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India’s War Designs — Myth or Reality?


Jun 14, 2010
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India’s War Designs — Myth or Reality?

Asghar Ali Shad

India’s neighbours must be alarmed by yet another sizeable rise in its defence budget — it has
gone up to a worth $ 38.6 billion. (Dawn, March 19, 2012). Indian Finance Minister, Pranab
Mukhergee presented the budget on March 16, 2012. More than 17 percent increase is no doubt
a matter of concern for the whole region, especially, Pakistan. On commenting this, neutral
experts have said that, on the one hand, the Indian Army has started military exercises near the
border area of Pakistan, while on the other hand, the Indian army chief, only a few days back
had told his Defence Minister A.K. Antony that they have a stock of ammunition for only two
days in case of war with any country.

Our analysts are of the view that political and military leaderships claim India to be the
flag bearer of regional peace, security and stability. In addition to it, establishment of longstanding
peace at international and regional level is on top of their agenda. However, realities
on the ground are portraying completely opposite picture as compared to the Indian claims.
Effects of continuous and organized Indian propaganda against Pakistan are quite
visible at global and state levels. So in this background, even some Pakistani influential
personalities do not hesitate to blame that Pakistan Army, ISI and other organizations of
national security are not in favour of regional peace. They blame Pakistan — that it allocates a
large portion of its budget on defence which is ultimately affecting the economic situation of
the country. Interestingly, most peace activists of India criticize their leadership by saying that
India is currently on the top among the global buyers of weapons and armaments and the
situation would remain the same for many years.

According to details, the Sweden-based South Asian expert Rahul Bedi on March 14 disclosed
that India has become the biggest importer of war weapons and ammunition in the world.

The Research Institute in Sweden, “Stockholm International Peace Research Institute”,
in one of its research reports revealed the sensational information that during 2006-2010, India
was the largest purchaser of weapons which comprises 9 percent of the total purchase of
weapons in the world market. According to the research institute, India will retain the top
position at least for a decade because of its booking order. China is on second number because
it purchases 6 percent of the weapons sold in the global market.

India is focusing on the purchase of fighter planes and submarines in order to maintain
its hegemony on its adjoining seas and aerial vicinity. It should be remembered that India
purchases 70 percent of its weapons from other countries. Nevertheless, Indian high officials
claim that their priority is to bring down the supremacy of the army, naval and air forces of
China, while currently, Pakistan is not under consideration.

Research professor Simon Benjamin — who also helped in the formation of the above
mentioned research report stamped the fact that India is on the top list of weapon purchasers.
He further elaborated that the main objectives of India are: the attainment of permanent
membership of Security Council and to have a wider political role at global and regional level.
According to the Indian newspapers, ‘Bhaskar’ and ‘Amar Ujala’, March 14, India has
increased its defense budget by upto 17 percent in comparison to the last two years.
India has become important for Russia, America, Germany, France, Britain and Israel
because they want to sell their weapons to this potential customer. For example, India is
purchasing 57 High Advance Training Jets from Britain, while from the US, it is purchasing C-
17 Transport Aircraft. Similarly, the French President Nicolas Sarkozy on his recent visit to
India signed an agreement of 2.1 billion dollars to endow the Indian fighter jets Miraj 2000
with high technology. Moreover, India is purchasing armaments worth 2.3 billion dollars. It is
believed — that in the next five years, India would be able to spend 80 billion dollars to equip
its army with high-tech weapons.

Currently, India is purchasing 126 fighter planes worth 11 billion dollars. In addition to
it, Delhi is in the final stages to purchase 200 helicopters which will cost it 4 billion dollars.

Likewise, Indian government will be buying aircraft for its army worth 300 million dollars in
the near future.

Experts are of the view that many countries cannot imagine o purchase weapons like
India. It should be remembered that in 1992, India was on the top in world ranking in terms of
purchasing the weapons. But in mid 2000’s, it had bought lesser amount of weapons.
Keeping in mind the facts and figures, it could be sensed that propaganda by the Indian
and the western media against the security organizations of Pakistan is not based on reality. In
fact, the situation is other way round. It is expected that Pakistani intellectuals would acquire
correct information based on ground realities and would play their constructive role to run
down the negative outlook of India towards Pakistan. On the same note, electronic and print
media should take a forefront role to bring forth the facts and figures in order to reveal the real
Indian militaristic intentions.


