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India’s stealth lobbying against Holbrooke's brief

Arm twisting is a favourite tactic of Indian diplomats so why object to a US envoy? Is it the nationality you find objectionable or that the Americans arm twist better than the Indians?


btw, how is it relavent to BD anyway? only on this forum did I meet bangladeshi who hates india to this level!:tsk:
So that would mean that terrorism is the only solution and it is good, in terms of your perspective. Even if the Kashmir issue was not there, we would still have terrorism, so for India it would make no difference in terrorism and insurgencies. I believe the homeland security plan that is being put out by India is the right steps, there should be and will not be another incedent like the mumbai attacks, and the sole purpose of the mumbai attacks did not have the foundations of kashmir, but sheer hatred of the country.

India is no longer complaining about the terrorist, it is however complaining to stop the camps, but for India to beef up it homeland security will be priority number one because it's soils counting kashmire has to be protected at any cost.

You sound like President Bush and look where he took America. Keep it up and Indians like you will do the same for India .....
India is the only haven for terrorists as it is the beginning and end of all terrorist causes in South Asia. Its problems flood other countries of the region who are then blamed for harbouring terrorists. The real problem is in India and it cannot be solved alone but with all interested parties and neutral arbiters made part of the process.

You surely do not mean the neutral party to be America. Surely the hatred to america has increased in Pakistan because of the war, why would America favor Pakistan in the kashmir issue.

You are going to have find another, since UN has not solved these matters for last 60 years.

btw, how is it relavent to BD anyway? only on this forum did I meet bangladeshi who hates india to this level!:tsk:
Some BD members bash India here on PDF and then go onto Bash Pakistan in IDF and their own forums! Have u checked out BD forum? ;) Its all timepass for them!

If India and Pakistan goes to war, whether India looses or Pakistan Wins, The real winner is BD! lol

I know some Bangla people in real life and they are really nice people, dont be fooled by these internet warriors! In real life, these guys are chums with Indians!
Some BD members bash India here on PDF and then go onto Bash Pakistan in IDF and their own forums! Have u checked out BD forum? ;) Its all timepass for them!

If India and Pakistan goes to war, whether India looses or Pakistan Wins, The real winner is BD! lol

I know some Bangla people in real life and they are really nice people, dont be fooled by these internet warriors! In real life, these guys are chums with Indians!

I was banned from IDF for bashing India. Only Pakistan bashers can remain members of IDF so that is no surprise. The BD defence sites tend to be Indian bashers for good reason.
I was banned from IDF for bashing India. Only Pakistan bashers can remain members of IDF so that is no surprise. The BD defence sites tend to be Indian bashers for good reason.
its a mix, I mean I have seen these guys bash people according to circumstances, But I wont ever Blame you Munshi saab for Bashing India! Its your Bread, Butter and Jelly/Jam! You can go onto any limit, and You do :)

This Forum is a blessing because Pakistanis have proved the true Meaning of Democracy! Find me an even democratic Forum and I will come there, No wonder I am not in IDF!

PS: I just joined an IDF, lets see how it is :)
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I was banned from IDF for bashing India. Only Pakistan bashers can remain members of IDF so that is no surprise. The BD defence sites tend to be Indian bashers for good reason.

in all fairness, MBI Munshi bashes india and only india. with or without reason. with or without context. IDF or PDF. his life's dream is to see india disintegrating.
so dont accuse Munshi of being chums with indians. he is genuine. :blah:
in all fairness, MBI Munshi bashes india and only india. with or without reason. with or without context. IDF or PDF. his life's dream is to see india disintegrating.
so dont accuse Munshi of being chums with indians. he is genuine. :blah:
Sorry, I didnt mean him, I meant some others!
its a mix, I mean I have seen these guys bash people according to circumstances, But I wont ever Blame you Munshi saab for Bashing India! Its your Bread, Butter and Jelly/Jam! You can go onto any limit, and You do :)

This Forum is a blessing because Pakistanis have proved the true Meaning of Democracy! Find me an even democratic Forum and I will come there, No wonder I am not in IDF!

PS: I just joined an IDF, lets see how it is :)

what's IDF ?
Since I have addressed the issue about disintegration of India I won't waste anymore time on this issue except to say that it is irrelevant and not raised by me on this thread.

If India wants to keep Kashmir all to itself than it should not complain of terrorism or insurgencies. Kashmir is not just an internal issue of Indian but involves Muslims everywhere. The Seven Sisters problem should also be resolved on a multilateral basis. If India cannot do these things it should shut up about terrorism.

India can not guarantee a 'causeless' world to the uncivilised idiots who think terrorism is an acceptable means of negotiating. there will always be causes, genuine and invented - including invented religions. so basically trying to justify terrorism under ANY guise is not gonna work with us.

abt international mediation in internal matters of india - why don't u set an example for us to follow by talking to CHT guys first?
I have put up negative articles up on this forum on Pakistan, Israel, US, Russia and India. You guys just notice the Indians one because I guess you have a lot to be sensitive about. You don't want the world to know the real India so you have to prevent all criticism. That is the fact of the matter.
I have put up negative articles up on this forum on Pakistan, Israel, US, Russia and India. You guys just notice the Indians one because I guess you have a lot to be sensitive about. You don't want the world to know the real India so you have to prevent all criticism. That is the fact of the matter.


Are you sure you are not talking about china. Infact I would say we are the most transparent, so it would be very easy to critize.

Well you have still not answered my question of the neutral party?
A neutral arbiter can be found in Europe, South America or Africa. They will investigate the issues hear all sides of the dispute and then submit a report to the UN and then a decision will be made on what should happen in Kashmir. Alternatively Kashmiris can have a referendum to decide whether they want to remain with India.
A neutral arbiter can be found in Europe, South America or Africa. They will investigate the issues hear all sides of the dispute and then submit a report to the UN and then a decision will be made on what should happen in Kashmir. Alternatively Kashmiris can have a referendum to decide whether they want to remain with India.

That is all and good, but none of them have any veto power besides some countries in europe. And the way you are going about it will never happen because other issue around the globe will demand the same way, very unlikely. The past history of India fighting UN on nuclear proliferation treaty and having been sanctioned by the world community for 40 odd years, and winning the battle, so can India sustain it's will on the Kashmire issue as being a internal issue.
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