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India Set To Take Delivery Of “Air Force One” Boeing 777s Next Month

Will Abhinandan be making a stop in Pakistan for a cup of tea while flying Indian Air Force One?
Long overdude, the older Air India 747s had no advanced security features needed for vvip transport.

Give me one reason Modi shouldn't fly Air India economy-class...

A/C 3-tier kay layak bhi nahi hai this damned chai-wallah.....Luggage van may transport karo usay. :rofl:

Good stuff, they'll probably be in service these next 3 or 4 decades.

High chance the "AF one" will go in scrapyard in another 15 years.

Could have done a better job with the livery though, if you paint it's nose black, it'll look right out of the 70s

I am surprised they didn't paint it entirely in saffron.
ive me one reason Modi shouldn't fly Air India economy-class...

A/C 3-tier kay layak bhi nahi hai this damned chai-wallah.....Luggage van may transport karo usay. :rofl:

It is not the person but the post which one is holding which need to be respected and is worthy of.

Modi is the chief executive of the country, he holds the office of the Prime Minister, the highest post in the country...he deserves this Airforce One....o_O

This is another matter whether India deserves Modi or not and vice versa.
Give me one reason Modi shouldn't fly Air India economy-class...

A/C 3-tier kay layak bhi nahi hai this damned chai-wallah.....Luggage van may transport karo usay. :rofl:
It's not his personal jet, you fool.

All vvips and the highest elected office holders from India will use it.

High chance the "AF one" will go in scrapyard in another 15 years.
I doubt it, they're taking delivery in 2020, it's only VIP transport so won't be seeing as many hours on the airframe as a passenger airliner ordinarily would. Even so, these things fly 30 and more years easy.

What makes you think they'll scrap it in 15 ?

I am surprised they didn't paint it entirely in saffron.
Once the Hindu Republic is declared, maybe they will. :agree:



He is like...been there done all that, now he has changed.

And after holding the public office he has become a miser and kanjoos...

Modi has a big heart, can splurge millions on the suit with the Narendra Modi name stitched onto it.:(

money spent on head of state is not considered lavish or fazul kharchi, they are supposed to work during flight hours .
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A country that has the highest number of people living below the poverty line, suffering one of the worst hit by the pandemic and they are cheering how india copies America to have their very own "Air Force One!" How much more vain, self-absorbed and materialistic can you get?!
Unfortunately we don't have rich friends who give chartered plans for our PM. Modi should learn few tricks from Imran saab.

Looks like the Hindutvadis are very serious now. :undecided:

Modi will make it happen.

India will be great again.

Make in India will be a success...

You should start liking Modi Jee just as we started to do...for obvious reasons.

Modi has done(undone) so much for India in the last 6-7 years, ISI and Pakistan couldn't have done it in 50 years.

Godspeed to him.
Modi will make it happen.

India will be great again.

Make in India will be a success...

You should start liking Modi Jee just as we started to do...for obvious reasons.

Modi has done(undone) so much for India in the last 6-7 years, ISI and Pakistan couldn't have done it in 50 years.

Godspeed to him.
Your dislike for him is understandable but for the Indian voters who supported him based on his manifesto, he has done a lot, of course with the odd misstep and falling short on certain issues.

He's delivered on Kashmir by making that gutsy move on 370, forces have bit more leeway in operating too.

Land boundary agreement with BD, BODO peace accord, cooperation with Myanmar and ops against the rebels.

He's delivered on massive deregulation, made (making) the bureaucracy smaller which has helped greatly with the ease of doing business rankings.

Cut through the noise and made a direct government to govt purchase for the initial 2 Rafale squadrons.

Notebandi was a unpleasant for most regular people, tax overhaul also.. but it is a work in progress.

The defence imports ban is a great step too. Naval projects are going full swing..

Various govt schemes to help the poor... it goes on. These just off the top of my mind while I'm busy with other work.

Modi has done a lot that people in India like him for

and yes, he's also delivering on the Hindutva agenda.. Ram temple (which was a SC decision), CAA etc

next we want a UCC for real secularism and equality, and a law for population control.

