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India "Resolve" to swallow all its neighbours ?

So, many Indians' delusional dream of Greater India of all of South Asia and part of SEA is indeed supported and claimed by the gov of India.
Good morning tubelight, this has been discussed to death here multiple times.
And it isn't "Akhand Bharat" mural but the ancient map of Ashokan empire.
Good morning tubelight, this has been discussed to death here multiple times.
And it isn't "Akhand Bharat" mural but the ancient map of Ashokan empire.
But, why you put the map on the current parliament building ? That says the attitude of your gov on the matter. If I live in one of those countries, I would definitely get pissed off.
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So, Nepalese consider Buddha is indeed a Nepalese, not an Indian as claim by Indians.
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The world has seen this already with Nazi occupation of Germany and subsequent annexations, wars and misery.
But, why you put the map on the current parliament building ? That says the attitude of your gov on the matter. If I live in one of those countries, I would definitely get pissed off.
India is not born in 1947. It gets its independence. India is a civilization with thousands of years of history, not some 1400Ys.
Aesthetically a a very poorly done mural, let alone the delusional political message.
You should be happy.

If Akhand Bharat become a reality then it will accelerate disintegration of India.

A country cannot function with 700 million Muslims.
I've lost track of your ideology
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