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India should have annexed Bangladesh: Assam BJP MLA

Assam that we know of today did not exist back then. Fall of the Kamarupa empire lead to the rise of many small kingdoms like the Chutiya and the Kachari kingdoms in the north and South bank of the Brahmaputra, the Koch kingdom to the west and the Baro-Bhuyans in the middle bordering the Ahoms to the east. The Ahoms and the Koch gradually consolidated territories while the other kingdoms diminished in stature, the Koch kingdom was though, a vassal state of the Mughals.

The western border of the Ahom kingdom extended upto the river Manas and the area beyond the southern boundary was under the occupation of Jaintia, Khasi and Garo tribes. Though I may be wrong about this, but the Ahom kingdom never included Mymensingh.

Also, I hope you know that the Rangpur that you have quoted is a part of the present day Sibsagar town, the seat of power of then Ahoms and not the district in Bangladesh! As I have already said, the Ahoms were not expansionists unlike the Sultanate and Mughals, they fought to defend their territories.
No, I did not know about that Rangpur. By reading some of these posts, I can see how an educated and knowledgeable person you are! Most people do not like history only because they cannot just keep the events and chronicles in their small capacity memory. But, why do you have to do all the bickering in many of your posts? Why do you have to waste your time like many of us? Better make positive contributions. @Joe Shearer does sometimes.
No, I did not know about that Rangpur. By reading some of these posts, I can see how an educated and knowledgeable person you are! Most people do not like history only because they cannot just keep the events and chronicles in their small capacity memory. But, why do you have to do all the bickering in many of your posts? Why do you have to waste your time like many of us? Better make positive contributions. @Joe Shearer does sometimes.
You are the only one whining here, the entire premise of your argument fell flat once you claimed that the Ahom kingdom consisted of parts of present day Bangladesh and West Bengal, all I did was to point it out to you. I,too, can quote pages upon pages from our Assamese history books but I doubt it will make any difference to your headstrong self.

I have been here on PDF only for a short time but I have the utmost respect for Joe. We may disagree on some minor bits but most of the time we are in resonance. So don't go lecturing me on that. Truth be told, both of our countrymen have much to learn from such individuals.
No, I did not know about that Rangpur. By reading some of these posts, I can see how an educated and knowledgeable person you are! Most people do not like history only because they cannot just keep the events and chronicles in their small capacity memory. But, why do you have to do all the bickering in many of your posts? Why do you have to waste your time like many of us? Better make positive contributions. @Joe Shearer does sometimes.

Sometimes? :(:(:(
You are the only one whining here, the entire premise of your argument fell flat once you claimed that the Ahom kingdom consisted of parts of present day Bangladesh and West Bengal, all I did was to point it out to you. I,too, can quote pages upon pages from our Assamese history books but I doubt it will make any difference to your headstrong self.
What a marvelous style of using words and idioms!! if you think you are the only knowledgeable historian, then send page after page so that you can share with many ignorant like us. You are devoid of the meaning of the word, reciprocity, unfortunately. Now, prove your points in writing to prove others wrong. But, read Buranji minutely before you vomit your ignorance.
What a marvelous style of using words and idioms!! if you think you are the only knowledgeable historian, then send page after page so that you can share with many ignorant like us. You are devoid of the meaning of the word, reciprocity, unfortunately. Now, prove your points in writing to prove others wrong. But, read Buranji minutely before you vomit your ignorance.
Please don't tell me that you have read the Buranjis as well, is that the reason you are always edgy. :rofl:

Mymensingh, Rangpur... What else did the Ahoms occupy??

If you gentlemen please both calm down, we are on the verge of an interesting discussion. I am about to rush out on some urgent work; it is my hope that all will be well between Bangal and Bangal by the time I return in the evening. :enjoy:


Would you join please? I have two points to make about your thumbnail sketch, but only in the evening. Meanwhile some good information is flowing out to sea.
Please don't tell me that you have read the Buranjis as well, is that the reason you are always edgy. :rofl:

Mymensingh, Rangpur... What else did the Ahoms occupy??
Many parts of today's BD were once part of Assam irrespective of what were its historical names. There were several battles for many centuries whereby Bengal troops invaded the so-called Assam and settled its people. Read Buranji to know that it started from 1205, and that the western Assam has too many Muslims lies with this fact. Muslims from Bengal have been living there for centuries because of these wars, and they will break that Province into at least two. Read history and then you can assess the future.
Muslims from Bengal have been living there for centuries because of these wars
When did I ever deny that Muslims weren't living in Assam since the 12th century. Bengali Muslims or Mia as they are colloquially referred to are not the only Muslim groups in Assam, there are others like Goria, Moria etc.