Pakistan accounts for 5-6% of toatal purchase of arms in the world.

You are not even half of India neither in size nor in economy but still purchases more than half what India do.

You must be and you are the real threat to the world (going by what you post).

Your one more hate thread is again an epic fail.

He dnt believe in percentage .... Vo sirf number ko manta hai :rofl:
while the population starves, infrastructure crumbles, inflation skyrockets, debt and deficits skyrocket......the indian regime is spending everything on importing military equipment.
thats the definition of a fascist military dictatorship.
It's better be starving and poor in FREE STATE than having plenty of food and being rich in Forgin controlled state(BOUNDED). But you won't understand that. So continue
Hmm, all flaming aside, why the frack did India bother going nuclear for if it was still going to churn a crap load of money into it's conventional forces? Seriously, India needs to just maintain it's nuclear arsenal, which will be sufficient deterence for anyone, and then focus on a smaller conventional defence force.

The rest of the money should go to education, and infrastructure (I mean come on, India is one gigantic slum, everyone knows this. They need to give their citizens proper housing.) Also, very important, lots of money must be channeled into teaching the average illiterate India the joys of family planning, and how to use a fracking condom/diaphram/pill!
Hmm, all flaming aside, why the frack did India bother going nuclear for if it was still going to churn a crap load of money into it's conventional forces? Seriously, India needs to just maintain it's nuclear arsenal, which will be sufficient deterence for anyone, and then focus on a smaller conventional defence force.

The rest of the money should go to education, and infrastructure (I mean come on, India is one gigantic slum, everyone knows this. They need to give their citizens proper housing.) Also, very important, lots of money must be channeled into teaching the average illiterate India the joys of family planning, and how to use a fracking condom/diaphram/pill!

Is it advice or your problem :D
I really don't understand what's wrong with Pak friends. You guies really didn't see it or just happy to be ignorant.
So are you suggesting that India should have nuked Pak for Kargil than going with conventional weapons ? I hope not :D

If you call India a big slum please oh please tell me what do you call your Country ???

Education- really ??? Do we need to talk on the subject like this ??? That also with you ???

Proper housing : again please wonder around Isalamabad and Karachi then post.

Condoms : go ask that to Veena Malik. She has better knowledge of Indian potential in that field
It's better be starving and poor in FREE STATE than having plenty of food and being rich in Forgin controlled state(BOUNDED). But you won't understand that. So continue

i agree with this point.
but the problem is, india still answers to american demands, how is that independence?
i agree with this point.
but the problem is, india still answers to american demands, how is that independence?

Can you prove that ??? What did India do against her own interest in favour of USA ??? One example please. I can proudly say India is one of the few countries in the world which has its OWN Independant Forgin policy. If what you say would have been true then you would have seen US missile defence shield in India. And military cooperation pact between India-Usa-AZ-Japan. Did you see any of that. If India was USA puppet Russia would have kicked India on butt. Even CPC mouth piece say that Indian Forgin policy is Independant

It took Indian communist 20 more years to understand and admit that India is free from Briton. I am not going to blame you for thinking so. It's in ideology. Trust me you will not be able to give any example. It's just pressed on your mind that India is not independent. We can't help that
i agree with this point.
but the problem is, india still answers to american demands, how is that independence?
Brain fart???I have a long post regarding this matter...do you want me to post it?? Btw,Please start reading and watching news other than the Chinese government controlled ones,you're narrow mind may open up.

Lol....in one thread they say India is a devil and their neighbours especially pakistan has a threat and in another thread they claim that Ghazwa-e-hind is a reality...man I cant stop laughing....what are you guys smoking man ? :enjoy:
Probably Chinese Hashish...nasha jaldi utar jata hoga:P
i agree with this point.
but the problem is, india still answers to american demands, how is that independence?

are we the ones who bought trillions $ worth of US bonds mate? :)
grow up read a little from neutral sources then post mate . at least then people might respect your opinion.:)
Simple it is not

From a Elite member !!!!!!!
Good. What do you call a country which strip herself over a phone call that threatened her to BOMB TO STONE AGE ? You won't be needing help to answer that. Trolling is fun counter trolling is more fun :D
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