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India’s Mars exploration mission by Oct

Hmm nice to see India doing this. This mission has no strategic importance for us. But just a way for India to enter another elite club. Moreover its a big boost to nation's engineering and technical capabilities. Confidence is another thing that India will gain from this investment.

This was what fools said when space exploration was coming up ... ( prior to sputnik launch )
Yes it is the oxidized iron in the upper surface of Mars that gives it the rusty color, same way as an apple cut in pieces and left out in the open turns reddish/rusty.
Is Mars really red? Or is NASA fudging colors to make it look foreboding and devoid of any possibility of life? Is it a conspiracy of sorts? Well, here are some images of Mars taken by Spirit and Opportunity with color correction.

Remember, as per NASA's own admission, the L2 (Red) filters were turned up in intensity so that more data could be sent back to Earth as well as providing more detail for scientific purposes.

For example check out this image below. This is the actual photograph on Mars shown during a conference immediately after the Rover sent the image to Earth. The next image shown below of the same official photograph that was released to the public by NASA/JPL and is colored red!! WHY?


The official image released to the public:


Here's another released by NASA/JPL...


Color corrected without L2 filtering...


There's more but later!

Remember, there's more stuff out there than meets the eye! :smokin:
i will repeat again that moon is a sattelite brought by nibirian aka annunakis (ENLIL).... America and russia tried to nuke it but they found its hollow.... Nibirians made it hollow to move moon.... It brought from sirius B.... btw the greys doing same thing with planet earth.... They making earth bit hollow to fit biggest machine that can propel it in times of astroid impact or planet sun exploading rays.... Chandrayan-1 went too far and tried to take pics of dark side of moon.... it was shot by lasor beam that destroyed software of chandrayan-1.... isro should take permission of Greys to explore moon.... Btw planet mars under reptilian control.... Named as Nagas whos base are on himalaya (under himalayas).... i hope isro took their permission like NASA takes.... Nasa dont do anything without permission.... They learned hardway (while russia havent learned yet)....
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How does ISRO get in touch with Grey officers, do you happen to have their contact number, email, website or twitter id or something?

I dont think Indian postal service can reach beneath the Himalayas, do they have a beaming pod, where ISRO can beam its official into the Grey's base?
India should go explore Saturn and Jupiter from Earth because Mars is too close, I wish India success.
Anyone seen this broken bust on Mars? Whodunnit? :undecided:


By the way this is from the original image beamed down by Opportunity and found by my friend Mikesingh who has cropped the area from a huge 120mb image published by NASA/JPL. There are more interesting images from Mars. If any of you are interested in seeing them, let's know!! :smokin:
Anyone seen this broken bust on Mars? Whodunnit? :undecided:


By the way this is from the original image beamed down by Spirit and found by my friend Mikesingh who has cropped the area from a huge 120mb image. There are more interesting images from Mars. But are any of you interested in seeing them? If so, let's know!! :smokin:

Keep them coming
Keep them coming
Jade, please correct my post to read 'Opportunity' instead of 'Spirit'. Thanks!

So you want more? Ok, here's another one photographed this time by Spirit...What seems to be a statue on Mars! :woot:

Is Mars really red? Or is NASA fudging colors to make it look foreboding and devoid of any possibility of life? Is it a conspiracy of sorts? Well, here are some images of Mars taken by Spirit and Opportunity with color correction.

Remember, as per NASA's own admission, the L2 (Red) filters were turned up in intensity so that more data could be sent back to Earth as well as providing more detail for scientific purposes.

For example check out this image below. This is the actual photograph on Mars shown during a conference immediately after the Rover sent the image to Earth. The next image shown below of the same official photograph that was released to the public by NASA/JPL and is colored red!! WHY?


The official image released to the public:


Here's another released by NASA/JPL...


Color corrected without L2 filtering...


There's more but later!

Remember, there's more stuff out there than meets the eye! :smokin:

Mars is called the Red Planet not because the explorers or telescopes found it red, rather because it appears red in the night sky.

All the old scriptures on astronomy from any region or civilization that have recorded Mars, call it red, and if you go out in a clean area far from the city pollution and look up at clear night sky, you will find out that Mars is red.

Now the question is, why Mars appears so red to the naked eye, when pictures taken on the surface show that the hue is entirely different?

The answer lies in its atmosphere that carries a great amount of dust that is rich in Ferrus Oxide and it is the effect of this dust, and a very thin layer (probably thinner than 1 mm) on top of the crust that reflects light into the atmosphere, that make the reddish or rusty hue appear so large and dominating over other colors.

The effect is very similar to our looking horizontally on Earth to find just a transparent, colorless air, but looking upwards to find the sky all blue.
You think ? Its an orbiter.

Yes it would just be an orbiter. See on moon you dont have atmosphere so it is comparatively easy to crash land the MIP, but on Mars it would require good heat shields while its descent. And you see the launcher is a PSLV so may be on some other mission on GSLV.
Now the question is, why Mars appears so red to the naked eye, when pictures taken on the surface show that the hue is entirely different?

The answer lies in its atmosphere that carries a great amount of dust that is rich in Ferrus Oxide and it is the effect of this dust, and a very thin layer (probably thinner than 1 mm) on top of the crust that reflects light into the atmosphere, that make the reddish or rusty hue appear so large and dominating over other colors.
Spot on! But the issue here is as to why NASA/JPL are publishing images on the surface of Mars with the red L2 filter turned up? For example here's an image from the NASA/JPL website:


Now with the L2 filter at normal range, this is what you get:


The second image looks more natural and most likely the REAL color of Mars from the surface. So why NASA is fudging the colors is the question! Is it to hide any traces of vegetation like what appears to be, in the second image?

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