This discussion is not about Assam vs BD, had it been so I wouldn't have bothered to reply. Ahom kingdom vs Mughals and their vassals has been the core point of debate to start with and you had claimed that Mymensingh was a part of the Ahom kingdom to which I raised my objection. Eta te kharap paowar ki chilo, bhodro bhabeo to alochona kora jeto. Anyway, let it be, I do not harbour any ill feelings towards you people, maybe some of the Assamese folks do.

"King Chakradhawaj Singha.... shouted out from his throne--"Death is preferable to a life of subordination to foreigners. I have to surrender my independence for a suit of sewn garments!"

".....adopt measures for expelling Mughals from Western Assam, adding--"My ancestors were never subordinate to any other people; and I for myself cannot remain under the vassalage of any foreign power. I am a descendant of the Heavenly King and how can I pay tribute to the wretched foreigners."

"King Chakradhwaj Singha...On receiving the news of victory the king cried out--"It is now that I can eat my morsel of food with ease and pleasure"

...he wrote to Raja Prana Narayan of Koch Behar, "You know for yourself all about the manner in which we repeatedly dealt heavy blows upon the Mughals. If God has inflicted on us a reverse on this occasion, does it imply that we shall be subjected to discomfiture a second time?"
@Bharotiyo_Bangal, you have a very shallow knowledge on the history of Kamrupa-Assam. That is why you are giving reference to the folklore, which are not supposed to be the sources of history. Even you do not know that the present day eastern Assam was the Assam in older days and the western Assam was known as Kamrupa.

"Sultan Mughisuddin of Gaud, after capturing Lakhnawati, Bihar and Oudh in 1255 and being confident of his own strength, thought of adding a fourth province, the country of Kamrupa, to his own kingdom. So he started an expedition for the conquest of Kamrupa at the beginning of 1257 A.D. Kamrupa, at that time, included the districts of modem Kamrup, Goalpara, Koch-Bihar, Jalpaiguri, Rangpur and some portions of Mymensingh".

So, Rangpur and Mymensingh were part of Kamrupa/Assam in the old days contrary to what you have been telling. Another Rangpur you are telling is at the north-east of our Sylhet and in Assam. This Rangpur is not related to the invasion by Bengal and is not part of the present discussion. So, please read many hundred old history books instead of depending on the Primary School ones, and come to discuss.
So, Rangpur and Mymensingh were part of Kamrupa/Assam in the old days contrary to what you have been telling. Another Rangpur you are telling is at the north-east of our Sylhet and in Assam. This Rangpur is not related to the invasion by Bengal and is not part of the present discussion.
Which part of the AHOM KINGDOM do you not understand. You seem to have the attention span of a 3 year old.



It may be difficult for you but please take some time to go through my response, I have even made it easier for you by using CAPS. Let this silly discussion end for once and for all.
A Bharotiyo Bangal, from Dhaka and Barisal stock.

Dada is our own special 'monu' - many of my friends are diehard borishaillas... :-)

It's an abuse when it is used to describe dishonest leftists who pose as intellectuals

I am yet to see a leftist who is 'dishonest'. A bit idealist and well-educated. But far from 'dishonest'.

You forgot to quote the most important part:

"....an addled mind looking for conspiracies.."

Exactly Dada. These folks have never visited Bangladesh and have no clue what we stand for. There were BJP protests in Dhaka itself. Dhaka has a BJP 'shakha'.


I wonder if we were all Dao-wielding Mullahs, then how do Hindus in Dhaka form a BJP 'shakha'?

Yeah sure, didn't see your negative ratings when your buddy Billu was abusing India & Indians. I wonder where you where.

Billu criticises Sanghis. Billu understands the difference between sane Indians and extremist Indians. Billu does not tolerate racists of any nationality, ask your Pakistani and Myanmarese troll friends.

Sometimes? :(:(:(

Ha ha ha don't be sad Dada. :lol:

Mymensingh, Rangpur... What else did the Ahoms occupy??

Ahoms occupied everything.

That's why they adopted the Bengali script as their language (with very minor changes). Cause they could not come up with their own.
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