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India raised objection to Pakistan F-16 refit during "each and every" bilateral meeting with US

The ideas behind India and Pakistan are opposite to each other that both cannot succeed at the same time. If one succeeds the other will fail.

Idea behind Pakistan: Minorities in hindu India can have an independent country of their own and succeed on their own.
Idea behind India: minorities can only survive under hindu India and cannot sustain a state on their own which will eventually fail.

If Pakistan was a successful state as it was originally planned then India would have broken apart by now or close to it. If things continue the way they are going in Pakistan, a country which is failing, this country will break apart and India will stay intact.

Compared to Pakistan the idea of India is succeeding so far but there is still one big problem for Indians. Bangladesh which exists on the same idea as Pakistan is succeeding as an independent state. India was successful at dividing Pakistan but now there are two Pakistans for them. Only one needs to succeed to nullify the idea behind India. The odds are still against India.

Bangladeshis are indistinguishable from West Bengalis apart from religon. Whether you believe it or not, we want them to succeed(most of us anyway), and it is in our interest to do so. For once, North East Indian states cannot develop well as long as Bangladesh remains poor. Secondly, Bangladesh is surrounded by India on 3 sides and there will always be illegal immigrants from there as long as it remains poor. India and Bangladesh are simply too interlinked for one side to be doing badly and other side to be doing well. Either both will do well or both will fail.

Bangladeshis themselves would be hoping for India to succeed. Look at US and Mexico. Mexico would probably be a third world hell like El Salvador without US nearby, but it is a high income country just because of trade with the US.
Ayub wasn't into American slavery, that can be seen through his gestures in pics with USA presidents. The slave mentality wasn't or isn't actually there, its a term coined to show an exaggerated part through political means. Suffering of PAF through F-16s is another proof that slavery mentality does NOT exist and then JF-17 coming up and reliance of Pakistan towards China for its economy and military is another step. In fact, if looked closely, Pakistan had more projects, interaction and dealings with China than USA. Pakistan has in fact reduced its dependency on USA with passing time and keeping relations with USA is again not slavery.
Why do you think anyone needs to listen to you or anyone else to find proof of master-slave relationship between USA and Pakistani establishment? Pakistan is one of the most transparently slave country to the USA. Americans are so brazen with Pakistan that they pass orders publicly rather than through diplomatic channels.
They were more careful with their puppet regime in Afghanistan compared to Pakistan.

Talking about F-16s to make case against slavery? What is the criteria to be a think tank analyst?
Forces, including the Malakand Division, have withdrawn and only one unit is deployed in Swat. With the military gone, the local police will have to deal with the onslaught.
The hell you are talking about, I am resident of Swat and everyday Cobras are flying like its their circus day, 3 more brigades are deployed and you are saying only one unit is present
See the difference on the barrel that Indian Army did to distinguish their T-55 from Pakistan Army's T-59 in this photo below where an indian T-55 is captured by Pakistani troops.

View attachment 881833
I was under the impression they did this to confuse the Pakistani forces into thinking it was a Type 59 rather than a t55.
Ayub wasn't into American slavery, that can be seen through his gestures in pics with USA presidents. The slave mentality wasn't or isn't actually there, its a term coined to show an exaggerated part through political means. Suffering of PAF through F-16s is another proof that slavery mentality does NOT exist and then JF-17 coming up and reliance of Pakistan towards China for its economy and military is another step. In fact, if looked closely, Pakistan had more projects, interaction and dealings with China than USA. Pakistan has in fact reduced its dependency on USA with passing time and keeping relations with USA is again not slavery.
That's why he gave India the pass of a millennia when he didn't take advantage of India's '62 debacle all because of his buddies Kennedy and Johnson who he was chummy chummy with, who duly reward him with a state visit, ticker tape parade, address to Congress et al and Ayub's life long dream was accomplished. The hell with Kashmir...
This is your analysis of Indian objections to weapons supply to its adversary?
Think Tank seems to be tanking.
Interestingly Pak Govt crying last time the 8 F-16s deal didn't materialize

American Stiffening on F-16s Rattles Pakistan

This week Aziz backtracked and told the Pakistani senate that the government was pursuing the F-16 issue with the US at various levels. He then blamed the “untiring efforts” of the Indian lobby against the sale.
Interestingly Pak Govt crying last time the 8 F-16s deal didn't materialize

American Stiffening on F-16s Rattles Pakistan

Stop crying Hindutva scum. Your FM is literally begging the Americans to halt the F-16 maintenance package.

i wish India had not reacted stating every nation has right to protect itself and undermined F16 as threat to our security..but it seems we are still afraid of F16.

You should be. Your FM is a wise man. He should cry much harder. Perhaps papa America might listen.

Listen to these pajeets. They think new India is dominating geopolitics. Their media and political parties are in a frenzy.


Pajeets lecturing the Americans about their relationships with other countries. I wish I could collect pajeet tears. Total meltdown of pajeets.


US witnesses India's thunder. Super power Hindustan teaching America a lesson.
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Why do you think anyone needs to listen to you or anyone else to find proof of master-slave relationship between USA and Pakistani establishment?

I was under the impression they did this to confuse the Pakistani forces into thinking it was a Type 59 rather than a t55.
I guess it works both ways. It’s larger than T-59s, it stands out too much.

Listen to these pajeets. They think new India is dominating geopolitics. Their media and political parties are in a frenzy.


Pajeets lecturing the Americans about their relationships with other countries. I wish I could collect pajeet tears. Total meltdown of pajeets.


US witnesses India's thunder. Super power Hindustan teaching America a lesson.

The links don't work.
In order to earn your "Wooden Sword" you need to fight like a true gladiator and slay your adversaries inside the arena, not cry and show excuses at the gallery in front of the Emperor fleeing from the fight.....

Against Pak: if the there were Rafales....

Against China: Nobody has entered into our lands......

The Emperor to the gladiators: what did you do for me tomorrow? Ask not what I can do for you, ask what you can do for me. Otherwise, STFU...
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You have mentioned a very important point. The USA and Pakistan relationship.

Apart from this, there is a lot of misunderstanding between USA and Pakistan so both countries move according to their mutual interests.
But, sometimes their interests meet too! Take for instance the Russian-Ukrainian War. It was obvious that Russia would be jumping into a fiery trap, and Pak likes to be on the winning side with benefits! Strangely, China hasn't been providing any true military support to Russia also. Couple it with the Turkic republics' distancing themselves from this Putin's adventure leading to a plausible catastrophic fall-out, and the US's ultimate objective to lure them out of the Russian orbit. For that they need an alternative route to the warm waters. How can they achieve that without the Pak-Afgan axis with a ready-made infrastructure being funded by China (it's again a USA-Pak-China strange triangle)? No wonder the Indian FM has gone a cry baby.....
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