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India-Russia Divorce and its impact on Indian defence

You should go back and read my post. I was never unhappy with either SU-30MKI or RAFALEs or for that matter MIG-29s. In fact I strongly support of those. I was merely pointing to the fact that Russia were frustrated by India Choosing RAFALEs while not making any progress on PAK-FA/FGFA while on the other hand IAF was unhappy for Indian leadership forcing them to choose MIG-29s and SU-30s.

Don't try to attribute frustrations of Russia and IAF to me.

Btw, i noticed your signature text.


Lake Manasarovar is near the source of theSutlej, which is the easternmost large tributary of the Sindhu. Nearby are the sources of the Brahmaputra River, the Indus River, and the Ghaghara, an important tributary of the Ganges.

Imagine if China dams this lake or modifies it in whatever ways as she please lol

No wonder u r willing to trade aksai chin for it.
We don't have access to any of their technology and have no say in their development.

Can't assemble them in India.

2 of them are old tech and their latest one is a white elephant.

C-17s are not a replacement of IL-76.

The IL-76 is very unique in its abilities and has specific roles.

These just complement each other.

Please Explain the bold part too thanks
Seems like India & Russia are going for a slow and painful divorce.

How does this impact the availability of the existing Russia equipment and future procurements. What are alternatives?

Current Equipment
Nuclear sub (leased)

Proposed Equipment
Super Sukhoi Upgrade
MTA (Dead)
Yassen Sub

Strategic Fallout
Loose Veto at UN
Loose support for NSG
Increased Russia-Pakistan defense ties
rafale deal had hit you too hard buddy...take a nap!!
we still have lot of projects with russia!
Btw, i noticed your signature text.


Lake Manasarovar is near the source of theSutlej, which is the easternmost large tributary of the Sindhu. Nearby are the sources of the Brahmaputra River, the Indus River, and the Ghaghara, an important tributary of the Ganges.

Imagine if China dams this lake or modifies it in whatever ways as she please lol

No wonder u r willing to trade aksai chin for it.

Mount Kailash and lake Manasarovar are considered the abode of Hindu god lord Shiva. They have special significance for Hindus.
@dadeechi @punit

My two paise worth (let me look for them ... have a few lying still as collection)

Mig-29s came for checking F-16s. It was, at the time, the best aircraft available in Air Superiority role. Offer of Assembly line came along with it. IAF was quite happy with the platform

Mirage-2000 came for our nuclear delivery on the reports of Chinese having lent a couple of nukes to Pakistan as 'insurance', also with offer of assembly line. That was the time wherein Pakistan still was not in a position to have fielded its own nuclear device although it trained its officer cadre for NBC contingencies. They had a known and established chemical warfare capability though.

Now, contention came where IAF was asked to choose between the two for one assembly line and the politics thereof.

Google a bit, lot of things on that around.

Beyond this .... I am speechless. I need air support

@Abingdonboy @PARIKRAMA
@dadeechi @punit

My two paise worth (let me look for them ... have a few lying still as collection)

Mig-29s came for checking F-16s. It was, at the time, the best aircraft available in Air Superiority role. Offer of Assembly line came along with it. IAF was quite happy with the platform

Mirage-2000 came for our nuclear delivery on the reports of Chinese having lent a couple of nukes to Pakistan as 'insurance', also with offer of assembly line. That was the time wherein Pakistan still was not in a position to have fielded its own nuclear device although it trained its officer cadre for NBC contingencies. They had a known and established chemical warfare capability though.

Now, contention came where IAF was asked to choose between the two for one assembly line and the politics thereof.

Google a bit, lot of things on that around.

Beyond this .... I am speechless. I need air support

@Abingdonboy @PARIKRAMA

Im baffled by why there are ppl who thinks that China would had knowingly assisted Pakistan in any way with her nuclear program(including lending a couple of 'nukes').

It makes no sense for China to do that anyway. Hypotehtically, Pakistan might be a friend now but she may not be in the future. hell she might even be reunited with India if religious differences could be settled and at that point of time, China would have had a much stronger South Asia to contend with. Same goes for North Korea.

No1 would share such a strategic technology with others.
Im baffled by why there are ppl who thinks that China would had knowingly assisted Pakistan in any way with her nuclear program(including lending a couple of 'nukes').

It makes no sense for China to do that anyway. Hypotehtically, Pakistan might be a friend now but she may not be in the future. Same goes for North Korea.

No1 would share such a strategic technology with others.

I am also baffled by why would they indeed! You are, of course, absolutely right. Chinese would never be doing such a thing, Saints that they are. Of course, they never crossed the Yalu River in Korean War either to prop up a collapsing North Korean Regime. All lies. The bloody anti-Chinese Capitalists!

Of course, the mere fact that India remains the ONLY country which has an unsettled boundary issue (land; SCS is China's own creation) and which refuses to re-negotiate boundaries just because power in China changed from Emperor to the Nationalists to the Communist, and Pakistan helped secure Chinese interests post 1962 war and reached a Boundary agreement ceding Shaksgam Valley, a part of the principality of Hunza (and part of princely state of J&K) without taking into consideration the view of the Kashmiris (whose rights at self determination and freedom they love to champion), unilaterally to China and also the role they played in the re-approachment of US with China in the crucial period following the break away with USSR in post 1960 era having nothing to do with Pakistan, can be a reason.

Also, delivery of M-11s in 1993by China to Pakistan too is a figment of imagination.

I am sorry, I am mistaken. I stand corrected.

Thanks for your insight.
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Im baffled by why there are ppl who thinks that China would had knowingly assisted Pakistan in any way with her nuclear program(including lending a couple of 'nukes').

It makes no sense for China to do that anyway. Hypotehtically, Pakistan might be a friend now but she may not be in the future. hell she might even be reunited with India if religious differences could be settled and at that point of time, China would have had a much stronger South Asia to contend with. Same goes for North Korea.

No1 would share such a strategic technology with others.

We do need to understand that Pakistan is China's Israel.

China did provide help to Pakistan while the US looked the other way.

Lets just hope pigs dont fly from across the border!

I would be happy to be proven wrong and sad to say that I told you so.

Let's wait for the summit and see how it pans out..
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You should go back and read my post. I was never unhappy with either SU-30MKI or RAFALEs or for that matter MIG-29s. In fact I strongly support of those. I was merely pointing to the fact that Russia were frustrated by India Choosing RAFALEs while not making any progress on PAK-FA/FGFA while on the other hand IAF was unhappy for Indian leadership forcing them to choose MIG-29s and SU-30s.

Don't try to attribute frustrations of Russia and IAF to me.
do you understand .. what u are trying to say. take rest and who knows there may still be chance for F 16/18 !!
Please Explain the bold part too thanks

Ever seen the IL76 landing on an ice sheet without any troubles?

I have when I was shooting in Greenland. The aircraft was a natural in the arctic environment.

It was a supply aircraft chartered by our company.

Basically, they are rugged, carry excellent payloads are sturdy and can handle almost any terrain.
if russians are getting paid there is no reason why they won't supply spares
Not just getting paid, but also getting paid by how much. The latter part is subject to the vicissitudes of geopolitical environment at that time.

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