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India should stop testing patience of Pakistan Army: Pervez Musharraf

if you continue pursuing current path, you may be able to hold the part of Kashmir what you have but will give birth to many new Bangladesh.
Pakistan army gained strategic points, Indians loss many men and realized their ineptitude of intelligence. It was a victory.
Yeah it did and it was a agreed practice to climb down from those points due to the weather conditions. How do you call it a victory when anyone would call it a backstab and cowardly manoeuvre?
Obviously Indian army has not provoked Pakistan ever since, because they realize we can do major damage. It is best that Indians forget their RSS compatriots, and try to engage in peaceful dialogs with Pakistanis. We are not unreasonable people. Once we get Kashmir Valley, we will have no issues with India.

Why do we need to provoke an already disintegrating Pakistan? Its beyond logic for anyone to think that it will be fruitful, maybe only Pakistanis are capable(retarted) to think this way.

With the thinking above you call yourself reasonable :lol:

Why do you want our Kashmir, to gift it to China? Age badho baba..
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Musharraf is a very smart man. I don't understand how you can justify calling him a clown.
You 're banging your head against a wall.
How can you call kargil episode smart which lead to death of hundreds of soldiers, lost the Kashmir issue. Not possible for a smart man to do this.

It's really ironic when a Pakistani idealize a person (Musharraf) who is synonym for treachery and failures. These type of words coming out from person facing treason charges holds no credibility.

- He headed SSG - landed as a POW in India
- Headed Army - Over thrown the Govt. elected by Pakistani Awam against mandate
- Started - Kargil - brought disgrace martyrs of PA and successfully labeled Pakistan as terror supporting country
- Headed Country - Traded Pakistani lives (Brought Drone) for money, Sold country to terrorists, Molested country by providing shelter to OBL

Shame Shame!! May Allah provide wisdom to Pakistani Awam to see and walk in righteous path, Amen!!
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View attachment 109397

KARACHI: Pakistan's former president and military ruler General Pervez Musharraf has sought to blame India for ceasefire violations along the Line of Control, saying it should stop testing the "patience and resolve" of Pakistani army.

Musharraf, who is facing a treason case in the Supreme Court, said, "Regular ceasefire violations on the LoC by the Indians is not good for the region and is deplorable."

"I think India should stop testing the patience and resolve of the Pakistani army," he said on Express News.

Relations between the two countries have been tense in recent times due to repeated ceasefire violations along the LoC for which both governments blame each other.

According to India's border guarding force BSF, firing by Pakistani troops along International Border (IB) in the past two months was possibly the "heaviest" since the 1971 war.

An Indian villager stands next to mortar shell marks on the wall of her residence in Devigarh Village in Arnia sector near the India-Pakistan border, 45 kilometers (28 miles) from Jammu. (AP Photo)
On the anti-government protests led by opposition leader Imran Khan and firebrand cleric Tahirul Qadri, Musharraf said, "The present governance, political and elections system in Pakistan have become redundant."

"I think it is now clear that all political parties have to sit together so that a consensus national government can be formed and fresh elections be held," Musharraf, who heads All Pakistan Muslim League party said.

The former military ruler said "changes are now a foregone conclusion" in Pakistan and the political and electoral system had to be changed for the better future of the country

India should stop testing patience of Pakistan army: Pervez Musharraf - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
Musharraf who??

Mushy tried to earn another brownie point with that statement. :lol: Just like the Pakistani PM Mr.Nawaz "Sharif" who when did not 've much to talk about at the UN, brought in Kasmir to gain sympathy and support of his ppl. :lol:

May Allah provide wisdom to Pakistani Awam to see and walk in righteous path, Amen!!
Need of the hour!!

I hope someday they elect a representative who doesn't manipulate their emotions....Kashmir emotions more specifically.
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View attachment 109397

KARACHI: Pakistan's former president and military ruler General Pervez Musharraf has sought to blame India for ceasefire violations along the Line of Control, saying it should stop testing the "patience and resolve" of Pakistani army.

Musharraf, who is facing a treason case in the Supreme Court, said, "Regular ceasefire violations on the LoC by the Indians is not good for the region and is deplorable."

"I think India should stop testing the patience and resolve of the Pakistani army," he said on Express News.

Relations between the two countries have been tense in recent times due to repeated ceasefire violations along the LoC for which both governments blame each other.

According to India's border guarding force BSF, firing by Pakistani troops along International Border (IB) in the past two months was possibly the "heaviest" since the 1971 war.

An Indian villager stands next to mortar shell marks on the wall of her residence in Devigarh Village in Arnia sector near the India-Pakistan border, 45 kilometers (28 miles) from Jammu. (AP Photo)
On the anti-government protests led by opposition leader Imran Khan and firebrand cleric Tahirul Qadri, Musharraf said, "The present governance, political and elections system in Pakistan have become redundant."

"I think it is now clear that all political parties have to sit together so that a consensus national government can be formed and fresh elections be held," Musharraf, who heads All Pakistan Muslim League party said.

The former military ruler said "changes are now a foregone conclusion" in Pakistan and the political and electoral system had to be changed for the better future of the country

India should stop testing patience of Pakistan army: Pervez Musharraf - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
Ok. otherwise ?

Bodies of northern light infantry are still waiting for proper burial on those STRATEGIC POINTS you vacated voluntarily.
yes we provoke each other. Agreed
We are not unreasonable people either but Once we get rest of Kashmir Valley, we will still have issues with Pakistan.

Come and get it then. We took half of Kashmir, and we will also take the rest.[/quote]
How exactly ?

Pakistan army gained strategic points, Indians loss many men and realized their ineptitude of intelligence. It was a victory. Obviously Indian army has not provoked Pakistan ever since, because they realize we can do major damage. It is best that Indians forget their RSS compatriots, and try to engage in peaceful dialogs with Pakistanis. We are not unreasonable people. Once we get Kashmir Valley, we will have no issues with India.
Ok only statements. But how exactly ?
I just demand Equal treatment to boys & girls over here, why should mods go soft on Girls?

I who is such a Great Poster has received 11 negative ratings & YOU such a PATHETIC poster, receive 8 positive & no negative rating??? :cray:

Oh, How could I forget that both @nair & @scorpionx (TTA) are in your SICKULAR camp :angry:
If you didn't realise Somebody just deleted my posts on this thread.
And let's stop postings OTs. :)
This General who was born in India has become a political nuisance in the Pakistani establishment.Nothing more than a political
idiot.Best to ignore him
Pakistan army gained strategic points, Indians loss many men and realized their ineptitude of intelligence. It was a victory. Obviously Indian army has not provoked Pakistan ever since, because they realize we can do major damage. It is best that Indians forget their RSS compatriots, and try to engage in peaceful dialogs with Pakistanis. We are not unreasonable people. Once we get Kashmir Valley, we will have no issues with India.
All pakistan gained was baba ji ka thullu.
Musharaf is trying to make himself politically relevant in Pakistan and the best way to get respect in Pakistan is to bash India, raise Kashmir issue and support Army...So he is just following the protocol..
Well china already tried it dozens of times and what do you all do :D
we did nothing, surely your mighty army can snatch away Kashmir from our incompetent one. I wonder what is stopping them from doing what China did.
Come and get it then. We took half of Kashmir, and we will also take the rest

Your effort had ended in Loosing of Half Pakistan in 1971. Try once more. You might loose Baluchistan or sindh. You are most well to try. We have a very strong government at center to deal firmly with people like you.
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