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India Rejects 'Exit' Strategy for Afghanistan

For each US+Nato trooper withdrawn, India must send 2 Jawans to fill the vacuum.
India is more than welcomed to station it's troops in Afghanistan to avert the efforts of the last decade being lost:)

The annual cost to the United States only to maintain operations in Afghanistan is over $120 Billion.
This is 3 times India's annual defence budget.

I don't think your proposal is practical.

The concerns raised by India are valid and legitimate but require a multinational effort.
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The annual cost to the United States only to maintain operations in Afghanistan is over $120 Billion.
This is 3 times India's annual defence budget.

I don't think your proposal is practical.

My point exactly.

Talk is cheap and so is advice to another country who's losing billions in a blackhole... If someone rejects the exit strategy they are more than welcomed to fill in.
Lets see how much time western country support AF with money to pay their soldier No money no soldier .

The U.S. military expects that sustaining the Afghan army and police forces after the planned withdrawal of American combat forces in 2014 will cost about $4 billion a year and that most of that money will have to come from the United States and other outside donors, said a senior military official Thursday.

The Afghan government can afford to pay only about 12 percent of the expected $4 billion annual price tag of the Afghan forces beyond 2014,

Afghan Army to cost U.S. billions of dollars after 2014 withdrawal - The Washington Post
Don't really care.

These people wanted to live in the medieval times right? Let them kill each other.

I refer to the whole South Asian region btw.
India is more than welcomed to station it's troops in Afghanistan to avert the efforts of the last decade being lost:)
troops.......:rofl:last time when USSR and USA left afghanistan.....indians did not even left their ambasador over there. and they will station troops :omghaha::omghaha:

For each US+Nato trooper withdrawn, India must send 2 Jawans to fill the vacuum.
and 8 more to take those 2 back home :lol::lol:

The annual cost to the United States only to maintain operations in Afghanistan is over $120 Billion.
This is 3 times India's annual defence budget.

I don't think your proposal is practical.

The concerns raised by India are valid and legitimate but require a multinational effort.
i bet, even if india station more troops in afghanistan than kashmir, she can never (in current situation) stay there for even 6 months......heavy ops expences, cruel weather, gorilla wars and "Afghan pathans" are too heavy for indian soldiers to handel :lol::lol::lol:.... you know americans are used to "THESE SITUATIONS"
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The annual cost to the United States only to maintain operations in Afghanistan is over $120 Billion.
This is 3 times India's annual defence budget.

I don't think your proposal is practical.

The concerns raised by India are valid and legitimate but require a multinational effort.

India is a supa powa....:angry:
I don't think international community is going to totally abandon Afghanistan. There will always be US military presence in Afghanistan to prevent Talibunnies from coming to power.
Ye BSA BSA kya hai ? Yeh BSA BSA ?

Bilateral Security Agreement between US and Afghanistan.

I don't think international community is going to totally abandon Afghanistan. There will always be US military presence in Afghanistan to prevent Talibunnies from coming to power.

With India throwing her weight as regional power as never before . BSA is life insurance for Karzai, he knows that and he will sign that.

India is a supa powa....:angry:

And Pakistan is a Taliban power ?? :rofl:
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