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India readies troops as Pakistan rattles arms across the border

peace is appreciable but not on dead bodies of fellow Indians , army or civillians ! it seems you detest media of making a mountain of mumbai massacre or recent beheading of soldiers ! what if the same soldiers overlook any atrocities done on you by foreign element in interest of maintaining peace, will you be ok with that too ?

I am sorry if what I wrote gave the impression that I detested the media. I was merely responding to a remark made by a poster ( whose new name I cannot pronounce) that the media was going all gung ho.

The media has a job and it does it well - once a while they go overboard thats all.
How long will you keep bringing Samjhota ? You have killed thousands in terrorist attacks in India. Last achievement of yours was in Mumbai, 2008, 166 dead. Even then you denied, the terrorists are not Pakistanis.

India started state sponsored terrorism against Pakistan in 71.

India killed thousands of Pakistans through terrorism in 80s taking advantage of Pakistan's engagment in first Afghan war against Russia.

India continued terrorism against Pakistan and your terrorist sarabjit singh killed many Pakistanis in bomb blast in Lahore .

This did not end here the Indian Hindu hardliner terrorists killed over 50 Pakistanis in Samjhota express inside India before Mumbai attacks.

so dont try to look innocent. Our Pakistanis killed in Samjhota express are as valued as your hindustanis killed in Mumbai.

So how long you will bring in Mumbai ? if as many times then please open your black hearts to the facts that you Indians are not as innocent as you pose and not as victim as you claim.

Why are you all so much worried about Kashmiris ? First take care of Quetta. The year started with over 100 killings. Last year 1450 Shias killed. First save them. You kill 2 soldiers of ours, attack Mumbai, entire nation unites, when Quetta is attacked, all your channels are showing Long march and all. You haven't hanged one terrorist in 10 years of terrorism.

Forget Kashmir for some time and get your house in order. Kashmir as resulted in blood spilling in both nations. Calm down and take care of people who are within your country first.

Leave Kashmir and take care of your Maoist issue and your religious hatered against Muslims/Christians in India.

First go and give justice to Orrisa Christian massacar victims/ Muslims/Sikh genocide by Hindu terrorists and then talk about Quetta.'

Quetta is non of Indian business.

samjhota express perpetrators are behind bars in INDIA , disrespected by all of us, unlike your country where mastermind of mumbai massacre are celebrities ! now you tell me , can you still equate the two countries ?

The main culprits are still roaming free in India.

and if few small fishes are behind bar that does NOT mean it has undone the Indian terrorism against Pakistanis inside India.
@Andromache So we should have allowed you to do massacre in 1971 ? leave I won't go into 1971. And India was doing terrorism in Pakistan in 1980s ?

As for Muslims/Sikhs/Christians, you should be the last person to comment on that. Compare the percentage of minorities in India and Pakistan and where does the decline occur.

As for Muslims, more Shia Muslims were killed in last ten years in Pakistan than in riots with Hindus in India. I won't talk of Ahmedis, you don't even consider them Muslims.

I never said we are innocent, I just said, you take care of your people and let us take care of ours. Stop this Kashmir drama, show this concern to your own people first.
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@Andromache So we should have allowed you to do massacre in 1971 ? leave I won't go into 1971. And India was doing terrorism in Pakistan in 1980s ?

who were you? and who are you to talk about internal matters of Pakistan at your state level?

if you think you had the right then why Should we allow massacre of Kashmiris ? why should we allow massacre of Muslims in India then?

2. Yes Indian terrorism in the 80s


As for Muslims/Sikhs/Christians, you should be the last person to comment on that. Compare the percentage of minorities in India and Pakistan and where does the decline occur.

As for Muslims, more Shia Muslims were killed in last ten years in Pakistan than in riots with Hindus in India. I won't talk of Ahmedis, you don't even consider them Muslims.

I never said we are innocent, I just said, you take care of your people and let us take care of ours. Stop this Kashmir drama, show this concern to your own people first.

Non of your business.

dont force me to post the comparison.

India should stop terrorism in Kashmir
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Babur flies 2 km above ground baby :P

No ABM or SAM can take it down :lol: ;)

The word used wad "AND" baby :lol:

Our Second strike Capability is more than enough to convert any enemy into wasteland AND the range of Babur is 700km ONLY.
Nuclear Triad baby with ABM systems :P ;)

WOW, both of you guys are crazy!!! You guys are talking about nukes and these options as if these are toys!!!! The Triad or ABM or any BM missiles can't protect a few from sliding in. Either way, the scenario is MAD. And you guys are joking here at the heads of over 1.4 billion people, majority of which are plain innocent and poor!!! Whatever happened to humanity these days!
@Andromache :lol:

First Indian Kashmir is our internal matter. You take care of yours, we take care of ours.

Post comparison ? Well try anytime. I am not interested in discussing with someone who is in

denial about the violence in her own country.

it seems "terrorism" is state policy there and "denial" is state philosophy ! talking peace as such is waste when somebody is unwilling to understand what we wish to say ! we seal our borders , keep the pest out , do tit for tat - should be our way of dealing with pak .
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WOW, both of you guys are crazy!!! You guys are talking about nukes and these options as if these are toys!!!! The Triad or ABM or any BM missiles can't protect a few from sliding in. Either way, the scenario is MAD. And you guys are joking here at the heads of over 1.4 billion people, majority of which are plain innocent and poor!!! Whatever happened to humanity these days!

These are Crazy Times.
it looks War is inevitable, Pak has rejected flag meeting..

I am happy that there wont be any such threat post War....no India Pakistan rivalry....lets make it a FINAL WAR with FULL and FINAL Settlement of all O/S issues..:cheers: ...
it looks War is inevitable, Pak has rejected flag meeting..

I am happy that there wont be any such threat post War....no India Pakistan rivalry....lets make it a FINAL WAR with FULL and FINAL Settlement of all O/S issues..:cheers: ...

Well Sir why should we ??????????:azn:

well its the generals of Land of The PURE who want it more (to Divert attention from there mismangement....though they teach Management in there militarry schools:rofl:) dont worry we dont need to do anything as of yet just sit tight and watch the show ;)

Babur flies 2 km above ground baby :P

No ABM or SAM can take it down :lol: ;)

ever heared of Spyder

ever heared of Maitri


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