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India should conform to UN resolutions on Masood Azhar's issue: China

It had more to do with the mounting pressure from both US and USSR, beside Chinese leadership still hadn't decided to complete break up with India and naively believed that Indian government may come around and become China's friend again, China was isolated and desperately needed friends then.One thing has puzzled me for a long time, how China managed to rout India with such ease while the whole country was in the thick of the worst famine in the human history? Is it really what Indian army's true worth?

I think you guys by then had already gotten what you came for. Cheers.
I am already too grown up for you. That is why you ran away instead of playing.

Areesh ter ko kya ho gaya hai bhai. Disturbed about something? Hamesha hostile, hamesha ukhda hua? Kabhi to chillax kar yaar. New Year's Eve hai. Cchod ye chu***pe. Be nice. You'll feel better at home as well. Happy New Year to you and your family bro.
A terrorist for you may not be a terrorist for others. Just like a Indian sponsored terrorists who are given official state funeral in india.

He is a UN designated terrorist. For proof, ask your masood azhar to step out of Pakistan and see what happens (except China, he will be welcomed there).
He is a UN designated terrorist. For proof, ask your masood azhar to step out of Pakistan and see what happens (except China, he will be welcomed there).
so he is a declared terrorist and still india is caught by china from it's tail.

Got a brain?
14 UNSC members supported India only one China opposed.
So 14 were no match for the dragon. It's like 14 children and mama slapped by a big guy.
Apparently you don't even know your own history.

India completely lost AP in 1962, they were defeated overwhelmingly in the eastern sector.

The only reason India has AP now is because China decided to leave voluntarily. The Indian Army never won back AP in a fight, they snuck back in like thieves in the night when China's forces had already left.

So yes, India lost both Aksai Chin and AP after it started a war against China in 1962.

CD I am a great fan of Chinese development and I have seen it first hand in China.

Common Chinese people are hardworking and modest.

China is stronger than her neighbors other then that of Russia.

But why China has territorial dispute with most of her neighbors?
Got a brain?
14 UNSC members supported India only one China opposed.
One is enough. the case is over, get with it.

CD I am a great fan of Chinese development and I have seen it first hand in China.

Common Chinese people are hardworking and modest.

China is stronger than her neighbors other then that of Russia.

But why China has territorial dispute with most of her neighbors?

Most? China has 14 land neighbors and India is the only country which has land disputes with China. You call 1 out of 14 most?
Apparently you don't even know your own history.

India completely lost AP in 1962, they were defeated overwhelmingly in the eastern sector.

The only reason India has AP now is because China decided to leave voluntarily. The Indian Army never won back AP in a fight, they snuck back in like thieves in the night when China's forces had already left.

So yes, India lost both Aksai Chin and AP after it started a war against China in 1962.

Excuse me China was the one which attacked first. Such a back stabbing nation which launched a massive attack during on-the-table negotiations. You guys got India surprised. Still people like you say India attacked first without an iota of shame. Read the history first. Read real history, not your distorted and forced one.

Shortly after that the impotent, surreptitious Chinese forces were taught a hard lesson in the Sikkim war. Total uproot. May be that served as a deterrent till now that China has not grown back its balls to attack India.

China came withdrew owing to international pressure and not voluntarily.
The same international pressure which made India concede captured territories during Indo-Pak wars. Quiet common in wars.

Thank god the Indian mindset have been tuned to believe China as a back-stabbing, selfish bully which cannot be trusted at all. We will be ready / wary always for the looming paper Dragon's threat.
India's forward policy was the main course of the war. and anyone with common sense can see that China at that moment was in such a dire situation that a war would be the last thing China wanted. China was isolated and had open confrontation with both US and USSR and was in the thick of the worst famine in the human history. Taiwan was about to retake the mainland so China had to put what she had all along the Taiwan strait waiting for a imminent attack. Who in a sane mind will believe that China against those all odds would try to attack India? That's the last thing China wants to do but Indian forward policy pushed China to the limit.

What marvels the world is that against all odds China routed Indian army like crushing ants. Indians couldn't even put up a decent fight in front of brave Chinese army, the rest is history.
Great , China should bring resolution against RSS for killing minorities and terrorism in samjhota attack for fair play.. china should also question their ICBM development with specific mention of China..
Then all UNSC member will veto RSS but China..LOl
China is alone everywhere.Every Russia gives diddly squat..

it will not, we simply not pay attention to convince others for nobody like masood azhar, but we may push for RSS with support of other friends.. Many Sikh, Muslim and Christian NGO's from bharat will also help us to expose bharti version of Nazi party..
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