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India’s nuclear logic

Exactly my point.
No nuclear weapon has ever been used in war, except the American gifts to Japan (and they still feel no guilt). They just sit tight and look intimidating. The movie, Lord of War, made a good point. Small arms and automatic weapons pose a bigger threat to the world.

Agreed,,, as US has already destroyed coming generation of IRAQ
Agreed,,, as US has already destroyed coming generation of IRAQ

Saddam kept the sectarian issues under control, but he would have destroyed Iraq himself anyways.
Same as what Gaddafi was doing.

Too much power gone to their heads and guns in their hands .....
Their is a thing Known as Common Sense
Lets Just Suppose Their is a War between Pakistan and India
Indian army start invading Pakistan
Pakistan is taking heavy casualties
Only option left is Use of Nukes
But the fear of Retaliation
Now 2 things Can happen
1 ( Pakistan Dont Use Nukes and war stops somehow )may be international pressure on both countries or fear of retaliation
2 ( Pakistan Use Nukes )
if Pakistan Use Nukes what makes you think that they Will on use Nasr, Pakistan have a huge arsenal of Missiles which can hit any part of india

But in this Scenario Pakistan has a advantage indias no 1st use policy So Pakistan will try achieve maximum points or Can you se that point as game changer
Pakistan knows if some things or some forces remain their can be 2nd strike on Pakistan so they Will try to take out maximum targets so if their is a 2nd strike on Pakistan then losses will be alot less
Their is a thing Known as Common Sense
Lets Just Suppose Their is a War between Pakistan and India
Indian army start invading Pakistan
Pakistan is taking heavy casualties
Only option left is Use of Nukes
But the fear of Retaliation
Now 2 things Can happen
1 ( Pakistan Dont Use Nukes and war stops somehow )may be international pressure on both countries or fear of retaliation
2 ( Pakistan Use Nukes )
if Pakistan Use Nukes what makes you think that they Will on use Nasr, Pakistan have a huge arsenal of Missiles which can hit any part of india

But in this Scenario Pakistan has a advantage indias no 1st use policy So Pakistan will try achieve maximum points or Can you se that point as game changer
Pakistan knows if some things or some forces remain their can be 2nd strike on Pakistan so they Will try to take out maximum targets so if their is a 2nd strike on Pakistan then losses will be alot less

All that makes a nice story; but first consider the relative sizes of the two countries. Even that is a huge factor in the effects of the Nuke strikes especially wrt to Survivability, do not forget that.

Then another thing; don't get lulled too much by the NFU doctrine when a HOT shooting war starts: do you think that everything will happen by some "Rule-Book"?
from what I can make out after reading on the battle field tactical nukes doctrine of Pakistan is tactical nukes if used in a war scenario, then it will be backed by a full fledged "Massive Strike" Strategical nukes on stand by, the launching orders of which will be depending on the type of action India choses to take, if it chooses a full fledged nuclear retaliation to the use of battle field nukes then immediately the Massive strike Strategical nukes will be launched simultaneously thus ensuring a "mutual annihilation", whatever be the case, one thing is for sure that if there has to be a full fledged Strategical nuke strike then it will not be a single nuke but a Massive strike from both the sides
If this is correct then Pakistan @ the time of near defeat will Nuke us with what ever they got and make sure that we are not able to respond its a dilemma for them but its better to use it then become slaves .
In chinese war doctrine i remember it says if enemy is losing always give them chance to escape other wise they don't have anything to lose.

These are the objective Pakistan will try to achieve in their First use Nuclear strike
1) Destroy as many Command and control Facility [Parliament,Army ,Navy and Airforce Head quarters]
2) Destroy Big population City [Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkata,Madras,chennai,bangalore]
3) Destroy ports
4) Destroy satellite communication
5) Destroy Power grid

If they achieve their goal then it will be next to impossible to response with nuclear.

Saran made it clear that India wouldn’t distinguish between a kiloton weapon aimed at tanks or a megatonner aimed at a city. “The label on a nuclear weapon used for attacking India, strategic or tactical, is irrelevant from the Indian perspective. A limited nuclear war is a contradiction in terms. Any nuclear exchange, once initiated, would swiftly and inexorably escalate to the strategic level. Pakistan would be prudent not to assume otherwise as it sometimes appears to do, most recently by developing and perhaps deploying theatre nuclear weapons.”
These are the objective Pakistan will try to achieve in their First use Nuclear strike
1) Destroy as many Command and control Facility [Parliament,Army ,Navy and Airforce Head quarters]
2) Destroy Big population City [Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkata,Madras,chennai,bangalore]
3) Destroy ports
4) Destroy satellite communication
5) Destroy Power grid

Point 2 can not be confirmed. Pakistan has emphasized on tactical warheads which are better suited for smaller targets, not cities.
Here i am discussing a full fledged nuclear strike to take out as many as possible from enemy side and demoralized the enemy nation.

