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India should settle Kashmir dispute or attack Pakistan: Ex ISI chief Hameed Gul

He's right, if India doesn't respond the issue, war is the only way. Only foolish Indians think there can be a winner in a nuclear war, as for us, we don't mind going down as long as we take them with us

Its sad when educated people this this way.

See this :

1 India did not respond for 17 years -from 1948 till 1965 . The 65 war happened , did it solve anything ?

2. India did not respond for the next 6 years. The 71 war happened, did it solve the J&K issue from the Pak POV ?

3. India again didnt respond for the next 28 years - Kargil happened. What was solved.

4. India has not responded for the next 16 years too, What next ??

There never are winners in a war, only losers on both sides.

As regards going down, you are welcome to go down . In anycase thats the only direction Pak is moving towards one way or another.

Taking India along is not an option, stop thinking Nukes for Gods sake - they get neutralised.

Think sanely , do a SWOT analysis , arrive at what you have gained & lost over the last 68 years.

The answer will be evident.
My simple question when all or overall people in Pakistan don't want unnecessary war why your army is up in arms to start one ? What your army is doing is internationally culpable and an Act of War .

Something is seriously wrong inside Pakistan establishment

No one wants war here, everyone wants peace .. but sentiments of general population of Pakistan about Kashmir are pretty high IMO, that can't be ignored .

and if you're talking about firing on the LOC etc. then both sides are culprits of it , its pretty naive to blame 1 side .

I don't think PA wats war at this point, when its already fighting against terrorists on so many fronts... neither can we afford it tbh .
Dont act silly now, you're depriving a nation from their basic right i.e Right of self determination, then don't blame us when you face backlash from the people of the valley .

Why don't give freedom to Karachi sindh balochistan
Dont act silly now, you're depriving a nation from their basic right i.e Right of self determination, then don't blame us when you face backlash from the people of the valley .

Your ex generals want war with India and we r being silly?
I stand by what i said India might hold a referendum on the kashmir issue but y just kashmiris get to vote? Are other citizens don't have the right to decide its fate since its under our occupation since our independence ?
Why don't give freedom to Karachi sindh balochistan

Cause they're parts of Pakistan (Officially) and not disputed and hardly anyone's asking for freedom there, most of the trouble is politically motivated anyway .

You can't compare Kashmir with any separatist movement in Pakistan .
Dont act silly now, you're depriving a nation from their basic right i.e Right of self determination, then don't blame us when you face backlash from the people of the valley .

Would you say same thing for people of Baluchistan. If not, then you are a hypocrite.
Your ex generals want war with India and we r being silly?
I stand by what i said India might hold a referendum on the kashmir issue but y just kashmiris get to vote? Are other citizens don't have the right to decide its fate since its under our occupation since our independence ?

Pakistan doesn't want war, neither can it afford one. We are already fighting war on Afghanistan, Balochistan front.

Opening a direct front on Indian side would be suicidal .

We might support the freedom struggle in kashmir, directly or indirectly and that's about it ..

Some ex generals do not represent the whole Establishment of Pak army .
he also said break all relationships with America, don't repay any loans pak has taken etc.

Funny thing is that this Clown bad-mouths the Amreekis so much ; after having skimmed and scammed them hugely during the days of the "Afghan Holy War". Most of his paisa came from that; apart from 'consultancy-fees' for advising Bin Laden and other "Holy Warriors"
Kashmir issue needs to be resolved for peace b/w India and Pakistan .
We will never accept LOC as IB unless the dispute of Kashmir is resolved .

Ask the people of Kashmir whom they'd want to be with India or Pakistan.. and you'll get your answer .

Hmm Okay :)

What do you think, according to you should be the conditions put forward by Pakistan ?

Let's hear you out.
Would you say same thing for people of Baluchistan. If not, then you are a hypocrite.

You don't know nothing about Balochistan, most of the population in Balochistan is Pashtoon dominated and all are patriotic Pakistanis.

in the interior parts Balochistan, the population is Baloch dominated then again there is divide among Baloch people in different tribes etc. most of the Baloch tribes are already on Pakistan side, while some are separatists .

So you're highly ignorant to generalize the people of Balochistan as its a very diverse province and some parts of Balochistan are also in Iran and Afghanistan .
When Zaid Hamid rides horse with AK 47, when Hamid Gul goes hunting with Charra rifle etc., they suddenly become very cocky :lol:


Arrey yaar; Lal-Topi's White Mule is nuclear-propelled while Gul Bul's Charra-Wala Bandook fires Nuclear Projectiles.
Aisey-waisey log thode hi hain yeh.......yeh toh Atmi-Bum waale hain.
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Hmm Okay :)

What do you think, according to you should be the conditions put forward by Pakistan ?

Let's hear you out.

Probably a solution where resolving the Kashmir issue according to the aspirations of Kashmiri people .
Probably a solution where resolving the Kashmir issue according to the aspirations of Kashmiri people .

That's not a direct answer.

There is an ongoing conflict between India and Pakistan regarding Kashmir and as a Pakistani I can expect that you know and will be able to tell us what is your and your country's stand on that, right ? There is no scope for ambiguity here.

If it is question of aspirations of Kashmiris then why will India even consider talking to Pakistan for that ? Isn't it ?
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