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India’s stealth lobbying against Holbrooke's brief


Apr 8, 2007
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When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- flanked by President Obama -- introduced Richard Holbrooke as the formidable new U.S. envoy to South Asia at a State Department ceremony on Thursday, India was noticeably absent from his title.

Holbrooke, the veteran negotiator of the Dayton accords and sharp-elbowed foreign policy hand who has long advised Clinton, was officially named "special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan" in what was meant to be one of the signature foreign policy acts of Obama's first week in office.

But the omission of India from his title, and from Clinton's official remarks introducing the new diplomatic push in the region was no accident -- not to mention a sharp departure from Obama's own previously stated approach of engaging India, as well as Pakistan and Afghanistan, in a regional dialogue. Multiple sources told The Cable that India vigorously -- and successfully -- lobbied the Obama transition team to make sure that neither India nor Kashmir was included in Holbrooke's official brief.

"When the Indian government learned Holbrooke was going to do [Pakistan]-India, they swung into action and lobbied to have India excluded from his purview," relayed one source. "And they succeeded. Holbrooke's account officially does not include India."

To many Washington South Asia experts, the decision to not include India or Kashmir in the official Terms of Reference of Holbrooke's mandate was not just appropriate, but absolutely necessary. Given India's fierce, decades-long resistance to any internationalization of the Kashmir dispute, to have done so would have been a non-starter for India, and guaranteed failure before the envoy mission had begun, several suggested.

"Leaving India out of the title actually opens up [Holbrooke's] freedom to talk to them," argued Philip Zelikow, a former counselor to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who served until December as a consultant for a lobbying firm, BGR, retained by the Indian Government.

But to others -- including Obama himself, who proposed a special envoy to deal with Kashmir during the campaign -- the region's security challenges cannot be solved without including India. Obama told Time's Joe Klein, that working with Pakistan and India to try to resolve their Kashmir conflict would be a critical task for his administration's efforts to try to counter growing instability in Afghanistan and Pakistan. "Kashmir in particular is an interesting situation where that is obviously a potential tar pit diplomatically," Obama told Klein. "But, for us to devote serious diplomatic resources to get a special envoy in there, to figure out a plausible approach, and essentially make the argument to the Indians, you guys are on the brink of being an economic superpower, why do you want to keep on messing with this? ... I think there is a moment where potentially we could get their attention. It won't be easy, but it's important." Obama also suggested in the interview that he had discussed the special envoy idea with former President Bill Clinton.

Whatever the case, the evidence that India was able to successfully lobby the Obama transition in the weeks before it took office to ensure Holbrooke's mission left them and Kashmir out is testament to both the sensitivity of the issue to India as well as the prowess and sophistication of its Washington political and lobbying operation.

"The Indians freaked out at talk of Bill Clinton being an envoy to Kashmir," said Daniel Markey, a South Asia expert at the Council on Foreign Relations. "The reason they were so worried is they don't want their activities in Kashmir to be equated with what Pakistan is doing in Afghanistan."

"They [India] are the big fish [in the region]," Markey added. "They don't want to be grouped with the 'problem children' in the region, on Kashmir, on nuclear issues. They have a fairly effective lobbying machine. They have taken a lot of notes on the Israel model, and they have gotten better. But you don't want to overstate it. Some of the lobbying effort is obvious, done through companies, but a lot of it is direct government to government contact, people talking to each other. The Indian government and those around the Indian government made clear through a variety of channels because of the Clinton rumors and they came out to quickly shoot that down."

Once Holbrooke's name was floated, the Indian lobbying campaign became even more intense. "The Indians do not like Holbrooke because he has been very good on Pakistan... and has a very good feel for the place" said one former U.S. official on condition of anonymity. "The Indians have this town down."

Initially, when Obama's plans for a corps of special envoys became public after the election, The Cable was told, the idea was for a senior diplomat to tackle the Kashmir dispute as part of the South Asia envoy portfolio and whose mandate would include India. But soon after the election and Holbrooke's name began to appear, the Indians approached key transition officials to make clear that while they could not affect what the new administration did with respect to envoys, that they would expect no mediation on the Kashmir issue.

"I have suggested to others, though not directly to Dick [Holbrooke], that his title should not/not include India, precisely so that he would be freer to work with them," Zelikow said. "If you understand Indian politics, this paradox makes sense."

