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India shows image of martyred Kashmiri Army officer at UN, says Pakistan's 'true face not hidden fro


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom

these farigs from mother terror should be given some job.......doesn't US have any call centers? ops sorry all the low cost donkey work has been shifted to India and other poor African countries big achievement as sushma fart in her earlier UN fetish speech:enjoy:
Pakistan wasted a golden opportunity and gave India the chance to derail the process of showing the plight of Kashmiris by holding up a non related picture.

Pata nahi kiya hua hai is qaum ko, zyada chappatiya kha kha ke atay ke demagh hogai hai lagta hai. Was it really really hard to find a picture of a Kashmiri victim?
its good as India says that photo belongs to a palesteian girl.. so now India accuses its ally isreal of atrocities...
courtesy #Pakistan Affairs
Pakistanis calling kashmiris rapist is the cherry on top.

Hope this sentiments reach the ground level.
not Kashmiris but few indian puppet Kashmiris in police and merely two dozen in indian army.
nobody knows who kidnapped and killed this Lt fayaz. this preparators can be Indian army or RSS people who want to create rift among Kashmiris.
So, India accepts unrest in Occupied Kashmir.
And they are hurdle in way of freedom fighters?

Pakistanis calling kashmiris rapist is the cherry on top.

Hope this sentiments reach the ground level.
Sorry, Pakistan said India is rape Capital of world.
Not Kashmiris
not Kashmiris but few indian puppet Kashmiris in police and merely two dozen in indian army.
nobody knows who kidnapped and killed this Lt fayaz. this preparators can be Indian army or RSS people who want to create rift among Kashmiris.
You will be very disappointed to know that there is a lot of so called traitors in Kashmir. May be an entire village or district full of them.

And not even in the wildest dream will an RSS member have desire go to Kashmiri and kidnap a serving Lieutenant in Indian army, it's just your conspiracy theory.

Since you said, these guys are traitors, unsurprisingly the terrorist have the same mentality like you, i.e those who oppose their cause are traitors. Hence they took action. Killed Fayaz. Even the Kashmiri police men are sometimes under threat of terrorists. Still, wonder why they join to fight those terrorists? :coffee:
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