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India reached out to Pakistan for talks - revelations from NSA to PM Imran Khan in an interview

I have updated the opening post and revisited thread title in accordance with content shared.
@R Wing What are your thoughts on this interview, given your view of Moeed?

Hello. Thanks for the tag.

I think he's very sharp and he did a good job in this interview. The fact remains that our spokespeople have to contend with a non-offensive military strategy and try to make Pakistan seem strong even though we are defensive to a fault.

I have / had certain reservations but credit where credit is due!
Smaller, weaker nations fight for the survival of their people - people who consider themselves to be a part of said smaller, weaker nation (Israel for example)

In the case of India, J&K continues to be occupied territory with the people having little to no interest in being part of an Indian State that is far from homogenous (ethnically or religiously), with a party in power that subscribes to one particular extremist religious ideology - hardly something to bring together the entire nation like Israel has done time and again.

The 'talks are the tangible effort' line is one that the PMLN and PPP and their lackeys in the media pursued and continue to pursue.

Many of us who actually follow these things long ago argued that talks were futile after the talks led by Musharraf were scuttled. If India couldn't even agree to the compromises proposed by Musharraf, India was never going to agree to anything.

I was willing to see if Imran Khan and Modi could accomplish something, but Modi's actions & atrocities in IIOJ&K have made India's intentions clear for everyone.
Green tick from me.
materchief_mirza : British ruled Indians, not us, we are Pakistanis, we are brave and warriors.

That's odd. I was under the impression that primordial Congress and Gandhi-ites were in the majority and fought for Indian independence from Britain from a position of absolute strength of numbers. Meanwhile Jinnah fought from a precarious minority mandate. Countless Muslims even were against Jinnah, never mind the British and Gandhi/Nehru. Jinnah didn't do hunger strikes and masses of people simply because he couldn't command enough people to make this work - Jinnah fought with the pen for Pakistan and Pakistanis.

Indians would do well to understand the above and hence, understand their enemy.

Pakistan will find ways to counter the mass of numbers, now as we did before.
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1. Perhaps you are a kid..and you do not know .. what happened in last decade..but Rehman Malik made his statements in 2009.

2. Can you even tell us .. exactly which terrorist attack or attacks ..was Yadav involved in ?

3. Who is Aslam Achu ...is he a UN designated terrorist? Is BLA UN declared terrorist organization?
Does he have an Interpol Red corner notice against him?

Hundreds of Pakistanis and Afghans visit India each year for medical treatment.
I know what happened in last decade but We are talking about recent attacks not Rehman Maliks statements..

And list of his involvement is long but 3 attacks on Jaffar Express were his karni dharni...

Aslam Achu was a Pakistan,US,UK designated terrorist... who was killed in Afghanistan after he came back from Delhi by the Unknown...

He went to india from Afghanistan that too on special provisions he was treated in Max Hospital in Delhi and was killed after he returned...
For that pakistan had to leave the occupied territories of Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir and India was allowed to keep little force to conduct the plebiscite which pakistan never did, so pakistan denied us our right to choose coz they knew at that time whole Jammu Kashmir was with India so they started mass radicalisation of kashmir in 1980s and threw away most of the kashmiri pandits out of the valley to make pakistan’s job easier.
Lolx Pakistan wasnt going to leave the area if india wasn't either both or none which was rightful demand... and thats why both raised objections..
Pakistanis never had a say on article 370. It was always an Indian internal matter, not a Indo-Pak bilateral matter.

Aug5 ended article 370 as per set legal process requirements. There is no procedure/process to reinstate 370.

India can enact new laws with provisions for greater autonomy to Kashmir and Ladakh union territories including future statehood. Again decision will be internal to India. Pakistanis have no say in this.
Pakistan had no say neither did Kashmiris right ? Thats why tens of thousands more troops were sent to silence Kashmiris ?

And india will reinstate 370 even Kashmiris are saying that...
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Moeed made it fairly clear that the intent to reach out to Pak for talks was for show, it had no real meaning attached to it. What the Pakistani gov finally has realized that they are dealing with a fascist regime, which hates us for being what we are - essentially Muslims, but with enough power in hand to deter a formal aggression from them.

Given what they are doing to Muslims within India, I shudder to think what they'd have aspired to do to Pakistan, had we not militarily been ready.
India is not Interested in talk at all. It has been confirmed by India many times. If any talk happens by chance, it will be on India's terms only. I hope Pakistan will accept it to make itself safe from India's future offensive plan.
is there a plot of another cheap movie indians make? far from reality indian delusion? :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
I know what happened in last decade but We are talking about recent attacks not Rehman Maliks statements..

And list of his involvement is long but 3 attacks on Jaffar Express were his karni dharni...

Aslam Achu was a Pakistan,US,UK designated terrorist... who was killed in Afghanistan after he came back from Delhi by the Unknown...

He went to india from Afghanistan that too on special provisions he was treated in Max Hospital in Delhi and was killed after he returned...

Lolx Pakistan wasnt going to leave the area if india wasn't either both or none which was rightful demand... and thats why both raised objections..

Pakistan had no say neither did Kashmiris right ? Thats why tens of thousands more troops were sent to silence Kashmiris ?

And india will reinstate 370 even Kashmiris are saying that...

You skipped a part. So which terrorist attacks was Kulbushan yadav involved in?

What were these special provisions ?
You skipped a part. So which terrorist attacks was Kulbushan yadav involved in?

What were these special provisions ?
As I quoted Kalbushan was involved in 3 Jaffar Express attacks and many more and he mostly oversaw the operations and financed... and I didnt skip it...

And how does a person without a passport travel to another country obviously special provisions...
Am i surprised for nothing ...
Is it realy normal for indian Journalists to take interview of Sitting SAPM of Pak ?
i am also amazed with the freedom Pakistani govt gives to media, just imagine if it had indian security advsior and a Pakistani news channels, indian securidy adviser must have been sacked by indian govt and probably has been killed by hindu radicals for giving interview to Pakistani channel.
India merged TTP groups for $1 million cannot be true as such a thing cannot happen for less than $10-12 million.

Here comes another "I know everything" .

Typical Indian.
Pak’s aggressive response was needed on Aug5. It sounds and looks lame now.

Then again you don’t have any other option post Aug5.

Lol Pakistan played very well. The world knows India as a facist country today. This has all worsened since aug5, India has lost soldiers, territory, dignity and face.

Nobody wants to take over a poverty stricken country like India. If that's what you were expecting. People like you can stay in denial as long as they want.
As I quoted Kalbushan was involved in 3 Jaffar Express attacks and many more and he mostly oversaw the operations and financed... and I didnt skip it...

And how does a person without a passport travel to another country obviously special provisions...

Please provide sources to back your claim.

Are you sure ..he did not have a Pakistani or a Afghan passport ?

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