Point 2 can not be confirme.d. Pakistan has emphasized on tactical warheads which are better suited for smaller targets, not cities.
If this is correct then Pakistan @ the time of near defeat will Nuke us with what ever they got and make sure that we are not able to respond its a dilemma for them but its better to use it then become slaves .
In chinese war doctrine i remember it says if enemy is losing always give them chance to escape other wise they don't have anything to lose.

These are the objective Pakistan will try to achieve in their First use Nuclear strike
1) Destroy as many Command and control Facility [Parliament,Army ,Navy and Airforce Head quarters]
2) Destroy Big population City [Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkata,Madras,chennai,bangalore]
3) Destroy ports
4) Destroy satellite communication
5) Destroy Power grid

If they achieve their goal then it will be next to impossible to response with nuclear.

Saran made it clear that India wouldn’t distinguish between a kiloton weapon aimed at tanks or a megatonner aimed at a city. “The label on a nuclear weapon used for attacking India, strategic or tactical, is irrelevant from the Indian perspective. A limited nuclear war is a contradiction in terms. Any nuclear exchange, once initiated, would swiftly and inexorably escalate to the strategic level. Pakistan would be prudent not to assume otherwise as it sometimes appears to do, most recently by developing and perhaps deploying theatre nuclear weapons.”

If a Nuclear War breaks then 2 thing Remaining Forces Will caught between into nuclear fall out And Emps Which will stop all comuunication And Pakistan will try for their survival because one man can do any thing for it
All that makes a nice story; but first consider the relative sizes of the two countries. Even that is a huge factor in the effects of the Nuke strikes especially wrt to Survivability, do not forget that.

Then another thing; don't get lulled too much by the NFU doctrine when a HOT shooting war starts: do you think that everything will happen by some "Rule-Book"?

You are right The number factor is huge but thats what i said Pakistan will try to attack all possible targets try to take out as many as possible at end it will come to best guess and intelligence reports Pakistan will not send a paper to Delhi that we are going to Use Nukes and its nor Russia or US where Missile shields will work , yes you are right about Rules about 1 thing you have to take in mind again the number factor and your tech In many fields India have far superior weapons with a great number of human resources so using nukes will be always 2nd option On Pakistani side its vice versa
If needed India should test again to further its development on miniaturization of nukes. It is important to keep China under check.
from what I can make out after reading on the battle field tactical nukes doctrine of Pakistan is tactical nukes if used in a war scenario, then it will be backed by a full fledged "Massive Strike" Strategical nukes on stand by, the launching orders of which will be depending on the type of action India choses to take, if it chooses a full fledged nuclear retaliation to the use of battle field nukes then immediately the Massive strike Strategical nukes will be launched simultaneously thus ensuring a "mutual annihilation", whatever be the case, one thing is for sure that if there has to be a full fledged Strategical nuke strike then it will not be a single nuke but a Massive strike from both the sides

Does not work like that. Even if kept on stand by, a massive strike by India will render much of Pakistan's nuclear capability redundant. Second strike options work when survivability is guaranteed. If India disables a large portion of Pakistan's nuclear weapons with a large strike, Pakistan's remaining nuclear weapons remain susceptible to being dealt with by missile defence systems. Simultaneous launches may not work because much of Pakistan's radar network would probably be destroyed before Pakistan feels the need to use any type of nuclear weapons against Indian forces. With diminishes tracking ability & the short warning period, Pakistan may simply not have enough of a reaction time to launch it's large strike before Indian strikes cause massive damage to the Pakistani nuclear arsenal.
I know one thing bro its not happening both India and Pakistan will not fight for next 1000 years rest in peace its just hypothetical scenario .

If this is correct then Pakistan @ the time of near defeat will Nuke us with what ever they got and make sure that we are not able to respond its a dilemma for them but its better to use it then become slaves .
In chinese war doctrine i remember it says if enemy is losing always give them chance to escape other wise they don't have anything to lose.

These are the objective Pakistan will try to achieve in their First use Nuclear strike
1) Destroy as many Command and control Facility [Parliament,Army ,Navy and Airforce Head quarters]
2) Destroy Big population City [Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkata,Madras,chennai,bangalore]
3) Destroy ports
4) Destroy satellite communication
5) Destroy Power grid

If they achieve their goal then it will be next to impossible to response with nuclear.

If a Nuclear War breaks then 2 thing Remaining Forces Will caught between into nuclear fall out And Emps Which will stop all comuunication And Pakistan will try for their survival because one man can do any thing for it
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