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India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

A parallel cannot be drawn between Sikkim in one hand and Baluchistan and Wazirstan of Pakistan on the other. It is good that you did not cite the names of Karachi and Islamabad.

Annexing Sikkim has been a boomerang for India. Every country in the region knows now about the Indian long term design, and has, therefore, become extra careful. No other country trusts India any more.

So, Sikkim is, in fact, a diplomatic failure for India. Reinstating its independence would help India to regain trusts of its neighbours.

Uhm.. in what ways did India forcefully annex Sikkim? It was the Sikkim government which requested India to intervene in its internal affairs after large-scale riots and then a referendum was held in which Sikkimese voted in favor of India.

Sikkimese love India. There is no major separatist movement there. As a matter of fact, separatist movements throughout India are on a decline.


Your own former PM accepted the fact that 4,000+ Pak troops died in the war compared to only 550-600 Indian troops.

The Hindu : Over 4,000 soldiers killed in Kargil: Sharif

India had driven back Pak troops from almost all the ridges in Kargil even before Bill Clinton summoned Sharif.

LRB · Tariq Ali: Bitter Chill of Winter

Good points! Pakistani PM himself acknowledged that Pakistan lost several more troops than India did and by the time Clinton met with Sharif, only a couple of mountain peaks were under Pakistani control. Therefore, Pakistanis saying that India actually lost the war is laughable. We would have secured the entire Kargil even if Pakistan had decided to continue and fight. At best, Pakistan's decision to withdraw prevented further escalation in tensions which could possibly lead to nuclear war.

Indian army rocks!

how about you stop being one liners and post something worthwhile and constructive for a change.

There is very little constructive one can add / reply to the thought process indicated in post # 127.
Ohh Cut the cr@p about Sikkim..recently my sis with her family enjoyed & came from there and nobody was saying that I am going to INDIA... and about merging of states.. whom so ever has written this article.. pls ask him that should we give back our 526 "riyasats" to their kings ?? :blah:
similar is the case with PAK/BD as well.. Once they are part of nation they are.. nothing less nothing more.. if there are some demands or notorious.. Discussions or IA will take care...
ha bhai ..arunachal,sikikim sab indian states he.jo democracy me belive karte he....jo ukhad na he ukhad lo[ apart from posting troll here, u cant do anything]...
My these words may hurt Indian friends.
But that is true that Indian NEVER EVER ready to accept the reality or truth that showing their weakness or state problems in India.
this is just a BS article...this is classic case of SUNADR SAPNA TOOT GAYA...they still think they will have cakewalk which was not the case even in 1962...or, maybe they just are just whining over the missed opportunity...
so have you accepted that Pakistan is eppicenter of terrorism..........

truth hurts

Well, the major terror activities that happened in Pakistan right now is what a part of India too. I mean Indian Terrorist Organization "RAW" doing its best against Pakistan to make more terrorism & supporting Taliban for terror in Pakistan.

Because India always were involved to destabilize Pakistan whenever they get even a single opportunity.

EDIT: I have a lot proof/Evidence about India`S terrorism in whole South Asia. But no need to waist time for it. Because the more you Indian get the reality of your own nature the more you show anger, and make internationally propaganda against Pakistan!
Even Mumbai Attack what you Indian call (26/11) was too India`s own made drama against Pakistan.

According to plan Indian commandos killed Israeli Jewish & Police Officer "Himmat Kekre" just because he got "Samjohtta Express"
incident investigation.

Pakistan is become a symbole for India to cry like little babies always"
Margya Pakistan, Margya Pakistan"

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Well, the major terror activities that happened in Pakistan right now is what a part of India too. I mean Indian Terrorist Organization "RAW" doing its best against Pakistan to make more terrorism & supporting Taliban for terror in Pakistan.

Because India always were involved to destabilize Pakistan whenever they get even a single opportunity.

EDIT: I have a lot proof/Evidence about India`S terrorism in whole South Asia. But no need to waist time for it. Because the more you Indian get the reality of your own nature the more you show anger, and make internationally propaganda against Pakistan!
Even Mumbai Attack what you Indian call (26/11) was too India`s own made drama against Pakistan.

According to plan Indian commandos killed Israeli Jewish & Police Officer "Himmat Kekre" just because he got "Samjohtta Express"
incident investigation.

Pakistan is become a symbole for India to cry like little babies always"
Margya Pakistan, Margya Pakistan"


tell me one thing................wasnt Hemant Karkaree chief of ATS???

and samjotha is dealt by CBI???/

hahahahaha................grand knowlegde of another geneius..............hohohohoho


oh you are too much
Just one simple answer.
India is not going to give away sikkim.Let the chinese do what they can.India doesnt give a damn to the chinese.Now if they think we occupied it forcefully let them think.The truth is sikkim will be AN INTEGRAL PART OF INDIA and you cant do anything with it.
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