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India remains a rising power despite its COVID-19 tragedy: Arab News

About one hour ago Ravish Kumar said in his NDTV India program Prime Time with Ravish Kumar, that last year Spain nationalized its healthcare system which made healthcare free for all its citizens. This is one example of one element of welfare state being implemented. The USSR, DPRK, pre-2011 Libya etc were / are other examples of welfare states and they worked fine.

For you to say that welfare state is a bullshit concept you are being non-empathetic and you want India's citizens to be very avoidably troubled all their life for the sake an artificial construct called money.

Should an Indian remain blind or die of cancer not because there is no cure but because he does not have money to pay the hospital ? That's ridiculous.

India has been capitalist for the last 3000 years. Extremely so. In modern times even USA has farmer suicides but not as massively as India. In this India holds world record.

The protesting farmers say there will even more farmer suicides.

Lastly, why do you want to be part of the BJP IT Cell ?

there are no farmer suicides in the US. There are farmer suicides in India. Using common sense says the 70 year old system that kills farmers every year is to blame.

In all 'socialist' expriments people have died hungry and on the streets. You go ahead and do your experiments in other countries. We'll just stick to common sense.
there are no farmer suicides in the US.

You could have just googled. From this article :
Wisconsin [ An American state ] has recorded a 50 per cent dip in farm income in the six years since 2011. In 2017, it reported a record 915 suicides, mostly among the farming community.

This news from the United States has Indian hues — agrarian crisis, farmers’ suicides and political debates over them. But it is also surprising, given the political fallout.

Just imagine an agriculture minister of an Indian state being thrown out for asking more for farmers. Before that though we Indians would ask in disbelief: Do American farmers commit suicide out of distress?
  • It is a time of deepening distress for American farmers:
  • Chuck Grassley and Jon Tester, the US Senate’s only farmer members, recently introduced the Seeding Rural Resilience Act. The law aims at tackling the country’s rising rate of farmer suicide due to dipping income.
  • US-based non-profit Farm Aid reported that its farmer hotline recorded 109 per cent increase in distress calls last year.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that suicide rate among farming communities is 1.5 times higher than the national average.
  • Like in India in recent years, the US doesn’t have reliable data on farmers’ suicide.
An American farmer’s unfortunate path to suicide has all Indian features. Since 2013, farmers in the US have suffered a near 49 per cent dip in net income from farming due to crash in commodity prices. In fact, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that more than half of US farmers currently have a negative farm income.
Capitalism there, Capitalism here. Same reason.

There are farmer suicides in India. Using common sense says the 70 year old system that kills farmers every year is to blame.

Are we now turning into a truly communist welfare state where no avoidable, artificial sufferings will happen ?

And the protesting farmers and their well-educated leaders like Hannan Mollah say that farmers will commit suicide even more if the new farm laws are passed.

In all 'socialist' expriments people have died hungry and on the streets.

In no socialist experiment citizens die of lack of oxygen. Read articles about how in Bihar and UP rural people are eating rotis with salt.

After the 1990-91 Iraq war that country was sanctioned heavily by the Western governments but AFAIK the country had no mass hunger deaths. The government's subsidized food system ( similar to our own Ration Shop system ) functioned even under the sanctions.

You go ahead and do your experiments in other countries. We'll just stick to common sense.

Yeah, common sense like "Thaali bajao, Corona bhagao" and smearing cow dung and drinking cow urine to treat cancers and COVID. BTW did Akshay Kumar stop drinking cow urine ? What technique was used to cure him of COVID ?

Watch the two vids in this post of mine.
We have started making Chinese Vaccine and unlike India not trying to impress others to be our own creation....and before that, no one in Pakistan is dying on footpaths starving for oxygen.
And food which has been much longer then corona
'always rising'

in 1992 India's GDP - 250 billion
in 2020 - 3 Trillion and counting....

India is 10 times bigger than it was in 1992

still poorer than sub Saharan country, when you pool 1 billion people together, you can do wonders on the numbers magic

also inflation + fake modi statistics contribute to much of it

if you are doing so well, why so many slum dwellers beg food on the streets? so many farmers commit suicide every year
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still poorer than sub Saharan country, when you pool 1 billion people together, you can do wonders on the numbers magic

also inflation + fake modi statistics contribute to much of it

if you are doing so well, why so many slum dwellers beg food on the streets? so many farmers commit suicide every year

No sub-saharan country let loose a virus from it's lab and screwed the world.

1980s China has potential to beat america (begging america to set up factories)
1990s China has potential to be america (boasting out of factory jobs it gets from US)
2000s China has potential to be america....screws the world with a pandemic
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No sub-saharan country let loose a virus from it's lab and screwed the world.

1980s China has potential to beat america (begging america to set up factories)
1990s China has potential to be america (boasting out of factory jobs it gets from US)
2000s China has potential to be america....screws the world with a pandemic

Oops, did modi supply enough oxygen and firewood to you guys? :rofl: :rofl:

On the Indian variant virus, you can only blame your own incompetence and mismanagement and poverty

unlike you guys, we never claim and brag to be supa powa, even today, even after we surpassed USA
if you are doing so well, why so many slum dwellers beg food on the streets?
Because India has the largest slum population on the planet


No sub-saharan country let loose a virus from it's lab and screwed the world.
1980s China has potential to beat america (begging america to set up factories)
1990s China has potential to be america (boasting out of factory jobs it gets from US)
2000s China has potential to be america....screws the world with a pandemic

1957 China is Asian flu puwa
1957–1958 influenza pandemic

2002 China is SARS puwa
2002–2004 SARS outbreak

2020 China is Corona puwa

2040 China declared as People's Republic of Pandemic Puwa or People's Republic of Coronia
Identifying itself as a proud Pandemicistan of planet earth with pangolin soup as it official drink and below flag

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'always rising'

in 1992 India's GDP - 250 billion
in 2020 - 3 Trillion and counting....

India is 10 times bigger than it was in 1992

It's not $3 trillion. It's $2.59 trillion in 2020. It's not impressive when you have 1.38 billion people. GDP per capita is lower than poor African countries. The UK with 67 million people and a $2.79 trillion economy is impressive.
It's not $3 trillion. It's $2.59 trillion in 2020. It's not impressive when you have 1.38 billion people. GDP per capita is lower than poor African countries. The UK with 67 million people and a $2.79 trillion economy is impressive.
There was an Al Jazeera report a few years ago stating that India needed over $1 trillion worth of investment just to have an acceptable level of basic sanitation infrastructure. Should put things into context.
The purpose of India as a country is to serve its former master’s will. Indians just like to chest thump for being the #1servant of its masters.
Can you really blame Indians for this

The only solution is for India to dissolve its union.
Started with Taiwan

Beiyang and Machuko to follow
and Naking with become a Japanese protectorate
It's not $3 trillion. It's $2.59 trillion in 2020. It's not impressive when you have 1.38 billion people. GDP per capita is lower than poor African countries. The UK with 67 million people and a $2.79 trillion economy is impressive.

It's the same number china had in 2005. So you accept it was pi$$ poor in 2005 and with more than half the pop living under 2$, China continues to be poor today.
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