"I did nothing for the [Government of India] on this," Zelikow added. The Indian government "talked directly to folks on the [Obama] transition team and I heard about it from my Indian friends. I think Holbrooke needs to talk to the Indians. But they are trying, understandably, to break out of being in a hyphenated relationship with America (i.e., comprehended on a mental map called India-Pakistan)."

Other sources said India's hired lobbyists were deployed to shape the contours of the U.S. diplomatic mission. According to lobbying records filed with the Department of Justice, since 2005, the government of India has paid BGR about $2.5 million. BGR officials who currently work on the Indian account, who according to lobbying records include former Sen. Chuck Hagel aide Andrew Parasiliti, former U.S. State Department counterproliferation official Stephen Rademaker, former Bush I and Reagan era White House aide and BGR partner Ed Rogers, and former House Foreign Affairs committee staffer Walker Roberts, did not respond to messages left Friday by Foreign Policy. Former U.S. ambassador to India Robert Blackwill, who previously served as a lobbyist for India, left BGR in 2008 for the Rand Corporation. In addition, the Indian embassy in Washington has paid lobbying firm Patton Boggs $291,665 under a six-month contract that took effect Aug. 18, according to lobbying records.

"BGR has been a registered lobbyist for the Indian government since 2005," noted one Senate staffer on condition of anonymity. "The Indian government retained BGR for the primary purpose of pushing through the Congress the civil nuclear cooperation agreement between the United States and India - hence the strategic hires of Bob Blackwill, the former U.S. Ambassador to India, and Walker Roberts, a senior staffer on the House Foreign Affairs Committee responsible for vetting past such agreements. BGR continues to actively lobby on behalf of the Indian government - their lobbyists sought to influence a recent Senate resolution on the Mumbai attacks. So I would be very surprised if BGR were NOT involved here."

(For its part, Pakistan has spent about $1,175,000, on lobbying during the past year, including on trade issues. That includes Dewey and LeBoeuf's work for the Ministry of Commerce, and Locke Lord's work for the Embassy of Pakistan and the Pakistan International Airlines Corp, according to lobbying records.)

It's not clear to experts and officials interviewed exactly who in the Obama transition team was contacted as part of the Indian lobbying effort. The White House did not respond to queries.

Asked about the decision to exclude India from the special envoy's official mandate, former NSC and CIA official Bruce Riedel, who served as the senior lead of the team advising the Obama campaign on South Asian issues, said by e-mail, "When Senator Clinton originally proposed the envoy idea in her campaign it was only for Afghanistan and Pakistan." He didn't respond to a further query questioning why Clinton's campaign comments on the issue mattered as much as Obama's, since, obviously, it was Obama who won the presidency and ultimately appointed her to carry out his foreign policy as the Obama administration's top diplomat.

UPDATE: An administration official responded that the transition met with no foreign governments and no representatives of foreign governments, pursuant to a policy laid out by the then President-Elect. He further said that it was never the intent for the South Asian envoy portfolio to include an Indian role.

The Cable | A FOREIGN POLICY blog
U.S. Removes Kashmir From Envoy's Mandate; India Exults

By Emily Wax
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, January 30, 2009; Page A09

NEW DELHI, Jan. 29 -- Inside a chandeliered ballroom Thursday, Indian diplomats and business leaders and American officials held forth about a new "Cooperation Triangle" for the United States, China and India. But little mention was made at the Asia Foundation's conference on Indo-U.S. relations of the Indian government's recent diplomatic slam-dunk.

India managed to prune the portfolio of the Obama administration's top envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, Richard C. Holbrooke -- basically eliminating the contested region of Kashmir from his job description. The omission is seen as a significant diplomatic concession to India that reflects increasingly warm ties between the country and the United States, according to South Asia analysts.

Indian diplomats, worried about Holbrooke's tough-as-nails reputation, didn't want him meddling in Kashmir, according to several Indian officials and Indian news media reports. Holbrooke is nicknamed "the Bulldozer" for arm-twisting warring leaders to the negotiating table as he hammered out the 1995 Dayton peace accords that ended the war in Bosnia, a peace that has stuck.

"I think it is time for us -- having fobbed off Holbrooke -- to sit quietly and ask where are we and how do we manage the situation," said C. Raja Mohan, an Indian strategic analyst who served on India's national security advisory board in 2006.

Mohan's comments captured the public glee many Indians feel over their country's latest diplomatic success. It follows the government's victory in securing a deal with the United States that gives India access to civilian nuclear technology, even though it is a not a party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

India and Pakistan have made slow but steady progress on Kashmir over the past four years, but relations quickly chilled after the November attacks in Mumbai; India accused Pakistan of aiding in the three-day assault.

