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India Sended Back Sri Lankan Air Force Trainees

:-) Chill, Don't be affected with Xenophobia! And too much of chest thumping is not good!

Tamils are more secular in south India i think

Our leaders
MGR- from Kerala
Karuna- from AP
Jaya- frm KA
Opposition leader Vijayakant- from AP
Vaiko-from AP

so there is no chance for such phobia for tamils but singalese case is in different arena.

No chest thumping simply speaking truth in harsh words.
Air Force personnel are not being sent back from India: Lanka, IBN Live News

Colombo, Jul 6 (PTI) Sri Lanka today said its Air Force personnel are not being sent back from India and they will continue with their training at a different location in the country after their presence at an air base in Chennai came under attack from political parties in Tamil Nadu. "Reports about a group of Sri Lankan Airmen under training in Chennai being sent back to Sri Lanka is incorrect. They will continue their training in another location in India without any hindrance to their training programme," the External Affairs Ministry said. Earlier in the day, the Indian Defence Ministry said the Centre has decided to "send off" the Sri Lankan airmen from the IAF station at Tambaram where they were undergoing training. "All Sri Lankan trainees are being sent off today from this Station as per instruction of the Ministry of Defence," a brief Defence Ministry statement said, a day after all political parties strongly protested training to nine Sri Lankan airmen in Chennai. Sri Lankan press release said the airmen have been located elsewhere to further the training programme. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa had publicly expressed opposition to the Sri Lankan airmen being trained in Tambaram air base, describing it as an "insult to Tamil people".
SL army also did the same thing eg: we supplied ammunition and tanks(from Avadi) then wats the point?

In 1919 general Dyer given order to execute Jalinwallabagh massacre ,he was not killed even one but Indians freedom fighters killed him instead of Gohrkas. Funny ryt

Yeah right! More stupid, make believe history from whatever gutter you get your history from.
I was following the other thread too regarding this SL airmen issue, and now this one. I wanted to give my opinion.. but could not decide whom I support- the people who are against it, or those who are against it. Imho, Both of grops are right in validating their points(not supporting the seperate nation theory). But its Sure, this confrontation among us surely exposed our weakness, which will become a hot topic for India Haters. Now one will ask, whats my take on this issue? For me, Its India first- any time , any day, any situation, but I personally feel, IF, A Inter- asia war will break out, Srilanka will never be on India's Side, Even if we will share our bread with them. I request all my Indian brothers to bury this harsh debate and move on.
very sad! why did they even call them?? to insult them? very low standard of our administration.
They are in Bangalore, Yelahanka AFB continuing their training.

It's a pity that in our country national interests are held ransom to small political gains. I am not justifying what the Sri Lankans did to our fishermen or what they did to there own nationals, but here we are vacating space which can be grabbed by China or Pakistan, which are eagerly waiting for this to happen. Good ties with Sri Lanka is in our larger national interest, it is important that New Delhi forms our foreign Policy & it should be not formed in Chennai, Lucknow or even Kolkata.

Ofcourse you are justifying.. otherwise you would not have used the "but" after the bolded part --

Atleast be honest in your thought..no one needs fake sympathies.
Do all citizens of India have a problem OR the "POLITICIANS" of one state of India having a problem with his training.

The citizens of one state, not just the politicians have a problem .

The politics is very dirty thing but if its in the Tamilnadu its worst.

Yeah the support for that self-entitled sobs called Palestinians must be stopped first, if people are so concerned about "national interst".

but no, that will not happen -- humanitarian principles and time-tested stands will prevent that..but when it comes to the Tamil issue, all these mythical 'national interests' crop up magically.

Oh wait ..
Maharashtra state government never blackmailed Central government to do anything .. We always kept national interest above state interest .

While on the other hand TN gov always keeps on playing dirty politics with central government .. TN fishermen enter Srilankan waters and they get arrested
Central gov is always made a scapegoat by TN

Our foreign policy with Srilanka is all fucked up thanks to TN

yeah right..please extend your logic and condemn the Maharastrians for standing in the way of the bullets shot by the terrorists and killing themselves --

For us the lives of our citizens are the first and foremost -- all those national interests can come later -- actually there is nothing called "national interest" that is made on the dead bodies of it's own citizens.

people from rest of india may be great fans of the "dossier diplomacy" -- doing noting expcet keep sending bunches of useless papers,,but we don't believe in that ****.
In 1919 general Dyer given order to execute Jalinwallabagh massacre ,he was not killed even one but Indians freedom fighters killed him instead of Gohrkas. Funny ryt
What's that supposed to mean :unsure:
Oh wait ..
Maharashtra state government never blackmailed Central government to do anything .. We always kept national interest above state interest .

While on the other hand TN gov always keeps on playing dirty politics with central government .. TN fishermen enter Srilankan waters and they get arrested
Central gov is always made a scapegoat by TN

Our foreign policy with Srilanka is all fucked up thanks to TN

hmm.....Tamils enemy is a great friend of India obviously Indian enemies are friends of tamils. Long live future Tamil- Pakistan- China friendship :cheers: :china::pakistan:. Happy
^^^ That was stupid to say the least --

You dont have to descend to the level he descended to -- :disagree:
^^^ That was stupid to say the least --

You dont have to descend to the level he descended to -- :disagree:


Rajapakse invited as chief guest for CWG , so when compare to that what I said is nothing.
Rajapakse invited as chief guest for CWG , so when compare to that what I said is nothing.

So what mate ?

Look those rogues came to our state for training, we protested democratically and they were sent out --

I see this issue has been closed. I request you to treat it that way and stop stirring emotions.

To all those Pakistanis salivating at post # 42, let me tell you, that Pakistan comes behind Lanka only by a narrow margin in our state hate-o-meter. :)
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