Foreign relations are good with all major players, Russia, US/West+ Australia and Korea and Japan, also good in the middle east with both factions.

We like Modi.

He deserves nothing but the finest most state of the art VVIP transport in the world, all democratically elected Indian leaders deserve it.

as do the Pakistani Generals, top protection for top leadership.

meanwhile your handsome can continue virtue signalling with his economy class tickets, maybe next time he will hop on a refugee boat to a conference in Europe. :sarcastic:
Your dislike for him is understandable but for the Indian voters who supported him based on his manifesto, he has done a lot, of course with the odd misstep and falling short on certain issues.

He's delivered on Kashmir by making that gutsy move on 370, forces have bit more leeway in operating too.

Land boundary agreement with BD, BODO peace accord, cooperation with Myanmar and ops against the rebels.

He's delivered on massive deregulation, made (making) the bureaucracy smaller which has helped greatly with the ease of doing business rankings.

Cut through the noise and made a direct government to govt purchase for the initial 2 Rafale squadrons.

Notebandi was a unpleasant for most regular people, tax overhaul also.. but it is a work in progress.

The defence imports ban is a great step too. Naval projects are going full swing..

Various govt schemes to help the poor... it goes on. These just off the top of my mind while I'm busy with other work.

Modi has done a lot that people in India like him for

and yes, he's also delivering on the Hindutva agenda.. Ram temple (which was a SC decision), CAA etc

next we want a UCC for real secularism and equality, and a law for population control.

Foreign relations are good with all major players, Russia, US/West+ Australia and Korea and Japan, also good in the middle east with both factions.

We like Modi.

He deserves nothing but the finest most state of the art VVIP transport in the world, all democratically elected Indian leaders deserve it.

as do the Pakistani Generals, top protection for top leadership.

meanwhile your handsome can continue virtue signalling with his economy class tickets, maybe next time he will hop on a refugee boat to a conference in Europe. :sarcastic:
Yes Modi has done a lot for extremist hindus on some innocent Indian citizen's expense.

Now also ask him to make you some toilets as well so you dont have to defecate in open.

As for Khan, you dont need to worry about him. He can take care of himself and will do what is appropriate.
he has done a lot, of course with the odd misstep and falling short on certain issues.

Great. At least you acknowledge that he has made the "odd misstep", so there might be hope for you. As for "falling short" on certain issues, I am certain it's the dog-whistling for specifc kind of issues which oppress Muslims in India.

He's delivered on Kashmir by making that gutsy move on 370, forces have bit more leeway in operating too.

What do you mean the forces have more leeway in operating? They're dying on a regular basis in the Valley just like before. Most of Kashmir remains a no-go zone for the average Indian. The BJP settlers were murdered in cold blood, and many of them chose to run away.

Yes, Modi might push more Hindu settlers based on the Israeli model in Palestine, but that will have even tragic consequences.

Maybe not? he will not upset his electorate. News of Hindu genocide will not ring nicely with his base, so he will leave Kashmir in the cold basket for his remaining tenure.

If he goes genocidal on the Kashmiri Muslims, it might be more trouble than is worth.

Land boundary agreement with BD, BODO peace accord, cooperation with Myanmar and ops against the rebels.

Great. Basically he surrendered Indian territories to those autonomous groups. As long as they give lip service to remaining in India, they can do whatever they want. No average Indian can buy property in the North-East without getting a bullet in their heads.

He's definitely a shrews businessman, and knows how to cut his losses. I give him that much.

He's delivered on massive deregulation, made (making) the bureaucracy smaller which has helped greatly with the ease of doing business rankings.

Some would argue that cutting the red tape was an eyewash to help his crony capitalistic friends like Ambani and Adani. His "deregulation" consists of selling Air India, ONGC, SAIL, BSNL, Indian Railways, and other prized assets/PSU's of India to pay off massive debts accumulated due to his mismanagement of funds.

It's perfectly possible to revive these government-owned companies which are India's most strategic assets.

