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India reached out to Pakistan for talks - revelations from NSA to PM Imran Khan in an interview

That was for ransom to top tier, wo itnay ke he okat rakhtay hain. Inho ne phr b ziada deay. Soda or kam mai b hojana tha
India merged TTP groups for $1 million cannot be true as such a thing cannot happen for less than $10-12 million.
Please provide sources to back your claim.

Are you sure ..he did not have a Pakistani or a Afghan passport ?
Sources are his own confession which he gave... and biggest source if his videos on YouTube...

He had no passport he crossed in Afghanistan illegally and then with help of indians went to india most likely on a fake passport...and then when he came back he was killed..
Sources are his own confession which he gave... and biggest source if his videos on YouTube...

He had no passport he crossed in Afghanistan illegally and then with help of indians went to india most likely on a fake passport...and then when he came back he was killed..
Please show ..where in his confession ..does he admit to jafaar express attack?
Please show ..where in his confession ..does he admit to jafaar express attack?
Well he confessed to them in interrogation as per media reports and during his video he has accepted to financing and creating unrest and doing terror...
Which media report..please share.

He admitted he was in contact with Haji baloch who was responsible attacks on Busses and trains like Jaffar express
So as per your theory Pakistan should had welcomed Indian offer of talks since as per you PM Khan has already sold out on Kashmir but wait that did not happen, instead the very opposite happened and for the first time that Pakistan actually put forward preconditions to India including stopping of Indian sponsored terrorism inside Pakistan (a very first) something your exile leader could never muster the courage to say it out anywhere public, private.
If this is what you refer to as selling out than even with this selling out IK has done more for Kashmir and Pakistan's position on Kashmir than your wuss of a 3 time disgraced Ex PM.

You're logic is this:

1. Someone gets abused really bad.
2. Humiliated beyond recognition.
3. Sets conditions for rehabilitation.

Against this:

1. No one dares to abuse.
2. Fear of a violent of response.
3. Life goes on as equals.

Stop talking to me now on this issue. You're a child with no sense of responsibility.
I loved the way Moeed started the interview on aggressive note and shock Karan to his core and made Karan resort to continuous interruptions. By the end Karan was running around like a fool :lol:
Though the interview went well in part there were instances when Karan held too much of the screen and was using this to make sure his audience feel that he defended Indian poition well. He was less of a journalist and more of Godi media style prosecutor. However, I still believe Moeed could have been agressive, less defensive, and delinked GB from the UN resolutions and should have stated that PK has the right to listen to 80% of GB population who are clamouring for integration. Moeed should also have forcefully highlighted Indian complicity in terrorism within PK and the region from afghanistan to the caucus. Fincen report linking Indian banks to money laundering, criminality and terror. Also why keep inviting the arse Karan, is he some kind of god given arbitrator of truth. Karan like most Indians are nothing but sanghis with a great outside demanour for the west and terrorism and hate inside.
You're logic is this:

1. Someone gets abused really bad.
2. Humiliated beyond recognition.
3. Sets conditions for rehabilitation.

Abused as per who you? Article 370? Which is India's own desperate attempt to annex Kashmir and when that failed they withdrew. What changed on the ground for Pakistan or the Kashmiris?
Ones that get humiliation dont set preconditions, but only in your delusions. In the real world only the stronger party sets conditions which in this case is Pakistan. So give yourself a rest and stop talking on topics you have no clue whatsoever.

Against this:

1. No one dares to abuse.
2. Fear of a violent of response.
3. Life goes on as equals.

So what was happening for the past 60 plus years including 3 time premiership of Mard-e-Momin? Fear of a violent response? Like the one he gave after Kargil running to Bill Clinton's lap on a commercial flight to surrender or where he provided locations of Kashmiri Mujahideen to India.
Life goes on as equal? Runs to Modi's oath taking ceremony, Modi does not even walk towards him which is against diplomatic norms? Life as an equal where he refuses to meet any Huriyat leader, the very first time for any Pakistani premier who refused to meet Huriyat leadership.

Stop talking to me now on this issue. You're a child with no sense of responsibility.
Says the guys who lacks the moral courage to accept his affiliation towards a certain party and calls himself neutral.
You are on an open forum, you can push the ignore button if you have run out of arguments.

He admitted he was in contact with Haji baloch who was responsible attacks on Busses and trains like Jaffar express
So now this Hajji Baloch was responsible for Jaffar express attack?

Can you provide a source to back up your claim?

PEMRA banned Indian content on Pakistani channels including news reports. Pakistani channels cannot invite Indian analysts or politicians on their shows but ⁦
@YusufMoeed can give interview to Karan Thapar and Pakistani media showed it proudly .

Coming to Fascist India, nobody going to haul up Karan Thapar for inviting Pakistani NSA on his show.

No FIR will be filed against The wire and Karan Thapar by Indian police for conducting the interview.

No authority interrupted the interviews in the mid way.

No notices will be sent to The wire and Karan Thapar to stop them from doing any such interviews in future.
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Actually, Indian content & news reports are no less than propaganda & lies. Those are not my words but India has already won the competition being fake news factory of the world. The report is still there. We have also witnessed how India used the content flood to infiltrate & then seed the mislead & dis-info through media. The fascist India cannot afford the ban having a two way traffic so can deliver the propaganda package in Pakistan. If it hasn't to do anything beneficial for India; haven't we saw ban on Pakistani Actors in India & how fascists threatened Pakistani actors & performers for dire consequences and so for those who sponsored. Well, it is just the matter of comprehension and not the so-called freedom thingy. Alas, people are well aware of Mir's blabbering and after all he is the winner by the hands of none other than Sheikh Hasina in Bangladesh for nothing else but holding Pakistan Army responsible for their own ills.
Coming to Fascist India, nobody going to haul up Karan Thapar for inviting Pakistani NSA on his show.

And no cases either on Republic TV, Zee News etc for inviting Pakistani guests and shouting them down.

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