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India provides money, targets to terrorists in Pak: Terrorist claims on video


counter-"check" (of some sort) against rising China (which incidentally buys U.S. treasury bonds and owns a **** load of U.S. debt)
AM's post on Christine Fair

This is precisely the point. People in this world are so naive that everything is black and white to them. US denial means non-existance of evidence for them and similar if Pakistan does not go public with the evidence. Sooner or later, indian activities WILL be exposed.
well if the Army Chief and even Mr. Shahbaz Sharif (from the opposition) are saying it --- they arent saying it without reason

we are on our own on this one. The Americans dont care about this aspect.

In fact, they even are more subtle about Kashmir issue; much to the dismay of UN (another toothless organization)

best we can do is further boost our ground intelligence.....and crush any anti-Pakistan activity waged by anti-Pakistan forces (local and foreign)

counter-"check" (of some sort) against rising China (which incidentally buys U.S. treasury bonds and owns a **** load of U.S. debt)

Absolutely - started by the bogeyman raising NeoCon's in the Bush Administration who would use 'extraordinary rendition' on their own shadows were they to resemble a 'hammer and sickle' in any way.:rolleyes:

China is a global power, and given the close relationship with Pakistan she has, bolstering Pakistan would have increased Chinese influence regionally by many magnitudes since it would have effectively neutered the Indians from the East.

Even in the current situation, with all the instability in Pakistan, India is neutered to a large extent - imagine the loss of regional influence had Pakistan continued with the economic and military growth we saw under Musharraf.

Imagine the loss of Indian influence had the US not applied double standards in giving India an exception from the NSG and the civilian nuclear agreement.
well --- the loss of Musharraf wasnt caused by indias or americas

it was our own....."lawyers" marched in the streets (throwing rocks at law enforcement agencies and making a fine example of enforcing legal principles)

then they were silent when Muslim Khan and people like him shat on democracy and the legal system.
Believe the terrorist committing terrorist attacks where he gets his support from ... his comments cannot be completely discarded, otherwise you might as well throw the entire dossier based on information Kasab gave you into the garbage, along with anything Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and various other terrorists said while in custody of the US.

Manmohan Singh is not about to admit this on TV now is he?

In any case, lets await more details. I am interested in seeing whether this alleged video was that of an interrogation or one made while Usman Mujahid was free.

well you conveniently tried to mix up an interrogation case to some banned terrorist giving his views so so called truths.... Kasab didn't run after media to air his views....

and typical of mentality , many shower u with thank you notes for the above post....
Why don't we have an independent thought process ?
well you conveniently tried to mix up an interrogation case to some banned terrorist giving his views so so called truths.... Kasab didn't run after media to air his views....

and typical of mentality , many shower u with thank you notes for the above post....
Why don't we have an independent thought process ?

Thank you's because it was a valid point.

And given the fact that the person interviewing Usman Mujahid is under a cover, it would appear to not be a media person, but perhaps another terrorist who did not want to be seen.

If Usman Mujahid invited the media to make his statement, why would the media hide from him?

The video appears to be one filmed by terrorists.
well --- the loss of Musharraf wasnt caused by indias or americas

it was our own....."lawyers" marched in the streets (throwing rocks at law enforcement agencies and making a fine example of enforcing legal principles)

then they were silent when Muslim Khan and people like him shat on democracy and the legal system.
I was looking at the loss not in terms of Musharraf's departure, but the wave of terrorism, about which the GoP (and Musharraf) has consistently said it has provided evidence to the US indicating Indian involvement.

Part of the slowdown in Pakistan was due to the political instability, part due to the global economic slowdown, but a large part was also due to terrorism.
terrorism and mismanagement of the power generation industry are 2 things that have had the most detrimental impact on our economy.

then of course the global financial crisis came --which couldnt have come at a worse time

Take a stroll over to this thread as well: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...ian-cautions-against-unconcealed-delight.html

It is not just me pointing out the depravity of Indians on the web in celebrating terrorism and the death of innocents in Pakistan, even some Indian commentators are sickened by the display.

