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India shows off the MKI that Pakistan claimed to have shot down. True?

What Indians do is all hocus pocus and not just the regular Indians but their officials too, such childish attitude and lack of professionalism they show. They make their fun in front of the world by shooting the arrow in the air without any logical and genuine proofs all they try to do is please their own people and make them believe that India is a great nation.:guns::laughcry:
You bharatis actually realize how bogus and stupid this "proof" by IAF is?

Any MKI can be called "avenger". How can you say for sure that it is exactly the same MKi that was hit on 27 Feb 2019?

"Out of the air" LOL

IAF and its fanboys are touching new lows just to cover up what happened on 27 February 2019
True azim sahab [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]
The 3 parachutes all belonged to MiG-21:

1 Pilot parachute
2 ejection seat drogue parachute
3 brake parachute which broke from jet due to missile hit in tail.

Finally your second video is fake as here is the original where he says opposite.
fake? you mean i dubbed it for you? come on dude.. it clearly says that one SU 30 is downed by PAF.. and the video you showed claims SU 30 downing F16 ... while your govt says it was MiG 21 ... a claim that has been debunked like zillion times all over
your assertion about parachutes may be true ... no arguments on it... anyways SU30 fell on IoK so that makes sense too..

Bro 3 parachutes coming down strengthens bringing down of F16 and not SU30.

I repeat, there is still no concrete evidence of either the SU30 or F16 coming down as claimed by respective parties.

But strong circumstantial evidence supports downing of F16 than a SU30 which includes the video shared by you.
dude there is no question about downing F16 after PAF showed all four INTACT missiles of MiG21..
At a minimum proven - Indian losses 2, Pakistani losses 0.

Anything else, show solid proof. Not silly self-assigned callsigns. This is the height of idiocy.
PAF came did their job and moved on however for IAF like Bollywood old films the saga continues of self denial. If that makes them happy its not a bad thing for us as fact remains we gave them a wake up call from the illusion they are living in for a 2 front war and being a super power.
As far as PAF nothing changes and we should be prepared for another Modi moves.
Keep your street poop to yourself.

At least you admit that no F16 was shot down.

Pakistan is still saying it shot down an Su30.
India has lied every step of the way, Pakistan has not.

Proving my point. it's good for PAF as long as people believe their version

Same for IAF with Indians believing their version.

No one believes your fairy tale. Not a single nation.
Check out the world media. Everyone is citing Pakistani "version" and only saying "India claims..." and then adding that India has no proof.

It's hard to think sometimes when you have not had some Fantastik Tea :toast_sign:
Keep your street poop to yourself.

At least you admit that no F16 was shot down.

Pakistan is still saying it shot down an Su30.
India has lied every step of the way, Pakistan has not.

You are the only one pooping from your mouth right now.

I personally don't consider the F-16 kill because there is not sufficient proof just like there is no proof of Su-30 kill.
Officially India still claims the F 16 kill.

Btw, Pakistan is yet to explain what was the reason for the first claim by Pakistan that there were two Indian pilots in its custody which was later changed to one. Where is the other pilot. ( I can see an insult coming since you are incapable on answering this with logic).

You are the only one pooping from your mouth right now.

I personally don't consider the F-16 kill because there is not sufficient proof just like there is no proof of Su-30 kill.
Officially India still claims the F 16 kill.

Btw, Pakistan is yet to explain what was the reason for the first claim by Pakistan that there were two Indian pilots in its custody which was later changed to one. Where is the other pilot. ( I can see an insult coming since you are incapable on answering this with logic).

Before trying to change our minds, first try out your luck on your bharti forum instead. Get your own countrymen to agree and maybe we will listen to your logic and personal opinions
You are the only one pooping from your mouth right now.

I personally don't consider the F-16 kill because there is not sufficient proof just like there is no proof of Su-30 kill.
Officially India still claims the F 16 kill.

Btw, Pakistan is yet to explain what was the reason for the first claim by Pakistan that there were two Indian pilots in its custody which was later changed to one. Where is the other pilot. ( I can see an insult coming since you are incapable on answering this with logic).


There are humongous gaps in Pak narrative of 27th Feb events. 2nd missing pilot is a known big boo boo.

One another aspect which has not been widely discussed is initial claim of Pak of 2 confirmed kills and a 3rd probable kill. Yes 3 kills.

Then the narrative changed to one confirmed kill and one other probable kill leaving out the 2nd confirmed kill.

Then they finally firmed up on one confirmed kill and converted the probable kill to 2nd confirmed kill of SU30 without any supporting evidence.
There are humongous gaps in Pak narrative of 27th Feb events. 2nd missing pilot is a known big boo boo.

One another aspect which has not been widely discussed is initial claim of Pak of 2 confirmed kills and a 3rd probable kill. Yes 3 kills.

Then the narrative changed to one confirmed kill and one other probable kill leaving out the 2nd confirmed kill.

Then they finally firmed up on one confirmed kill and converted the probable kill to 2nd confirmed kill of SU30 without any supporting evidence.

you know what? keep doing this and it works well. this trolling and Haseeb Piracha with a hail marry clipping which kill one Indian narrative.
we will come up with more to present for sure.
You are the only one pooping from your mouth right now.

I personally don't consider the F-16 kill because there is not sufficient proof just like there is no proof of Su-30 kill.
Officially India still claims the F 16 kill.

Btw, Pakistan is yet to explain what was the reason for the first claim by Pakistan that there were two Indian pilots in its custody which was later changed to one. Where is the other pilot. ( I can see an insult coming since you are incapable on answering this with logic).


Indian talking about poop of others :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I just hope you don't get lynched for shitting in the streets like those untouchable kids.

And at least you are sensible enough to admit that you were lied to by your government.

and look, the monkey saw the insults coming, but didn't see the butt whooping coming on feb 27 :rofl:

And what logic? You people lied, lied and lied again.

Why waste my time and energy with liers?
The world media is printing Pakistani side and openly saying Indian side has no evidence (ie lied).

you know what? keep doing this and it works well. this trolling and Haseeb Piracha with a hail marry clipping which kill one Indian narrative.
we will come up with more to present for sure.
leave them, they are desperately trying to clutch at anything to give them any sort of dignity.
What they don't realize is that they are Indians and thus never had any dignity to begin with.

In the fog of war many things happen and there are a lot of crossed wires. Pakistan corrected the record after everything settled down.

But these gangus made an entire TV show on how IK moved his feet during a sitting with Trump, you think they will let this go?

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