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India raised objection to Pakistan F-16 refit during "each and every" bilateral meeting with US

But, sometimes their interests meet too! Take for instance the Russian-Ukrainian War. It was obvious that Russia would be jumping into a fiery trap, and Pak likes to be on the winning side with benefits! Strangely, China hasn't been providing any true military support to Russia also. Couple it with the Turkic republics' distancing themselves from this Putin's adventure leading to a plausible catastrophic fall-out, and the US's ultimate objective to lure them out of the Russian orbit. For that they need an alternative route to the warm waters. How can they achieve that without the Pak-Afgan axis with a ready-made infrastructure being funded by China (it's again a USA-Pak-China strange triangle)? No wonder the Indian FM has gone a cry baby.....
Its also good if interests are mutual, that leads to progression in technological domains and intelligence-sharing between countries. The very essence of diplomacy is serving own interests.
You realize you've given every male in Lockheed Martin, from a low-key janitor to the CEO who invested in LM stocks, a permanent boner.
Personally speaking, since the chances of F16 in IAF were low to begin with, I don't think we have got that much of a leverage.

What this might be is , that we may be trying to say, okay since you (USA) are continuing to send arms in Pakistan, we are gonna quickly shop for a couple of items from Russian supermart.

Just my personal opinion.
Its also good if interests are mutual, that leads to progression in technological domains and intelligence-sharing between countries. The very essence of diplomacy is serving own interests.
And, we shouldn't also forget the Hindutva extremists too! Last time they threatened a nuclear strike and then sent that Brahmos missile! The US policymakers are no fools for a nuclear exchange is no option.....
India has gone closer to US in the last decade and half. It resulted in multiple deals of military equipment. Both countries came much closer diplomatically and India gained economically because of this bonhomie.

US wanted more control over India. But India didn’t want that to happen and was able to exercise it’s options pretty well. One example of that was recent support to Russia by India and India’s import of Russian oil. US initially tried, but finally gave up, to the extent of publicly accepting Indian position on Russia.
But that was just a public posture. Behind the screen US must have been angry. US must have thought of teaching India, what they can do to make life difficult for India.
That is when they decided to give this package for Pakistani F-16s.

What would be the impact of this deal on India? Can India retaliate in any way?
Unlikely - because it has dependency on US for its military equipment. The entire military aircraft development is dependent on US engines. India can’t either go away, more than what it is right now. With Indian position more or less fixed at current position, US decided to extend an olive branch to Pakistan.

US must have assessed that this deal has gains for the US in weaning away Pakistan from the China - only a little bit. It would also mean extension of life for F-16s and a little leverage to US for later.

All players are trying to do best for themselves in this deal.

India is also doing well to question this deal publicly, and in ways, it couldn’t have done few decades back - questioning the US logic of this deal.

Publicly declared US logic not the actual one.

India must keep the pressure up and see it’s results. If India wants to rely on US as a close and strategic partner then it should know what US is ready to give up for this partnership. If US really values this partnership and wants to take it further then it will have to come out clean and show the intent by actions and not just lofty words.
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The Indians have the Americans trapped in its own web of lies right now - and the fact that the Americans cannot be "allowed" to talk about Pakistan outside of the context of "terrorism" shows how short-sighted America's foreign policy has been to South Asia and Pakistan in particular.
There are certain number things where both nations are working together and few others where both work against each other.
The Indians have the Americans trapped in its own web of lies right now
It’s not lies. It’s called using soft power.

With your logic all diplomats should be made to undergo lie detector test everyday. Heights of naivity.
US has attacked and destroyed many nations because it suited them and they did it with a narrative that went along with it.

All nations try it, to their best. Pakistani diplomats must be trying but Indian ones are doing a better job.
Under current EAM Jaishankar, things have gone up to another level.
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I already know my IP lol as well a lot of other people, I'm sure of that. Honestly don't know where this even came from

Computer Grids connected Super Computers might have already automatically destroyed many times !!! Enemy Network Grids have been decimated all over the Globe.

Keep on with Non Sense already on Damage Control Mode !!!
India still can't forget their Mig-21 downed by the F-16. :enjoy:

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - Maruts 21 are Frontline Aircrafts with good ejecting capabilities !!! So United States of America - Defense Industries Made Fanthom Series - 16 are frontline Forward Aircrafts ???
No, its much simpler. It was not to deny Pakistan those spare as that is not possible --UK Pakistan already have a deal on it. It was to ensure that US shuts up on Indian purchase of military hardware from Russia.

This is a well known fact that Indians and Arabs are Traditional Allies !!! NATO Countries specially United States of America wants the Divide and Rule Policy !!!

1971 War and 1973 War - Results were completely hard for Leagues of Nations - Foreign Legions.

In Year 1970 - 10 USSN AirCrafts Carriers were Deployed !!!

In response, US media is clamouring how India is moving away from Russia.

And yet JF-17 proved to be totally useless in that encounter :enjoy:.

This has been a Classified Info !!!
Absolutely correct. IAF has shown utter lack of professionalism and readiness. It missed targets in Balakot, it did not have ANY aircover for its bases in such a critical place. It did not mobilize itself WITH forewarning. It was totally unprepared for even basic electronic warfare. Basically a total clusterfuck.

Indian Air Force or International Air Force ???

By the way, Marut - 21 was shot down during that period only !!!
Makes one wonder, if it was specifically given orders to fail? I think its both. Indian government's total apathy towards modernisation of forces and Indian tacticians and strategist hitting below their weight tendency. They love to call it "intelligence driven proportionate response". We call it farting without shitting.

Union of India - Establishment Authority Prime Minister Office - Elected Representatives Administration doesn't know much about Union of India - Establishment Authority Armed Forces - Command Headquarters Commanders Military Formations.

F-16 is a fantastic jet. F-16s are more than enough for India. Pakistan should release a statement like cry more etc. haha We must behave aggressively.

Most of the NATO Member Countries are Security Guarantors of Sovereignty of Pakistan & Iran even when aware about Status Quo are being maintained on Territorial Dispute.
Indian Armed Forces - Military Tribunal Apex Court - Verdicts are already there against many Foreign Military Command Formation Individuals for spread Propaganda inside Union of India - Establishment Authority and committing gross violations against Union of India - Establishment Authority Territorial Regions - Sovereignty !!!

WIth IP , Location Co Ordinates will be even checked , Hardly 25 Minutes to 45 Minutes for Indian Air Force and Arab Air Force - Squadrons to reach anywhere !!!

Chinese Air Force can be taken into confidence before carrying out Sorties against Yew Pagans and Pagans Individuals !!!
Day dreamer after drinking cow ur..e
Day dreamer after drinking cow ur..e

Hy Adar Abad

You Hate Cows !!!

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