You lot from the Pakistani peace brigade need to open your eyes and realize there is only a deceiving entity consumed by hatred across the border.

hey hey wait a min... let me let you understand why certain people here in India have the "the same smug air of “I-told-you-so” and “so-what-else-did-they-expect” satisfaction." They're not happy!! they're thinking what any sane minded person would think..

You guys were used as tools by US against russians when their job was done they packed their bags and left .. you were left with a hungry dog.. then ur leaders thought why not put this dog at use and sent him and his cousins to India... but then happened the 9/11.. americans woke up from their slumber and whipped your administrators.. inturn they whipped the terrorists (however unwillingly it might have been for themto do so is another matter) whom in the first place both US and Pak created and used for their agendas.... now terrorists aren't idiots they're reminding their masters that you created us.. what U sow is what U reap brother..

thts in nutshell what is happening in Pak today... If you still don't want to open ur eyes to reality then may be I can't help you but one day u shall realize urself... in the meantime you might want to read blogs on dawn website by Nadeem F. Paracha.. this guys makes sense to a lot of Pakistanis, Indians, ex-pat Pakistanis and people from around the world.

Heres a link to his latest blog:
A nation of sleepwalkers — The Dawn Blog Blog Archive

After all a stable Pakistan is in India's interest and everyone recognizes that fact in India AFAIK and perceive.
tools against Russians?????

it was in our national interests to support the mujahideen against them. And it was a victory to all Afghans and to Pakistan too.
hey hey wait a min... let me let you understand why certain people here in India have the "the same smug air of “I-told-you-so” and “so-what-else-did-they-expect” satisfaction." They're not happy!! they're thinking what any sane minded person would think..

Oh I understand completely why so many Indians are celebrating the murder and terrorism directed at innocents - these Indians possess a hateful, warmongering nature.

These Indians 'exchange presents' while visiting Pakistan, and then badmouth it, call for its destruction and celebrate terrorism and the murder of innocent children, women and men when back in India.

The nature of 'these Indians' is perfectly clear.
Penury stricken Delhi didn’t spend about a Billion Dollars in Afghanistan so that the investment would eliminate the slums of Mumbai or feed the Dalits. India spent the money in Afghanistan so that it could build a base of operations against Pakistan. It has gone to the extent of blowing up its own civilians with the help of M.I so that it could turn the barrels of the foreign media towards Pakistan, but fortunately or unfortunately the machination turned out to be a fiasco.

Not to my surprise the media has always been more interested in blaming everything on ISI but when a serving Indian Col is arrested for the same they tend to look the other way. I hope there are still some ways by which they could yet redeem themselves.

The most recent was the 72 hour Media blockbuster who on their own traced the terrorists with their names, but still unable to uncover the mystery behind the killing of a pivotal officer (Karkare) investigating India’s own right wing upper caste extremists, since the Mumbai attack was possible because of poor intelligence is a fact acknowledged by Indian intelligence agencies, so there is no point accusing someone who has confessed to a failure. But was it a case of negligence and incompetence or a deliberate sinister plot.

Before you point your fingers at Gen.Hamid, what about Col.Purohit? Does that ring a bell?

If your intelligence agencies are involved in the killings of its own people, what makes you think they are not involved in Pakistan

Before you ask us if we want a Taliban Gov, do you want an RSS regime?

Yes he is correct.. our intentions have always been clandestine and covert as their leaders have been saying throughout their history.. we have no job other than destroying Pak as it stands today and invite Talibanis to our borders to challenge us.. We want to show them kisne apni ma ka dudh piya hai :P ... Yes we are that stupid!! God help India.. gosh.. I wish Talibanis are well prepared though would be such a shame if they get their ***** kicked in front of the whole world :|
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