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India raises CPEC, NSG concerns with top Chinese envoy

Full swing or not, the fact is that the Chinese are building infrastructure on DISPUTED territory. Period. This is against international norms and Pakistan is blatantly allowing this illegal activity with impunity which is unacceptable.

International Norms, Disputed Territory, Illegal activity ..... Rich coming from an Indian :lol: ....

And what you do in the part (of the same DISPUTED territory) administered by India should not be questioned by anyone as that is India's internal matter ?? Height of Hypocrisy ...

Why are you even talking to the Chinese ?? Doesn't Simla Agreement make the Kashmir Dispute essentially a bilateral one ? :lol:
Objection is only on the part when the CPEC goes through Kashmir region, you can have trade within yourself, but hands off the Kashmir

Exactly check the trade volume between India-China and China-Pakistan , realize we can have big influence on China, after all Chinese are business minded.
Lol at you can have big influence on China ???:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Full swing or not, the fact is that the Chinese are building infrastructure on DISPUTED territory. Period. This is against international norms and Pakistan is blatantly allowing this illegal activity with impunity which is unacceptable.

Deal with it, because you can't do sh!t.
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International Norms, Disputed Territory, Illegal activity ..... Rich coming from an Indian :lol: ....

And what you do in the part (of the same DISPUTED territory) administered by India should not be questioned by anyone as that is India's internal matter ?? Height of Hypocrisy ...
I don't think you understand the difference. Allowing third countries to build infrastructure for themselves like China is doing in disputed territory is not the same as building infrastructure by and for yourself. :azn:

You claim to love the Kashmiris so much? Then how did you gift 5000km of Kashmir's Sakshgam Valley to China without even asking the Kashmiris?? Give it back to the them before you guys harp and carp on your worn out cliche, 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'. That land belongs to the Kashmiris, not Pakistan! Your double standards, double speak and hypocrisy are beyond compare.
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India is the meanest country that cannot see Pakistan prosper and China will give nothing but a mega-shyt to them.
Seems you don't have a mirror. If you do, look into it.

And you do know that China is taking you for a jolly good ride where the CEPC is concerned? It's a project of the Chinese, for the Chinese and by the Chinese. Pakistan is just a bit player in this Chinese project. This is not my opinion but Pakistani analysts on Pak media.

And how much aid has China, your deeper than ocean friend, given you to date? Zilch! It's America, IMF and other international organizations! Heck they have yet to even disburse the promised $800 million promised as flood aid during the 2010 floods in Pakistan and disbursed just a measly $38 million so far! Lol!
Exactly check the trade volume between India-China and China-Pakistan , realize we can have big influence on China, after all Chinese are business minded.

Influence on China which only recently told India to go fly a kite with regards to NSG on behest of Pakistan?...........you guys are always funny. Thanks for the chuckle.
Full swing or not, the fact is that the Chinese are building infrastructure on DISPUTED territory. Period. This is against international norms and Pakistan is blatantly allowing this illegal activity with impunity which is unacceptable.[/QUOTE

India dont wanna solve Jammu and Kashmir issue neither people like you stick with one policy.. indian army killing innocent human being in their occupied Kashmir.. you want the rest so you can kill more.. maybe in world hitler forces gonna support you in this but indian army is going to leave where they are.. this position is not sustainable for ever 700 thousands army in small valley.. burining tax pairs money.
LOL, China and India are NOT friends, not since India attacked us with the Forward Policy in 1962.

So if you want something, then pay up. Otherwise find some way to bypass veto power (hint: you can't bypass veto power).

Of course we aren't friends. China is a country that shleters a state that sponsors terrorists against India. It has constantly blocked sanctions against known terror outfits. That;s more than enough to cast aside any silly Nehruvian ideas of friendship with China.

NSG will happen sooner rather than later, China can whine all it wants. It is not just in India's interest for us to be in that group.

Read some history before you whine. Tibet was part of China before India became independent. China re-establishing control of Tibet after Chinese civil war was met with almost no resistance. How many were killed in India occupied Kashmir, 60,000? North Eastern India? Indian forces are even granted power to arrest without trial and shoot. You not only took these lands by force, but still exercising brutal force today.

Because McMachon line on Burmese side is not the same as India side vis-a-vis Chinese territory. Because every country has its right to negotiate dispute with each specific party.

Are you under the delusion that Chinese occupation of Tibet is peaceful? You want me to detail out the atrocities carried out there?

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