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India Ready to Back Awami League all the Way

Bhasani was one of the founders of the Awami League in 1949, but he left it in 1957 to found National Awami Party. India hijacked Awami League around the same time or a little later with its agents. Awami League or significant parts of it remains Indian agent to this day.

Bhasani was never a slave of India, rather he was closer to China than India. His ideology was "Islamic Socialism" within multiparty democracy. So in effect his ideology was "Islamic democratic socialism".

When Mujib got the responsibility of Awami League (probably in 62 or 64, forgot the exact time), there's a likely that india at that time started the hijacking though it could be easily handled by handing over the legitimate prime ministership of Pakistan to him after 70's election.

One point we miss, the same way what was actually happening in West Pakistan...wasn't the hijacking process going on there too? It actually resolves the equation.
When Mujib got the responsibility of Awami League (probably in 62 or 64, forgot the exact time), there's a likely that india at that time started the hijacking though it could be easily handled by handing over the legitimate prime ministership of Pakistan to him after 70's election.

One point we miss, the same way what was actually happening in West Pakistan...wasn't the hijacking process going on there too? It actually resolves the equation.

Agreed. West Pakistani leadership screwed up big time, but so did our own. Tali ek hate baje na.

Hijacking may have happened in the West wing, but AFAIK, not by forces from another country.

I posted Bhasani's life history to show how he was opposed to Indian hegemony using Awami League and how he took no part in it, although he supported independence of Bangladesh after Operation Searchlight. He however never supported Indian control of Bangladesh affairs till the day he died.

The problem I see with all these politicians (Bhasani, Mujib, Zia etc.) is that all of them lacked foresight and failed to protect the interest of the people in the long run. I guess that is the cream of the crop we had back then. I feel we could have done better.

What we need to do is move away from depending on and waiting for visionary leaders. There are other systems and democratic methods that depend not on individuals but rather institutions and systems, that is what we should move towards.
AL is our party. We should airlift hasina didi, if civil war breaks out in bangladesh. :)

You are one of the calm, sensible people on this forum.

A question for you.

What is your opinion regarding the fact that Jamat got 4.7% of the votes in Bangladesh?

Also you should be aware that the BNP are qualitatively different to the Jamat.

1. They are not fundamentalists who have an intrinsic hatred for Hindus as Jamat do. The BNP has senior-level Hindu leaders.

2. They are pro-Bangladeshi and nationalists and not loyal to a foreign country (Pakistan) as Jamat are so will never subordinate Bangladeshi national interests to that of Pakistan. Jamat have ISI backing and influence.

3. Bearing point 1 in mind you should also understand that the BNP has no inherent aversion to trade connectivity with India providing it is on fair terms as they are not fundamentalists who ultimately fantasize of a Zaid Hamid style "Ghazwa i Hind" epic Hindu-Muslim clash as Jamatis do.

Vast majority of Bangladeshis - not the 4.7% Jamati minority - want good relations with India based on respect and co-operation. First bi-lateral issues of contention must be solved e.g. BSF border killings, water issues, Indian interference in Bangladeshi domestic affairs.
Bhasani was one of the founders of the Awami League in 1949, but he left it in 1957 to found National Awami Party. India hijacked Awami League around the same time or a little later with its agents. Awami League or significant parts of it remains Indian agent to this day.

Bhasani was never a slave of India, rather he was closer to China than India. His ideology was "Islamic Socialism" within multiparty democracy. So in effect his ideology was "Islamic democratic socialism".

after 1962 Bhasani stoped Anti Pakistan Stuff and became ally of Pakistan state
but it was Sheikh Mujhab ur Rehman who were Indian agent and still his Daughter is indian agent
You are one of the calm, sensible people on this forum.

A question for you.

What is your opinion regarding the fact that Jamat got 4.7% of the votes in Bangladesh?

Also you should be aware that the BNP are qualitatively different to the Jamat.

1. They are not fundamentalists who have an intrinsic hatred for Hindus as Jamat do. The BNP has senior-level Hindu leaders.

2. They are pro-Bangladeshi and nationalists and not loyal to a foreign country (Pakistan) as Jamat are so will never subordinate Bangladeshi national interests to that of Pakistan. Jamat have ISI backing and influence.

