zero.
Putting a fake semi- high speed train on old existing rail trying to fool the masses about India infrastructure growth and progress. Is ganga river clean up? It's even more dirty than 5 years ago. Has slum been reduced? No, Mumbai slum in fact is getting bigger and more crowded. You ask any foreigner who visit India, they will say nothing has changed and it's still the same old India. Worst is, India get humiliated by much smaller Pakistan on 27th Feb LOC. Lol...

It's armed forces is even less capable than 5 years ago as less India flyable aircraft. Aircraft carrier looks nice but recently caught fire and killed an officer. Is this the so called miracle India under modi? :rofl:

Manipulating data is what china is famous for.

You live in a closed society under an authoritarian one party rule with a president for life.

Manipulating data and truth is what your govt. "HAVE" to do to maintain public order.

We don't have such compulsions. We have an Open democratic system with regular Audit by CAG and PAC and regular scrutiny by Media.

Deflection by talking about "rape', "toilet", "slum" or even "train" and "AC" will not work anymore. It just makes you look desperate.
What do I "Feel" ? :cheesy:

I was not aware that Economics was about "feeling" :lol:

I would rather stick to FACTS and Statistics.

But if you really want me to "Feel", tell me how should the pakistanis "Feel" when their "iron brother" sidelines their PM in a group photo ?

I can see Russian president standing next to your President. Why is u'r "iron brother" PM who was received by a municipal deputy head made to stand in a corner ?


Manipulating data is what china is famous for.

You live in a closed society under an authoritarian one party rule with a president for life.

Manipulating data and truth is what your govt. "HAVE" to do to maintain public order.

We don't have such compulsions. We have an Open democratic system with regular Audit by CAG and PAC and regular scrutiny by Media.

Deflection by talking about "rape', "toilet", "slum" or even "train" and "AC" will not work anymore. It just makes you look desperate.

I have genuine link and report to back my words while u? Is all fart. Counter claim and cant even produce a genuine of proof. Typical low life indian tactics. But I dont blame you since Indian is world famous for telling lies and make a mockery of themselves. :enjoy:



I like this kind of waiting attitude of Indians, everyday they just wait for good things happen to them and bad things happen to others, and they keep on waiting.
Instead of doing something, their best strategy is to talk and hope for China to fail. Gr8 Indian mind at work again. Just like they think staying idle is the best strategy....lol
I have genuine link and report to back my words while u? Is all fart. Counter claim and cant even produce a genuine of proof. Typical low life indian tactics. But I dont blame you since Indian is world famous for telling lies and make a mockery of themselves. :enjoy:



Another desperate attempt at DEFLECTION.

Pathetic. This is what the chinese are famous for. Lies and Deflection, anything to hide the truth. You lot even have a universal nick name. "50 cent army" that captures the essence of chinese posters. If that is not mockery, then I don't know what is.

This thread is about Indian economy under Modi.

Open a new thread if you want to discussing pakistani F16 or "toilet" or "rape" or "Train" or "Caste" or "high iq".
You can call an animal an animal, there is nothing wrong with that.
Why are you getting so butthurt over it?
Stay away from our internal issues, is it that hard for you? Or you dont have anything to do? :smokin:
Another desperate attempt at DEFLECTION.

Pathetic. This is what the chinese are famous for. Lies and Deflection, anything to hide the truth. You lot even have a universal nick name. "50 cent army" that captures the essence of chinese posters. If that is not mockery, then I don't know what is.

This thread is about Indian economy under Modi.

Open a new thread if you want to discussing pakistani F16 or "toilet" or "rape" or "Train" or "Caste" or "high iq".
Name calling of 50 cent army. Moderator, please take care of these pest. @waz @The Eagle
We are importing goods from China and helping you earn.

while Pakistan is using your money and may or may not repay you

you are spitting on a hand that is helping you.

lets wait and watch, time will tell that who is a useless bum :omghaha:
Thanks for spending your money in China because China is reinvesting your money into BRI + CPEC. Your generousity is funding Pakistan's and other countries' infrastructure. Thank you, India. :partay::omghaha:
Name calling of 50 cent army. Moderator, please take care of these pest. @waz @The Eagle

There was no name calling. I was reporting a stated fact that world over chinese posters are known as "50 cent army".

There is even a Wikipedia page in your honor.



https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=50 Cent Army

50 Cent Army
Internet commentators hired, to sway public opinion in favor of the Chinese Communist Party, by Chinese Communist Party Members.

So chinese posters who claim that Indian posters are "mocked", might want to re-look at their own global image.
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