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India ridiculed at BRICS

The media article posted as the thread starter here is the most profound example of stupid gutter journalism that I have ever come across. As for the Indian and other posters insulting South Africa and belittling the PM of India, you are naive and ignorant about the geographics of both Durban and SA and of diplomatic arrangements when your PM visits other nations. Firstly, the fact that your PM and your delegation was given accomodation in Ballito and not in central Durban is an honor to him. Ballito is a beach town which is upmarket and has a greater security detail than downtown Durban or the traffic crazy neighboring Umhlanga. So much for the allegations of "inferior accomodation". Secondly, if your foreign affairs department did not take the trouble of arranging meetings with the host (which the Russians and the Chinese painstakingly did months before the conference) then why point fingers at South Africa?? If you South Asian countries run your governments like a spice bazaar then stop pointing fingers at other nations including South Africa when your schedule doesn't include a meeting with its President. Finally, go on insulting your PM or your governent or your country. Ridiculing President Zuma for your f'ups however just makes you a bunch of idiots on the international scale. I suggest that you keep your idiocracy to a domestic level to prevent making yourselves a bunch of international clowns

I do not buy into this argument.

1. Indian PM is 80 years old. It is not good manner to make him travel for too long in a car.....upmarket be dammed.

2. Indian foreign affairs dept. has been conducting international diplomacy for 60+ years ...it is staffed by the brightest from India (from a pool of 1 billion people). It is impossible to assume they did not plan this meet. They are fare too mature to get angry if the meeting was unplanned and did not take place.

3. By the look of things, its the south african govt. that seems to run its govt. like a spice bazaar.

4. This was a very serious breach of etiquette by South Africa and will certainly had a negative effect in relationship between the two nations.
I agree. India is sold out to Italy, the white Beach is minting money. She does not have any national interests. India will be Kaput within five years, if she rules again.

China is ruled by Chinese, while India is ruled by Whites.

These stupid Indians did not find one ethnic Indian to rule India but white lady who has her allegiance to Vatican.
If a common person like me can react like this after this shocking treatment of Indian PM, why can not Sonia Maino?

Inhaling fumes from meth lab and acting as a drug mule for mexican cartel has damaged your brain beyond repair.

What does this Incident has to do with Internal politics of India???????

And what does whites and Catholics has to do with this?????

You remind me of idune,a Bangladeshi member suffering from same condition as you.
I do not buy into this argument.

1. Indian PM is 80 years old. It is not good manner to make him travel for too long in a car.....upmarket be dammed.

2. Indian foreign affairs dept. has been conducting international diplomacy for 60+ years ...it is staffed by the brightest from India (from a pool of 1 billion people). It is impossible to assume they did not plan this meet. They are fare too mature to get angry if the meeting was unplanned and did not take place.

3. By the look of things, its the south african govt. that seems to run its govt. like a spice bazaar.

4. This was a very serious breach of etiquette by South Africa and will certainly had a negative effect in relationship between the two nations.

1. Well, if a 10 minute drive for your PM (literally a 10 minute drive with flashing blue Merc suvs clearing out the highways for him) is too much of a stress then perhaps you should consider mothballing the old man. The President of South Africa is 70 years old and he is known to be driven down from Jo'burg to Durban which is a 6 hour drive.

2. The South African foreign affairs department is the most efficient in Africa (yes literally). Their pool of staff has experience since 1910 so let's not go into experience. The local media here reported and it is accepted that your foreign affairs department and that of the Brazilians did not make any arrangements for private meeting between heads of states. The Russians and Chinese did. Perhaps your foreign affairs department believed that President Zuma would sip chai and talk to PM Singh at a bangra bash after the event ?

3. South Africa came off kudos on the preparation and hosting of the BRICS summit. If India got an axe to grind because of its inefficiency then they should look for reasons within and stop pointing fingers at South Africa
1. Well, if a 10 minute drive for your PM (literally a 10 minute drive with flashing blue Merc suvs clearing out the highways for him) is too much of a stress then perhaps you should consider mothballing the old man. The President of South Africa is 70 years old and he is known to be driven down from Jo'burg to Durban which is a 6 hour drive.

2. The South African foreign affairs department is the most efficient in Africa (yes literally). Their pool of staff has experience since 1910 so let's not go into experience. The local media here reported and it is accepted that your foreign affairs department and that of the Brazilians did not make any arrangements for private meeting between heads of states. The Russians and Chinese did. Perhaps your foreign affairs department believed that President Zuma would sip chai and talk to PM Singh at a bangra bash after the event ?

3. South Africa came off kudos on the preparation and hosting of the BRICS summit. If India got an axe to grind because of its inefficiency then they should look for reasons within and stop pointing fingers at South Africa

Maun mohan needs to be mothballed asap for for a whole bunch of different reasons. I am not sure if the drive was 10 mins away ...that is your take on things. Looks highly improbable. In any case it was not in the best interest of Indians so irrespective of what South Africa thinks is best for Indians. ....Indians clearly had a different take on things. Its a poor host who does not understand the need of their guests.

If South African foreign office accepted an Indian offer to hold a private meet then it is obligatory on them to stick to their promise. No point in blaming Indians for making that offer too late ...if it was late then they should have declined the offer. Hardly a professional behavior.