Few places represent the region's complexities more than Kashmir, a territory that has been disputed since the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan. The nuclear-armed nations have fought two wars over Kashmir, and the United States stepped in to head off a third one in 2001. Both countries claim Kashmir and both control parts of it, with the United Nations monitoring a cease-fire line between them.

"No matter what government is in place, India is not going to relinquish control of Jammu and Kashmir," Brajesh Mishra, India's former national security adviser, said in reference to the territory's Indian-administered sector. "That is written in stone and cannot be changed."

During the U.S. presidential campaign, Obama said the Kashmir issue was central to any stability in the region.

But India is suspicious of third-party intervention in the dispute. Kashmir is an internal issue and shouldn't be a part of any outsider's mandate, many Indian officials here say.

The country's Outlook magazine ran a cover story this week showing Obama dancing with his wife at an inaugural ball with the headline: "Should India fear him? What India must do to ensure Kashmir won't get caught in the crosshairs."

Last week, Mohan warned Holbrooke against "any high-profile intervention" in Kashmir. The topic is so politically sensitive here that it is referred to as the "K-word."

At a news briefing Tuesday, State Department spokesman Robert Wood said Kashmir was not part of Holbrooke's mandate.

"His mandate is to go out and try to help bring stability to Afghanistan, working closely with Pakistan," Wood said. "India has some very clear views as to what it wants to do vis-a-vis dealing with the Kashmir issue, as well as the Pakistanis."

When asked if Holbrooke would play a role if there were heightened tensions again over the Mumbai attacks, Wood said: "I don't want to speculate in terms of what he may or may not do, but his brief is focused solely on, as I said, Afghanistan-Pakistan."

Holbrooke was originally tasked as the special envoy for Afghanistan, Pakistan "and related matters," code for India and Kashmir, according to an American official in Washington who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person is not authorized to speak publicly. But on the morning Holbrooke's posting was announced, "related matters" had been deleted from the description.

Wood said at a briefing Thursday that Holbrooke would stop at the Munich Conference on Security Policy in Germany next Tuesday before heading to Pakistan and Afghanistan, where the border is a haven for Taliban fighters and where Osama bin Laden is believed to be hiding.

Pakistan and Afghanistan have yet to comment on the Kashmir issue. But other South Asia experts say that taking Kashmir out of Holbrooke's hands may upset Pakistan and that there may be behind-the-scenes negotiations anyway.

"Intellectually, it is impossible to disentangle these problems from each other," said Daniel Markey, a South Asia expert at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. "The smartest thing is to work on this behind the scenes."

India's Quiet Diplomatic Coup: Kashmir Eliminated From Obama Envoy's Mandate - washingtonpost.com
Intellectually, it is impossible to disentangle these problems from each other," said Daniel Markey, a South Asia expert at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. "The smartest thing is to work on this behind the scenes

I completly disagree with statement above. The kashmire issue is not related to what is going on between Afganistan and Pakistan. Pakistan has a tendency to apply any given situation to the kashmire issue. Even recently, Gilani made a grand statement that what is happening in Palestine is same in Kashmir. This article is just a big ploy by the Pakistanie lobby, where the statements like Kashmire issue will be talk behind closed doors, even though the whole purpose of Holbrook is to solve the taliban and al queda issue with Pakistan.
"No matter what government is in place, India is not going to relinquish control of Jammu and Kashmir," Brajesh Mishra, India's former national security adviser, said in reference to the territory's Indian-administered sector. "That is written in stone and cannot be changed."

this is the truth, and any country dealing with india has to remember this. thats all. whethers its obama or god himself, india's stand remains unchanged.

the seriousness of india's purpose can be understood from vigorous and successful lobbying against any special envoy. if a special envoy is rejected so strongly, obama/anyone else would be naive to believe india would give any concessions in any other way as far as 'k-word' is concerned.
Terrorism will only be eliminated of there is a final settlement in Kashmir, Seven Sisters and Punjab. These issues must be settled through the UN and by neighbouring countries of the region.
Kashmir I can Understand! Seven Sisters are a ploy by the communist freaks, that too I can Understand but no need of Bringing in UN, we Just drop napalm over the jungles where these freaks are hiding!

