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India raised objection to Pakistan F-16 refit during "each and every" bilateral meeting with US

Peak embarrassing for india.
How are you the fourth largest airforce in the world with so called “Asian raptor” and “semi stealth rafales” but complaining over 75 odd F-16’s which aren’t even 4.5 gen but only 4th Gen.

Indians are shameless people hence no embarassment.
Looks like these hubris indians want to object any defence deals pakistan are making with the west and even china too. They think they have a veto to what other countries can deal with pakistan.

I may be wrong but as far as I know, no country in modern times has raised their standards of living substantially without being friends of the west or at least seen to be harmless. Including China, no Nixon no growth rate. Maybe Japan...but they got nuked for their troubles LOL.
You are over stating the importance of us in chinas development. Most of chinese FDI over the years were came from greater chinese circle mostly HK, us contribution is insignificant. Chinese did have access to us markets, but americans benefited from chinese products greatly, it goes both ways.
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I think is some sort of retro fit.
I don't believe it's simple software update or structural maintenance.
Well wait for more details
500m is too much for simple routine maintenance
Most of f16a went upgrade in 2013 so they should have good 20 yrs on them.
I don't know why would they need structural upgrade so soon. Unless we over used them.
But that’s very important. It’s no secret so I’ll say it — India is going to protest anything coming to Pakistan; big, small, routine or inconsequential. We protest everything so everyone thinks twice before selling stuff to pakistan.

It’s a crude way of putting it, but that is exactly what it is. India wasn’t created yesterday. We never looked to the US as our great benefactor. They are with us today because it suits them. India at the end of the day will need to stand on her own strength and that’s what our policy has always been.

As for the rest of your stuff, yeah I guess we all need to do some magical thinking to cope with life’s problems.

This policy towards Pakistan of No Dialogue, Isolation, protest at every forum India doing since very long and failed completely its not sustainable anymore. Now due to floods every nation big or small wants to help Pakistan wants to do something so that it mitigates with the climate effects soundly. In this backdrop India look stupid in the eyes of the world if it retains the same policy of isolation. India going to isolate herself here if it persist.

Therefore, sooner or later India about to change course even for show off or grudgingly they need to show goodwill towards Pakistan and that time coming very fast.
the soon we are free from F-16 dependence the better. we cant offer a better alternative than Indians so we will always face sanctions and broken promises with or without Indian hand in it.
I am half expecting Americans to break the terms of agreement and might block at a very crucial moment. Pakistan has no ability or power to challenge Americans whenever they will break their agreement.

That's pure emotions nothing else, a very small frame of things, we needs to look at the big picture here.

If American lady falls for Pakistani boys looks for every now and then and in the process our enemy the Indian wich burn herself out of jealousy, then what's the harms in it. Let the show continues as long as it takes.
Indians and their usual sh!tting in the pants after hearing anyone about Pakistan :lol:
There RandiRona is understandable. India diplomatically invested a lot (dance around naked) on US in last decade to lure them away from Pakistan.

In 2008 during the economic crisis in Amerika, Arabs & Indians have both thought about Human Life but in return got invasion of Parts of Iraq & Shaam and Full Military Deployment in Union of India - Establishment Authority Occupied Territory.

Arab League has moved a bit out as the Indian Foreign Policy has let the Indian Skill man Power against Union of India - Establishment Authority and against Arab League.

There umpteen head of state meetings in G7, G20, QUAD have one important agenda to somehow isolate Pakistan from US forever.

More Amerikan Aircrafts are being deployed against Indian Air Force !!!

Further, Indian lobby in US congress is very strong too and amongst the best.

Indian Lobby is nothing but American Citizens working for betterment of America !!!

Compares to it Pakistani PM got hardly and rare such chances. With so much investment and continuous back-biting about Pakistan into american ears they thought they have owned US now and will kill any goodwill in US circles before it try to surface leave out materialising.

America has replaced Britain in Occupied Territory !!!
But, alas as usual Pak-US works silently until its done. The Shock of this deal is heart wrenching in indian circles, they could not pre-empt it..... how that it could be? that's the main grievances of India to US on this deal at the moment:)

Indian Military Circles are themselves seeing the Truth in Global Arena !!! Which Countries are placing Ballistic Missiles around India !!!
While Pakistanis are busy making fun, India gets shit done.
This policy towards Pakistan of No Dialogue, Isolation, protest at every forum India doing since very long and failed completely its not sustainable anymore. Now due to floods every nation big or small wants to help Pakistan wants to do something so that it mitigates with the climate effects soundly. In this backdrop India look stupid in the eyes of the world if it retains the same policy of isolation. India going to isolate herself here if it persist.

Therefore, sooner or later India about to change course even for show off or grudgingly they need to show goodwill towards Pakistan and that time coming very fast.
You misunderstand. India isn’t opposed to aid to Pakistan. Food aid, flood aid, education aid etc.

In fact even India would extend such aid in case of a catastrophe in Pakistan. We would hope you do the same as well if the situation were reversed

That said, Pakistan does not require arms, ammunition and F-16s to manage climate change. Which is what India opposes.

“Pakistan is a threat to world peace” has been the Indian position for some time now. Makes sense that we would be opposed to any augmentation of your military capabilities. As for sustainability, again, we’ve been at this for some time now, I’d say that’s pretty sustainable - compelling arguments usually are.
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I may be wrong but as far as I know, no country in modern times has raised their standards of living substantially without being friends of the west or at least seen to be harmless. Including China, no Nixon no growth rate. Maybe Japan...but they got nuked for their troubles LOL.
Nuking Japan gave us anime so I think it's a win win.

No AMRAAM even touched sukhoi or came close.
Penetrated, not touched.
While Pakistanis are busy making fun, India gets shit done.

Seems Ruthenia Ukraina - Ballistic Missile Arsenal have been deployed by Dushanbe Federation against many Countries including Union of India !!!

Pulwama Attack had been an Eye Opener for Indian Armed Forces !!!
You misunderstand. India isn’t opposed to aid to Pakistan. Food aid, flood aid, education aid etc.

Last time in Year 2005 during Earth Quake in Pakistan, Enough Military Equipment has unloaded from Western Military Powers !!!

SWAT Floods have been Problem for Pakistan Military !!!

Fear has gripped the Swat Valley, as AL Qamrun Brigades has taken control of areas in Matta tehsil, said sources.

handed over the hostages, including a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) of Matta, to the local jirga members after talks in the mountainous Peuchar valley of Swat district.

Forces, including the Malakand Division, have withdrawn and only one unit is deployed in Swat. With the military gone, the local police will have to deal with the onslaught.


In fact even India would extend such aid in case of a catastrophe in Pakistan. We would hope you do the same as well if the situation were reversed

Indian Armed Forces would stop repeating of Year 2005 Incident !!! After Balakota Military Strikes , Just forget !!! Sarkar e Khalsa - Zindabad !!!

That said, Pakistan does not require arms, ammunition and F-16s to manage climate change. Which is what India opposes.

AL Qamrun Brigades are well Prepared this time !!!


“Pakistan is a threat to world peace” has been the Indian position for some time now. Makes sense that we would be opposed to any augmentation of your military capabilities. As for sustainability, again, we’ve been at this for some time now, I’d say that’s pretty sustainable - compelling arguments usually are.

Heavy Radars System are killing Individuals !!!
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