Even Western countries have government-owned corporations which deliver a profit. Why can't India? That is because Modi is a paid employee of Reliance Industries, and is more responsible for Reliance shareholders than for the other Indians.

Cut through the noise and made a direct government to govt purchase for the initial 2 Rafale squadrons.

We'll see how good that decision is when Indian Air Force is continuously struggling because of a lack of quality pilots, an ageing flee of flying coffins aka MIG-21, and DRDO being rendered totally useless by an apathetic bureaucracy.

You can have all the fancy bling in the world but when it comes to actual fighting, it will be seen how effective the "Raw-fails" are. No other country apart from India is interested in those aircrafts, so that tells me everything I need to know about Modi cutting the red tape on Rafale purchase, and using Anil Ambani of Reliance Industries as a middleman. The whole Rafale affair looks like a corporate decision of Reliance Industries than a strategic defence decision taken by Indian armed forces.

Notebandi was a unpleasant for most regular people, tax overhaul also.. but it is a work in progress.

You're defending Notebandi? When even Narendra Modi and BJP top brass no longer do it...they keep their distance from that disastrous decision which affected the lives of poor Indians.

The defence imports ban is a great step too. Naval projects are going full swing..

Almost all good defence equipment in India is imported at great cost burden to the Indian taxpayer. I am not sure which naval projects are you talking about. Is it some new aircraft carrier? Why can't India build one on its own? Again it's not a decision that Reliance Industries will allow you Indian taxpayers to make.

Various govt schemes to help the poor... it goes on. These just off the top of my mind while I'm busy with other work.

All those schemes like Ujjwala or whatever are just renaming and repackaging of existing government schemes. All he really did was give fancy names.

Modi has done a lot that people in India like him for
Of course we can see that. He's a marketing genius. Not he specifically but his handlers at Reliance Industries and Adani Industries surely have the marketing genius to fool so many Indians like you. As a highest paid employee, he's doing their bidding perfectly.

and yes, he's also delivering on the Hindutva agenda.. Ram temple (which was a SC decision), CAA etc

That's the only things you can claim he has delivered. Pandering to his Hindutva base, making Indian Muslims second-class citizens, suppressing their voice etc. Indeed if you want to continue voting for him for these reasons alone, I can at least understand you. But claiming that he delivered any kind of economic miracle is an intellectual lie, when India's sovereign ratings are in the gutter, the GDP is reversing growth trends, and the country's economy is really in the ICU, kept afloat by foreign remittances of NRI's like me.

But yes we can bash the Muslims as much as we want. So all is good.

next we want a UCC for real secularism and equality, and a law for population control.

As if bashing the Muslims wasn't enough. We need to turn up the heat now...wow, very inspiring.

Foreign relations are good with all major players, Russia, US/West+ Australia and Korea and Japan, also good in the middle east with both factions.

LOL...India is becoming an international pariah under BJP. Donald Trump is the only real "phraaand" Modi else. Every other world leader has been keeping their distance from him since Article 370 abrogation which was a human rights abuse, and a violation of UN treaty.

The Australians and Japanese have a lot to profit from a large market like India. A shopkeeper never hates you for buying his goods.

We like Modi.

Of course, you do.

He deserves nothing but the finest most state of the art VVIP transport in the world, all democratically elected Indian leaders deserve it.

He deserves nothing better than a luggage van in a rickety Indian Railways train. Hopefully he's handcuffed while being transported to prison.

meanwhile your handsome can continue virtue signalling with his economy class tickets, maybe next time he will hop on a refugee boat to a conference in Europe. :sarcastic:

It will take guts to hop on a refugee boat like that. If Imran Khan ever does it, he will have my full support, and it would increase my respect for him. That's what real leaders do. They don't live in luxury like Modi does, they partake in the suffering of the common man.
Should have been this one:

But due to a corruption scandal, it was cancelled and now the Mi-17 are doing that duty since Mi-8 (the earlier VVIP heli) are retired.

The now retired VVIP Mil Mi-8 PS of AHQ

Both look capable enough.

When are the AI flown Tejas escort ready?
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