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India should conform to UN resolutions on Masood Azhar's issue: China

It's obvious that China blocks Indians dreams on every turn on the global stage, tell us we are not ready. It shows the strong determination and will .
You sound exactly like Nehru did in 1962.

But he was much smarter than you, because in 1962 China was collapsing from the worst famine in our entire history (Great leap forward). It was in fact the best time in all of modern history to bait China into a war, at our weakest point.

Today it is a joke, the tables have turned completely in the opposite direction. China's GDP is more than 5 times larger than India's, and we have more submarines than India has destroyers+frigates+submarines combined. Hell New Delhi is only 300km from the Chinese border, we could hit it with endless cheap rocket artillery shells without even leaving our side of the border.

Nehru was a genius compared to you guys.

And I guess India was at her strongest in 1962.
Again jumping to be noticed?

Go play elsewhere.

I am on a Pakistani forum.

You can go to Bharat rickshaw forum to share your delusions with your countrymen.

It's obvious that China blocks Indians dreams on every turn on the global stage, tell us we are not ready. It shows the strong determination and will .

Keep playing with India. It is a God gifted toy for us
I think CD got what I was saying. Why are you jumping to be noticed in the middle? Is your country anywhere on the same horizon as India and China?
What made you think india is in the same horizon as china?(other than population)
And about my jumping in the middle, masood azhar is a Pakistani.
What non-sense ! AP is now a sovereign state of India, governed by India. So you guys think AP is in China ? What a piece of pound-foolish brigade you people have been reduced to.

All that you can puke is can and could?
"Are you capable ?" was the question. India can say the same. Agni series missiles can cover all of China.
We can further pollute the already polluted Beijing with our missiles.

Apparently you don't even know your own history.

India completely lost AP in 1962, they were defeated overwhelmingly in the eastern sector.

The only reason India has AP now is because China decided to leave voluntarily. The Indian Army never won back AP in a fight, they snuck back in like thieves in the night when China's forces had already left.

So yes, India lost both Aksai Chin and AP after it started a war against China in 1962.
I am on a Pakistani forum, You came here to play and then ran away.

I'm playing. Just not with you. Grow up first. We'll play with you too.

What made you think india is in the same horizon as china?(other than population)
And about my jumping in the middle, masood azhar is a Pakistani.

Masood Azhar is a terrorist Pakistani.

Apparently you don't even know your own history.

India completely lost AP in 1962, they were defeated overwhelmingly in the eastern sector.

The only reason India has AP now is because China decided to leave voluntarily. The Indian Army never won back AP in a fight, they snuck back in like thieves in the night when China's forces had already left.

So yes, India lost both Aksai Chin and AP after it started a war against China in 1962.

LOL CD. Enjoying yourself.

I guess China "leaving peacefully" had nothing to do with the entire Northern Command thundering down on your logistically challenged forces, smelling blood.

Happy New Year bro.
I guess China "leaving peacefully" had nothing to do with the entire Northern Command thundering down on your logistically challenged forces, smelling blood.

It had more to do with the mounting pressure from both US and USSR, beside Chinese leadership still hadn't decided to complete break up with India and naively believed that Indian government may come around and become China's friend again, China was isolated and desperately needed friends then.One thing has puzzled me for a long time, how China managed to rout India with such ease while the whole country was in the thick of the worst famine in the human history? Is it really what Indian army's true worth?
One more thing to add, China would never go to war with anyone in such a difficult time if not being pushed to the limit.

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