3. Bearing point 1 in mind you should also understand that the BNP has no inherent aversion to trade connectivity with India providing it is on fair terms as they are not fundamentalists who ultimately fantasize of a Zaid Hamid style "Ghazwa i Hind" epic Hindu-Muslim clash as Jamatis do.

Vast majority of Bangladeshis - not the 4.7% Jamati minority - want good relations with India based on respect and co-operation. First bi-lateral issues of contention must be solved e.g. BSF border killings, water issues, Indian interference in Bangladeshi domestic affairs.

First of all let me refute the accusation, I am neither calm nor sane, and come to this section exclusively for doing my dirty business... :)

Man. I have no knowledge about internal politics of bd. I know a few bangladeshi here, only one of them was hardcore jamati type(anti indian ..and the rest)..
Others are pretty cool, some dont like specific behaviour of India (bsf killings). But all of them, jamati included are nice to me.
All of them know more about bollywood and Indian cricket than me.
Although they give respect to bangladeshi hindus... they dont love hindus exactly, they think hindus are wannabe indians..
and in next election almost all of them will vote bnp (including jamati guy)...
You are one of the calm, sensible people on this forum.

A question for you.

What is your opinion regarding the fact that Jamat got 4.7% of the votes in Bangladesh?

Also you should be aware that the BNP are qualitatively different to the Jamat.

1. They are not fundamentalists who have an intrinsic hatred for Hindus as Jamat do. The BNP has senior-level Hindu leaders.

2. They are pro-Bangladeshi and nationalists and not loyal to a foreign country (Pakistan) as Jamat are so will never subordinate Bangladeshi national interests to that of Pakistan. Jamat have ISI backing and influence.

3. Bearing point 1 in mind you should also understand that the BNP has no inherent aversion to trade connectivity with India providing it is on fair terms as they are not fundamentalists who ultimately fantasize of a Zaid Hamid style "Ghazwa i Hind" epic Hindu-Muslim clash as Jamatis do.

Vast majority of Bangladeshis - not the 4.7% Jamati minority - want good relations with India based on respect and co-operation. First bi-lateral issues of contention must be solved e.g. BSF border killings, water issues, Indian interference in Bangladeshi domestic affairs.

It is obvious that you have some personal issues with Jamat. Regardless of percentage of support, it is a bona fide political party of Bangladesh. They have the right to exist, till its banned. AL has not banned this party yet.

I would argue that due to the fact that Awami League has been a virtual Indian agent, whether this party has the right to exist, as it is subverting national interest.

Your allegation that Jamat is subverting Bangladesh interest by getting support from Pakistan, this does not make sense, Pakistan does not threaten Bangladesh national interest like India does. Bangladesh and Pakistan have no common border, BSF killing issues, trade issues and water sharing issues. Many posters have already expressed that Jamat no longer wants unification with Pakistan.

India's track record with Bangladesh does not show so far that it wants to solve any issues. What it shows is that India wants to take advantage of Bangladesh unfairly and suppress any descent using its agents such as Awami League.

Of course Bangladeshi's want good relation, question is does Indian govt. want it? The answer so far has been a big fat no.

First India has to show goodwill by creating track record, that they can start with stopping interference in internal affairs of Bangladesh, then there is question of good relationship. No Bangladeshi, including our minority population, want Bangladesh to be vassal state of India, like it is now. Jamat or non-Jamat is irrelevant on this matter.
It is obvious that you have some personal issues with Jamat. Regardless of percentage of support, it is a bona fide political party of Bangladesh. They have the right to exist, till its banned. AL has not banned this party yet.

I would argue that due to the fact that Awami League has been a virtual Indian agent, whether this party has the right to exist, as it is subverting national interest.

Your allegation that Jamat is subverting Bangladesh interest by getting support from Pakistan, this does not make sense, Pakistan does not threaten Bangladesh national interest like India does. Bangladesh and Pakistan have no common border, BSF killing issues, trade issues and water sharing issues. Many posters have already expressed that Jamat no longer wants unification with Pakistan.

India's track record with Bangladesh does not show so far that it wants to solve any issues. What it shows is that India wants to take advantage of Bangladesh unfairly and suppress any descent using its agents such as Awami League.

Of course Bangladeshi's want good relation, question is does Indian govt. want it? The answer so far has been a big fat no.