Punjab...... Do Visit Punjab anytime, it will be better than sitting in a chair and assuming that Punjab is burning! The Only Punjabis who are discontent are the Ones living outside India in their dreamworld and wanting to be President and PM of Khalistan! Visit Punjab and tell me there is Anti India feeling! Till then... Ponder Over... A lot!
Terrorism will only be eliminated of there is a final settlement in Kashmir, Seven Sisters and Punjab. These issues must be settled through the UN and by neighbouring countries of the region.

oh! finally, the gloves are off. this is wat you want isnt it? break india to pieces. you find different excuses to further that agenda.:rolleyes:
but mate india isnt vanishing soon, but BD does have that danger. no no, not from india , but from Bay of Bengal. ecological reports suggest that your country might not be in one piece till next century. in all probabality, india might still exist in one piece.:tdown:
Terrorism will only be eliminated of there is a final settlement in Kashmir, Seven Sisters and Punjab. These issues must be settled through the UN and by neighbouring countries of the region.

If only people would mind their own business & not covet other's property / land, learn to live with / cherish the blessings thay have, accept realities, play with the cards dealt to them & stop moaning on what they ' should' have got.. we'd all be spared a lot of grief.

This applies to countries as well.
Terrorism will only be eliminated of there is a final settlement in Kashmir, Seven Sisters and Punjab. These issues must be settled through the UN and by neighbouring countries of the region.

Stop living in your dreamland... That is not happening !!!
this is the truth, and any country dealing with india has to remember this. thats all. whethers its obama or god himself, india's stand remains unchanged.

the seriousness of india's purpose can be understood from vigorous and successful lobbying against any special envoy. if a special envoy is rejected so strongly, obama/anyone else would be naive to believe india would give any concessions in any other way as far as 'k-word' is concerned.

You mean all the monkey and elephant gods and such in which you believe, not even they can change India's stance on Kashmir..? Damn, the situation does look hopeless then for the people in Kashmir. :rolleyes:
why bring In religion man?^^^^^ Come on, why ever talk of peoples belief when we are here to talk about Weapons of Mass Destruction!
oh! finally, the gloves are off. this is wat you want isnt it? break india to pieces. you find different excuses to further that agenda.:rolleyes:
but mate india isnt vanishing soon, but BD does have that danger. no no, not from india , but from Bay of Bengal. ecological reports suggest that your country might not be in one piece till next century. in all probabality, india might still exist in one piece.:tdown:

Did MBI Munshi talk about making India vanish or dissapear?
Are his intentions aimed at such a thing? No.
Your comment of Bangladesh in danger of being washed away because ecologists say so is completely rubbish and is uncalled for in this thread.
Seems like you really don't give two hoots about Bangladesh and their people and you are only ego-centric and care about your own nation as a whole.
You continue to talk so tough about your nation's stance on the kashmir issue, that nobody can change India's minds and such, well, I have the feeling that you are overconfident and act so tough because you are uncertain and insecure of yourself and of your countries future.

Try to be more openminded, if the rest of India is just like you, then Pakistan and India will never find any solutions to their problems.
why bring In religion man?^^^^^ Come on, why ever talk of peoples belief when we are here to talk about Weapons of Mass Destruction!

I wasn't the one bringing in religion, I was merely commenting on his remark about not even god that could change India's minds.
oh! finally, the gloves are off. this is wat you want isnt it? break india to pieces. you find different excuses to further that agenda.:rolleyes:
but mate india isnt vanishing soon, but BD does have that danger. no no, not from india , but from Bay of Bengal. ecological reports suggest that your country might not be in one piece till next century. in all probabality, india might still exist in one piece.:tdown:

Right Suresh,

Maybe that is why they enter our country in droves to beg ,borrow and steal.
Did MBI Munshi talk about making India vanish or dissapear?
Are his intentions aimed at such a thing? No.
Your comment of Bangladesh in danger of being washed away because ecologists say so is completely rubbish and is uncalled for in this thread.
Seems like you really don't give two hoots about Bangladesh and their people and you are only ego-centric and care about your own nation as a whole.
You continue to talk so tough about your nation's stance on the kashmir issue, that nobody can change India's minds and such, well, I have the feeling that you are overconfident and act so tough because you are uncertain and insecure of yourself and of your countries future.

Try to be more openminded, if the rest of India is just like you, then Pakistan and India will never find any solutions to their problems.

How about exercising the same rules in Baluchistan and Sind….assure you Pakistan will also not vanish.

Remember one thing neither will Pakistan become big nor will India become small….daydreaming…it’s your birth right.

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