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India seeks transit from Pakistan to supply wheat to Afghanistan

How Pakistan can isolate Afghanistan?

Pakistani farmer are rich or not - they will not like to spend penny on thankless Afghan nation. And yes your farmers are poor and definitely need money but we are talking about Indian government here.

by not letting anyone else access the market of afghanistan , Pakistan wants to keep afghanistan isolated :bunny:

Indian govt is also poor ..............disnt u read here on PDF .......Indian economy is doomed and India is spending all his money on kashmir forces:hitwall:

let us sell some wheat to afghanistan , so that our farmers can earn something............Pakistan is rich ......they can afford it
by not letting anyone else access the market of afghanistan , Pakistan wants to keep afghanistan isolated

Mama hoor thore raste ne Afghanistan jaan de.

Indian govt is also poor ..............disnt u read here on PDF .......Indian economy is doomed and India is spending all his money on kashmir forces:hitwall:

Really Indian govt. is poor, you mean all those threads opens with lakhs of crores titles are fake? But yeah India is wasting money on Kashmir forces.

let us sell some wheat to afghanistan , so that our farmers can earn something............Pakistan is rich ......they can afford it

Nobody is stopping you to sell wheat to Afghanistan - We are simply opposing innocent request "Bro open the door, i want to screw you". And don't worry about Indian farmers, they will get the prices set by govt. not over that nor less than that.
Chahbahar is more secure route.

:rofl: :rofl:

There you have it endians, go through Iran.

Practically, everything in Afghanistan goes from Pakistan. From fuel, to light bulbs to large amount of food/cement/steel etc.

If India goes there, Pakistani businesses will lose out, it's a small market, very very small, but still it will a loss. Now, since most of these business owners have connections in Pakistan's government, chances of allowing unrestricted trade to India via Pakistan, are slim.

There is one thing Nawaz won't mess with, his business connections. Businessmen love PMLN if he allows this he will lose tons of support.

Actually, Our Godowns are full and a good quantity of grain is rotting. Any rupee we get from those sales is a bonus for us.

Wow no offense but if a good quantity of grain is just rotting, why doesn't your government just hand it out to the poor instead of letting it rot?

hmm... well then it does make sense to stop import to pakistan... but are there not any international laws related to transit to landlocked countries?

Even if there were it would involve Pakistan allowing Afghan transit to the sea not to India. :rofl:
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Divert the transit fees as subsidy to Pakistan wheat exporters as well and make them competitive to Indian prices. If Pakistan wheat quality is better without any disease as claimed in the article, market will decide the fate of Indian wheat by itself.

Or deny Indian transit and corner the market while dictating prices. Hmm wonder which sounds better. :D
Yea Pakistan can earn valuable penies in transit fee and lose worthless market. We ain't that "indian"

Through Pakistan? Naaah! Hand over Kashmir first!! :cheesy:

But seriously, it could be advantage Pakistan as they could earn a lot from transit fees. What's holding them up? Their flour milling industry? So they're scared of the competition? It would be advantageous for the ordinary Pakistani too, as competition will lower prices. Pakistan needs to end the stranglehold of vested interests.
Until water disputes are resolved with India no transit should be allowed to India.
:rofl: :rofl:

Wow no offense but if a good quantity of grain is just rotting, why doesn't your government just hand it out to the poor instead of letting it rot?

We do give away Rice at 2 Rs per kilo and wheat at 3 Rs per kilo under PDS. We produce so much that even after giving away we are left with massive stocks ans thanks to export restrictions. we can't even sell it in International market.

Pakistanis need to realize that there will be more wear and tear of highways with a heavy indian truck traffic on the expressways.

So----you end up losing more----. But the biggest problem is the disease----. That is a major problem.
Dude - The wheat is supposed to go directly to Afghanistan, I don't know how that will help KPK floor mills. But yeah if India sell subsidized wheat to Pakistan and Pakistan export flour to Afghanistan only than it's beneficial to Pakistan.

Wheat and Flour is being smuggled into Afghanistan, as the smugglers can demand higher prices creating a shortage in Pakistan. Indian wheat going to Afghanistan will make smuggling unprofitable. Price of "Atta" Wheat will drop in Pakistan.Plus Pakistan government will earn transit fees. only losers here are the smugglers or their handlers.


Pakistanis need to realize that there will be more wear and tear of highways with a heavy indian truck traffic on the expressways.

So----you end up losing more----. But the biggest problem is the disease----. That is a major problem.

Sir we have Toll roads , so it doesn't matter if the truck is Indian or pakistani they will pay for the usage.
Wheat and Flour is being smuggled into Afghanistan, as the smugglers can demand higher prices creating a shortage in Pakistan. Indian wheat going to Afghanistan will make smuggling unprofitable. Price of "Atta" Wheat will drop in Pakistan.Plus Pakistan government will earn transit fees. only losers here are the smugglers or their handlers.

As per Afghan-Pak Transit Trade, We don't charge anything other regular tolls & taxes which are applicable on Pakistanis. So, I don't think transit fee factor is that much important.

Wheat reach Afghanistan via Pakistan or Iran, it will reduce the demand in Afghanistan which will result in reduction in smuggling, so domestic Price issue will be resolved but still prices can't be controlled unless GoP enforce the controls as mafias will find other ways to continue their businesses. In long run more cheaper Indian wheat (in case of transiting via Pakistan) will start smuggling back into Pakistan from Afghanistan which will directly effect our farmers as they don't enjoy govt. subsidies like their Indian counter part. And like mentioned in OP their are also risk of disease spreading in Pakistan. On top of that shipments from India are security risk as well.

So, imho negatives outweigh the positive.
its good if this cheaper transit route is used for exporting wheat to Afghanistan, or at-least out govt. is trying for that,
if pakistan doesn't allow or raises cost of transit too much we can always show this example to afgani people and international community how rigid and anti india/anti afgan pakistan is.
And we always have a back up route through Iran which might be costlier but still Afgan people will always appreciate India the effort we are putting to stablise Afganistan. This will go a long way in India Afgan relations.
Its reality not a Suspense NOVEL OF LOVE

What is this, India always, Gib Gib Gib
Yet no one is ready to give them
In comming days - Indian apetite of crossing our Stree & Alleys will Grow - Enjoy the first Episode
you kill your neighbor's boy one day.

Next day you go to his house asking for favors.

This is bipolar disorder of Modi gov.
you ravage your neighbors entire house for decades, and when others want to help those ravaged souls, you say why should we facilitate your help?
you ravage your neighbors entire house for decades, and when others want to help those ravaged souls, you say why should we facilitate your help?

Afghanistan's current problems stem from Commie invasion

When Indians used to sit in Commie Soviet lap and suck its ungals.
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