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India signs deal for Harpoon Block II missiles with US

On topic, is there any chance that Nirbhay can be developed into anti shipping role?
ALCM Nirbhay is a done deal, modifying it for anti shipping role may give us a cheaper subsonic CM with a longer range!
But admiral, we are going to send cowboys armed with pistols in banana boats to destroy your navy. That is our real plan!:woot:

check out this chinese made super stealthy banana boat aquired by us


Quick Gun Murugan- Leader of the cowboy naval assault team!


That brahmos and harpoon s**t is just a diversion ; you know!:cheesy:

Oh! But I've leaked a state secret on a public forum!:eek:

hahahhahahahhah well said yaaaar anyway im sure indian will come great guns for sure but let you know in war both countries will fight till last drop of blood onlt luck we see whi it favours to win the war
.........I thnk its a great choice...harpoon for jaguar......And yes we will also have BRAHMOS for sukhois......
hahahhahahahhah well said yaaaar anyway im sure indian will come great guns for sure but let you know in war both countries will fight till last drop of blood onlt luck we see whi it favours to win the war

Why so worried abt Harpoon's induction yaar.. Why to fight now in thread. Better pray there is no war between any countries. Lets stick to the topic.

Its good choice for Jaguar as Sea Eagle is getting obselete by this time and Harpoon is lighter as well as cost effective solution also from Air to Sea attack.
Only advantage is "MADE IN USA" tag.

On a serious note this is sleeker and can be carried on medium sized planes as well but Brahmos needs a LORRY like MKI to carry it..
But again the carnage Brahmos will bring to the bad guys will be many times to that done by a HARPOON..

Feel Free to Disagree

there is one more disadvantage of the harpoon...its subsonic...although the block 2 version has improved resistance against Electronic counter measures it can still be intercepted by credible missile defense systems (frigate or destroyer based).......brahmos is supersonic.....and liquid fueled ramjet propelled
.....and also the block 2 version has guiding systems on par with block 2 harpoon.....
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