First India has to show goodwill by creating track record, that they can start with stopping interference in internal affairs of Bangladesh, then there is question of good relationship. No Bangladeshi, including our minority population, want Bangladesh to be vassal state of India, like it is now. Jamat or non-Jamat is irrelevant on this matter.


This coming from a guy who a few years ago wanted Bangladesh to basically merge with India in some sort of SAARC confederacy.

I can't take you seriously and do not want to waste time reading your drivel, I could refute a lot of the nonsense in your post above but can't be bothered. I at least take people like aazidane seriously and will read and respond to his posts not to the drivel of some confused guy who one minute wants to be Indian and then the next minute calls Hindu India the biggest enemy of Muslims on earth.

No serious decision-maker or person of influence in Bangladesh hates India as much as you do, and no respectable businessman, policymaker, intellectual will speak of breaking up India as you do and would regard such talk as the rantings of an extremist, and they would laugh or be even more bemused when they hear the same advocate of the break-up of India previously wanted Bangladesh to merge with India in a Saarc confederacy.


Welcome to ignore. I don't have time to read or respond to clowns.

No serious decision-maker or person of influence in Bangladesh hates India as much as you do, and no respectable businessman, policymaker, intellectual will speak of breaking up India as you do and would regard such talk as the rantings of an extremist, and they would laugh or be even more bemused when they hear the same advocate of the break-up of India previously wanted Bangladesh to merge with India in a Saarc confederacy.

More indian dalali of Hammer-fist, he is ready to do any thing to prevent indian break up.

This coming from a guy who a few years ago wanted Bangladesh to basically merge with India in some sort of SAARC confederacy.

I can't take you seriously and do not want to waste time reading your drivel, I could refute a lot of the nonsense in your post above but can't be bothered. I at least take people like aazidane seriously and will read and respond to his posts not to the drivel of some confused guy who one minute wants to be Indian and then the next minute calls Hindu India the biggest enemy of Muslims on earth.

No serious decision-maker or person of influence in Bangladesh hates India as much as you do, and no respectable businessman, policymaker, intellectual will speak of breaking up India as you do and would regard such talk as the rantings of an extremist, and they would laugh or be even more bemused when they hear the same advocate of the break-up of India previously wanted Bangladesh to merge with India in a Saarc confederacy.


Welcome to ignore. I don't have time to read or respond to clowns.


Now Hammer is going for personal attack. Yes, I toyed with that idea once, because unlike some people I have an open mind and I wanted to find out about Indian mind set through discussion and dialogue. Mainly because I believe in regionalism and regional unions rather than nationalism, specially for smaller nations. I consider that as a valuable experience and exercise which taught me a lot about Indian way of thinking. I am willing to answer any questions on that on a separate thread, if any Bangladeshi's are curious.

How is that related to the topic now?

More indian dalali of Hammer-fist, he is ready to do any thing to prevent indian break up.

Not sure what it is, Indian dalali for personal interest or mental stability issues or just plain lack of information about on the ground situation in Bangladesh due to lack of time spent there. Eventually people who read his posts will figure it out, I am sure.
This disproves the nonsensical claims from trolls that the Awami League was founded by India, when in fact it was founded by people who founded Pakistan!

Bhashani and Suhrawardy did more for Pakistan than the Pakistani keyboard warriors on this forum. Suhrawardy armed Pakistan heavily and on youtube you can find comments by Indians/Hindus who hate him.

The Awami League does have an Indian influence in it and there is a RAW presence but ultimately it is not run by India, this is nonsense mentioned by conspiracy theorists, Jamatis and others.

Awami League may not have been founded by India, but Awami League was hijacked and since then supported by India to do India's bidding in Bangladesh theater since late 1950's or early 1960's.

Your posts trying to deflect connection of Awami League and India are laughable. Without Indian help and support Awami League would not be able to come back to power after 1975. Every Bangladeshi who spent any significant time in Bangladesh knows this, unlike people who grew up and spent their entire adult life outside Bangladesh.

Whenever we see a campaign of propaganda and misinformation, they should be confronted with facts.
Without Indian help and support Awami League would not be able to come back to power after 1975. Every Bangladeshi who spent any significant time in Bangladesh knows this,

I didnt know that thanks for the information.
What did happen ppl become so anti AL after 1975.
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