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India seeks transit from Pakistan to supply wheat to Afghanistan

Modi is stupid to trade with a Islamic nation that is "mother of all Opium producing countries" ...Duhhh
If GoI wants,Indian wheat would still be cheaper.

India produces more wheat then it could consume and surplus is thrown away. Govt could sell wheat to Afghanistan at Zero profit and it would not harm bottomline of GoI.

If subsidizing wheat is cheaper, then it is really not cheaper. And you exporting subsidized wheat would be prettty stupid. Why would Indian taxpayers pay for the wheat that is going to end up in Afghanistan or elsewhere? Doesn't make any business or economic sense.

There is a reason why India didn't want to adopt the WTO trade regulations fully, because it claimed that since India is a large country, subject to variations on food output, it cannot make food available for export all the time. The GoI has to create reserves, which went against the WTO norms, and which in turn affect the price worldwide.

Anyway, My point in this thread was that if India really wants to export agriculture products to Afghanistan and beyond, going overland through Pakistan is the cheapest and quickest route.

Absolutely correct, why should pakistan allow Wheat exports to war ravaged neighbor.... After all pakistan has always boasted to "bade dil wale".... this is the heart they speak off, right?

Maybe you never paid attention, but a large number of stuff consumed in Afghanistan goes from Pakistan, not India. Actually, during 2002-2007, the Musharraf time, there was a construction boom in Pakistan, property prices sky rocketing, and with it, the demand for cement and construction materials. However, at the same time construction activities were ramping up in Afghanistan due to Nato forces and overall situation in the country. Most of the cement was exported from Pakistan, so was wheat, sugar, milk, grains, fuel, even a simple incandescent light bulb. Along the border regions of Afghanistan-Pakistan, Pakistan rupee is more commonly used than Afghan Afghani, because traders brought in goods from Pakistan and as such they wanted a currency they could use where they bought the stuff from. Now, the effect of all this was that Prices in the frontier region (Peshawar, FATA, kohat) etc started to go up. Had those traders not sent their goods to Afghanistan, the cost in Afghanistan would be much higher and in Pakistan much lower. Pakistan could have easily blocked the route, but it didn't, because it was in mutual benefit of both.

Afghanistan's major trade, whatever it is, depends on Pakistan. Pakistan could squeeze it at will and Afghanistan cannot do anything. So yea, an Indian telling me about big heart small heart needs to ask why he is not making efforts towards Pak-India trade liberalization? No big heart?
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I don't see any problem with Pakistan giving transit route access to India. Pakistan wheat industry have nothing to worry as long as Pakistan can limit the number of shipment and the amount of wheat going to Afghanistan.

It could be a great political as well as a financial gain for Pakistan. Heck, Nawaz might even do it by next year, as long as border escalation with India stays down.
First firing on the borders and then demand for transit. Indian trolling at its best :D
its good if this cheaper transit route is used for exporting wheat to Afghanistan, or at-least out govt. is trying for that,
if pakistan doesn't allow or raises cost of transit too much we can always show this example to afgani people and international community how rigid and anti india/anti afgan pakistan is.
And we always have a back up route through Iran which might be costlier but still Afgan people will always appreciate India the effort we are putting to stablise Afganistan. This will go a long way in India Afgan relations.
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Russia alone does not need to. China, US Aid, WB among a hundred other such are sponsoring such inter-regional connectivity program in Central Asia.
Turkey is more than pulling its own weight. Turkey and Iran are getting connected in a big way.

The entire region is in a massive push to join a transportation grid.

And trade to Central Asia via Iran is far cheaper than using the routes from Pakistan. Iran is putting its money where its mouth is, the construction of their new railway lines is in full swing.

Pakistans cost advantage in trade is limited to one country - Afghanistan.

you know what if a truck starts its journey from peshawar to tajikistan with in 6 hours it will take torkham border and enters into tajikistan and pakistan is also planing to have direct road link to tajikistan via wakhan corridor, lowari tunnel is part of this project chitral will be the trading hub of future for central asian countries from here we have vast road network which connects to motorways and GT road , project of connecting ports of pakistan with motorways is already in progress ...
I expect Nawaz would like to, but domestic pressure would be strong. As I understand plenty of wheat gets smuggled to Afghanistan, which drives up our domestic prices. If some Indian wheat was allowed in, that could prevent this.

Anyhow there is quite a bit of tension due to border duels we recently had, so it's not the best of times to ask. o_O
so , afghanistan shall suffer , so that some mills in Pakistan can earn millions?

Afghanistan is a very poor country , in fact a strugling country .............it needs help from everyone...........Pakistan is a rich country ..........they shall provide wheat to poor afghans at a subsidized rate.

Since when Pakistan became rich country? We are already struggling. Indian govt. can afford to give it for free and transport it via Air.

and further more, if international wheat comes to afghanistan , market forces will prevail and prices will fall down ....good for local economy ........we are living in globalised world .....

In globalized world you should not cheat in competition by artificially making your products cheaper.
Since when Pakistan became rich country? We are already struggling. Indian govt. can afford to give it for free and transport it via Air.

In globalized world you should not cheat in competition by artificially making your products cheaper.

rich compared to Afghanistan .......and according to many Pakistani mates here rich from india too:partay: as we dont even have toilets

we are not selling it in Pakistan .........we are selling in another country .........so ur artifically low prices arguement is flawed
rich compared to Afghanistan .......and according to many Pakistani mates here rich from india too:partay: as we dont even have toilets

Yeah - Indians don't have toilets but their govt. have deep pockets, where they are giving extra subsidy than Indian farmers already have to make their wheat cheaper than Pakistan than she can give little more subsidy to cover the transportation expenses.

However it's small but still Afghanistan is export market of Pakistan, So low price argument is very much relevant.
Yeah - Indians don't have toilets but their govt. have deep pockets, where they are giving extra subsidy than Indian farmers already have to make their wheat cheaper than Pakistan than she can give little more subsidy to cover the transportation expenses.

However it's small but still Afghanistan is export market of Pakistan, So low price argument is very much relevant.
u want to say that Pakistan wants to keep Afghanistan isolated ????


Indian farmers are poor .......dont u read threads here showcasing suicides of Indian farmers....or all those threads opened by pakistani mates are false?:partay:

Indian farmers desparately need money to survive...................Pakistan Farmers are rich ..............they can afford some competition in a poor country
LOL this is why there country is in the state that it is in. Instead of charging a transportation levy and making money they let their bravado get in their way and end up with nothing.
LOL this is why there country is in the state that it is in. Instead of charging a transportation levy and making money they let their bravado get in their way and end up with nothing.

you kill your neighbor's boy one day.

Next day you go to his house asking for favors.

This is bipolar disorder of Modi gov.
u want to say that Pakistan wants to keep Afghanistan isolated ????

How Pakistan can isolate Afghanistan?

Indian farmers are poor .......dont u read threads here showcasing suicides of Indian farmers....or all those threads opened by pakistani mates are false?:partay:

Indian farmers desparately need money to survive...................Pakistan Farmers are rich ..............they can afford some competition in a poor country

Pakistani farmer are rich or not - they will not like to spend penny on thankless Afghan nation. And yes your farmers are poor and definitely need money but we are talking about Indian government here.
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