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India set to become $2 trillion economy in 2014: IMF


Sep 14, 2013
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United States
NEW DELHI: India is poised to become a $2 trillion economy this year, while its GDP size would cross another milestone of $three trillion after five years in 2019, according to IMF's latest world economic outlook.

India's ranking would also improve to seventh largest economy in the world, while measured on "current prices" basis in US dollar, in 2019 from its tenth position currently.

Latest data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) show that Indian economy is set to ..

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Yes India is now a 2 trillion dollar economy. By the end of this fiscal year It is likely to cross 2.1 trillion dollar.
I guess ,as per IMF India's economy would be $2.047trill by the end of 2014 Q4.$2trill figure is still a projection i belive,which for sure would be true.
For Pakistan they have removed the updates,

Nominal GDP for Pakistan was upgraded even in the april outlook but now i am hopeful it as i expect that they will upgrade it to 283-287Bn $ as oppose to earlier 257bn $
Naah. It has already achieved 2 trillion mark. Figures in green shades are projections while in white, they are what's been achieved.
Maybe not,Indian economy is at $1.875 trill for 2013 and is set to be a $2trill economy after Q4 of this financial year, ending on 31st March 2015. That would mean India would be a $2.1trill economy by oct'15 ,unless there's another revision by IMF ,but it's still soo slow :cry:
But still fail to understand how coud UK add $300bill with a 3% YoY growth? against India adding ~$200bill at 5.6% YoY growth for FY'15? Unless it has anything to do with ££ gaining against $$.
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Maybe not,Indian economy is at $1.875 trill for 2013 and is set to be a $2trill economy after Q4 of this financial year, ending on 31st March 2015. That would mean India would be a $2.1trill economy by oct'15 ,unless there's another revision by IMF ,but it's still soo slow :cry:
But still fail to understand how coud UK add $300bill with a 3% YoY growth? against India adding ~$200bill at 5.6% YoY growth for FY'15?
Well IMF figures are clearly showing that It has achieved 2 trillion mark.
Just check this out( projections are in green shades while achieved ones are in white).
Report for Selected Countries and Subjects
Indian economy was 1.995 trillion by the end of financial year of 2013-2014 according to IMF.

PS: By October 2015, Projections are 2.247 Trillion dollar.
Well IMF figures are clearly showing that It has achieved 2 trillion mark.
Just check this out( projections are in green shades while achieved ones are in white).
Indian economy was 1.995 trillion by the end of financial year of 2013-2014 according to IMF.
Jus checked it ,as i said it , Indian economy was at $1.877trill for 2013
Report for Selected Countries and Subjects
IMF says that India is ''set'' to be,which means it hasn't become yet,cos if it has ,then it would add just $47bill in next 6months.
Jus checked it ,as i said it , Indian economy was at $1.877trill for 2013
Report for Selected Countries and Subjects
IMF says that India is ''set'' to be,which means it hasn't become yet,cos if it has ,then it would add just $47bill in next 6months.
That was till October 2013. April 2014 IMF report ( that was end of our 13-14 financial year) set it to 1.995 trillion. and Now again Its 2.047 in October 2014 and still 2 quarters to go before this financial year ends in 31 st march( Which is projected to cross 2.1 trillion, You can check it on IMF's April report.
PS : Saying it again that figures in green shades are projections and not in white shades.
I thought India was supposed to have crossed the $2 trillion mark several years ago.

Back when I joined this forum, it was always the "$2 trillion Indian economy" vs the "$5 trillion Chinese economy".

China's economy is now around $10 trillion. How times change.
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