Your silly attempt to deflect from genuine criticism and stooping to mock Indians drinking chai and 'bangra' is telling on your complex. It appears rather pathetic to others .... ....it reminds me of Ali Bacher who attempted to defend Hansie Cronje during the betting scandal by attempting to be more loyal than the queen and blaming India for wrongly implicating him in match fixing. Sadly the blame was real and resulted in cronje ban and egg on the face of dr. Bacher. You might want to review your whole outlook. Just an friendly advice.
Not surprising India was treated like dirt. India is not a powerful country.

You gotta be kidding me. Have you watch the super power 2030 Indian movie? In the movie, there are bunch of white people working as servants to Indians. So Indians that regard themselves as superior to all others are understandably sensitive to any perceived slights as in this case.
You gotta be kidding me. Have you watch the super power 2030 Indian movie? In the movie, there are bunch of white people working as servants to Indians. So Indians that regard themselves as superior to all others are understandably sensitive to any perceived slights as in this case.

Looks like the troll needs the doze again. ;)

Let's talk about your personality. May be a revelation for some.

Slightly more ambivalent, perhaps, is its fondness for one Goujian, a fifth-century BC king of the state of Yue. Having been captured by a rival ruler, the king of Wu, Goujian devoted himself to maintaining a duplicitous show of submissiveness: kowtowing before his conqueror, living amid piles of royal horse manure, even eating his captor’s excrement. Moved by Goujian’s capitulation, the king of Wu allowed him to return, a free man, to Yue. For the next twenty years, Goujian subjected himself to endless unpleasantnesses—spending his winters standing in cold water, hugging hot braziers in deep summer—in order to keep alive the memory of his humiliating discomforts in Wu and to feed his desire for revenge. He is renowned for sleeping on a bed of brushwood over which was suspended a bile-filled gallbladder which he would lick whenever he was in danger of forgetting his past bitterness. For some twenty years, he schemed and plotted until, finally, he succeeded in destroying Wu. The story of Goujian—much repeated through Chinese history but commemorated with particular intensity during the twentieth century—seems to highlight a Chinese interest in heroic attributes that are less than wholly wholesome: that are obsessed with humiliation, self-loathing, and vengefulness. [1]

This preoccupation with humiliation, William Callahan argues in his excellent book China: The Pessoptimist Nation, is a key part of the story of modern China. Since China’s modern nationalists began earnestly trying to manufacture a strong, cohesive nation out of a messy, failing empire, they have relied heavily on the discourse of “national humiliation”: on regularly reminding the Chinese people of their modern history of defeats at the hands of the imperialist powers (Britain, France, the U.S.A., Japan), to spur them to better things. On the one hand, China’s modern elites have believed confidently in China’s right to regain its traditional place in the sun; on the other, this quest to forge a vigorous nation-state has betrayed a powerfully self-critical strain in the modern Chinese psyche—what Geremie Barmé has termed the pull between “self-hate and self-approbation.” Thanks to the highly successful “patriotic education” campaign introduced by the Communist state after 1989—which has dwelled on China’s “century of humiliation” inflicted by foreign imperialism, from the Opium War to the Second World War—the Chinese humiliation complex shows little sign of abating.

The China Beat · Book Review: China: The Pessoptimist Nation

This tells you about the Chin psychology.

Its only for trolls like this. Not for normal Chinese against whom I have nothing.

Not surprising India was treated like dirt. India is not a powerful country.

Seems you like being treated like shyt.
Looks like the troll needs the doze again. ;)

Seems you like being treated like shyt.

Seems like you enjoy attacking others personally when they present facts. If you don't have facts, than you shouldn't post anything.
Seems like you enjoy attacking others personally when they present facts. If you don't have facts, than you shouldn't post anything.

There is nothing personal here.

It is about the "Chin personality".

That book mentions only the reality of your society and your "interest in heroic attributes that are less than wholly wholesome: that are obsessed with humiliation, self-loathing, and vengefulness".

The preoccupation with humiliation!
There is nothing personal here.

It is about the "Chin personality".

That book mentions only the reality of your society and your "interest in heroic attributes that are less than wholly wholesome: that are obsessed with humiliation, self-loathing, and vengefulness".

The preoccupation with humiliation!

Your description matches the Indians in the India 2030 video. How the white people act in that movie is exactly how Indians act in real life. Because the director hate today's India so much, he personified his hatred of his own countryman on white people by making them act like todays Indians while India is portrait as a rich and powerful country.

Thank you for your self admitting analysis of Indians today. You clearly explained that video clip very well.
India was enslaved and massacres by Timur and other central asian conquerors for 800 years. Today's Indians are offspring of conqueror men and Hindu slave women. They feel inferior racially.
India was enslaved and massacres by Timur and other central asian conquerors for 800 years. Today's Indians are offspring of conqueror men and Hindu slave women. They feel inferior racially.

Not all of them feel that way. some lighter skin Indians are proud of their Aryan heritage and look down upon Drividians and other dark skin Indians, in reguardless of caste.
^ Interestingly enough Hongwu's original capital was that of Nanjing, the birthplace of the modern Chinis during the raid of your paternal Japanese side.
^ Interestingly enough Hongwu's original capital was that of Nanjing, the birthplace of the modern Chinis during the raid of your paternal Japanese side.

Almost all Chinese have no Japanese blood. It takes many hundred years to establish paternity of the conquering group over the natives, such as 800 years.
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