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India’s Mars exploration mission by Oct

Why is Mars so red in color? Is it the iron content of its soil?
Why is Mars so red in color? Is it the iron content of its soil?

Yes it is the oxidized iron in the upper surface of Mars that gives it the rusty color, same way as an apple cut in pieces and left out in the open turns reddish/rusty.
@Ayush Pandey indian chandrayaan found alien base on moon and it was shot by greys when it went too close to their base on dark side of moon.... Btw let me know what u want to know about mars mission.... Also let me know if u want to know more about chandryaan mission....
UFO News|UFOs 2012|Latest UFO Sightings|Alien Pictures|2013 Solar Strom|UFO 2013: Indian Chandrayaan-1 Discovered Giant Chamber On The Moon
Giant Underground Chamber Found on Moon By India's Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft
@Ayush Pandey indian chandrayaan found alien base on moon and it was shot by greys when it went too close to their base on dark side of moon.... Btw let me know what u want to know about mars mission.... Also let me know if u want to know more about chandryaan mission....
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Oct/Nov this year sounds very ambitious...I am afraid we dont run behind any particular date and mess up the things as far as space exploration is concerned..we are a developing country and cant absorb shocks in this areas...my suggestion is, take your time, do due diligence and then do it Right First Time!! as we say in other cases, "this is not a rocket science".....and in this case, its a rocket science and that too reaching out to planet like MARS!!! All the best ISRO
In Chandrayaan-1, contained five Indian instruments and six foreign instruments.

Russia will work with ISRO on Chandrayaan-2, they believe ISRO have good luck, Chandrayaan-1 made NASA find water on moon, Russia hope to get some luck from ISRO

NASA didn't find water on Moon, ISRO did. Three instruments of Chandrayaan found water not just one. No Russian instrument/sensor on Mangalyaan. Russia has nothing to do with it.
NASA didn't find water on Moon, ISRO did. Three instruments of Chandrayaan found water not just one. No Russian instrument/sensor on Mangalyaan. Russia has nothing to do with it.

dude..read it again. "Chandrayaan-1 made NASA find water on moon, " ....NASA is not Russian organization..why so much about Russian!!!
i will repeat again that moon is a sattelite brought by nibirian aka annunakis (ENLIL).... America and russia tried to nuke it but they found its hollow.... Nibirians made it hollow to move moon.... It brought from sirius B.... btw the greys doing same thing with planet earth.... They making earth bit hollow to fit biggest machine that can propel it in times of astroid impact or planet sun exploading rays.... Chandrayan-1 went too far and tried to take pics of dark side of moon.... it was shot by lasor beam that destroyed software of chandrayan-1.... isro should take permission of Greys to explore moon.... Btw planet mars under reptilian control.... Named as Nagas whos base are on himalaya (under himalayas).... i hope isro took their permission like NASA takes.... Nasa dont do anything without permission.... They learned hardway (while russia havent learned yet)....
UFO News|UFOs 2012|Latest UFO Sightings|Alien Pictures|2013 Solar Strom|UFO 2013: Indian Chandrayaan-1 Discovered Giant Chamber On The Moon
Yeah! But hopefully there will be no delays!

Here's an image, that I posted on another scientific website, taken by the Mars Spirit Rover for which there was a lot of discussion. Note the blue-green 'fog' in the distance. This is probably methane but we don't know for sure whether it is thermogenic or biogenic. That's the million dollar question that our Mangalyaan would be answering! (hopefully!)


I feel that the methane is thermogenic. It is almost impossible to have life on Mars, given the conditions. Hope I am proved wrong.

Why is Mars so red in color? Is it the iron content of its soil?

mate i read an article somewhere about the mysterious fate of the Soviet Mars probe Phobos-2,so can you shed some light in this matter!it said that before getting disconnected with the Soviet control system on earth it sent a couple of mysterious pictures which appeared to be the shadow of a gigantic cylindrical shaped alien mothership on Mars' surface and they released the penultimate picture sent by the probe before the international media,so do you think that the alien mothership had something to do with the destruction of the probe?
I'm no expert in this arena but to me Nov 2013 seems incredibly ambitious. Also Mars is an inclredilby cruel destination for space missions- IIRC there is somthing like a 70% fail rate of such missions. The chips are certainly stacked against ISRO, if they are able to pull yet another rabbit out of the hat and have a success then this will be a great day for India.
I'm no expert in this arena but to me Nov 2013 seems incredibly ambitious. Also Mars is an inclredilby cruel destination for space missions- IIRC there is somthing like a 70% fail rate of such missions. The chips are certainly stacked against ISRO, if they are able to pull yet another rabbit out of the hat and have a success then this will be a great day for India.

Atleast we should wait and stop counting chickens before hatching of egg :D
Hmm nice to see India doing this. This mission has no strategic importance for us. But just a way for India to enter another elite club. Moreover its a big boost to nation's engineering and technical capabilities. Confidence is another thing that India will gain from this investment.

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