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India protests over 'tribal' Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

If any 1 is willing to convert on his will,,,its his personal matter ( personally i dont have any issue),,,,unless he is monetarily or Hypnotised or any other measures applied to do so..

I am in to bodybuilding ,,i was training a guy & he noticed i wasn't walking right,, i had tore my ligament ,,so he asks me ,,r u a cristian,,i asked Why??,,then he says ,,pls come to our church ,,come n pray there ,,they ll heal all your problems etc etc ,,
& this is the most common way of some thugs to start the process ( basically manipulating ).

,,I have lot of christian friends & they them self agree that some missionaries are paid by western countries for conversion process.( my friends oppose this act coz due to few idiots it shall spoil whole community).Lot of money comes from Scotland,,was a shocker for me ..

You can complaint to BBC for manipulating the news.

The news also carries the statement of the Bandhan Tigga

Non-tribal leader, saying "A 100 years from now, people here would start believing that Mother Mary was actually our tribal goddess. It's an attempt to convert Sarna tribals to Christianity."

so basically the blame is that they will convert others to Christianity

there was nothing like that . it was also fabricated statement not published by any authentic newspaper.

anyway come back to the topic do you allow conversion to Christianity or oppose it?
We have seen Indians are upset at missionaries and their projects in India and blame them for conversion of Hindus (your opposition to it is understandable and if looked at it through religious point yes justified for you) BUT The larger question remains that why missonaries found the space? why Hindus go for conversion to Christianity?

Had you worked on addressing their problems? if NOT why you are feeling insecure over missionaries' activities then?

Why you dint become Hindu missionaries in the first place

Unlike Abrahmic religions, Hinduism does not have or needs structured missionary activities. We convert through ideas and practices...as we have many people in the western world.
Let me ask you a simple question. Does Islam allow conversion? And if not, why are you asking Hindus to allow it ?

:) because dozens of Indian Hindu here and elsewhere claim that Hinduism is NOT a religion its a way of life ;) and everyone is free to make own gods and worship it in any form so why you are afraid if they go for a Chrsitian god?
:) because dozens of Indian Hindu here and elsewhere claim that Hinduism is NOT a religion its a way of life ;) and everyone is free to make own gods and worship it in any form so why you are afraid if they go for a Chrsitian god?

Your ignorance is stark. And you have still not answered whether islan allows conversions. Hinduism is not a free for all. It is a structured religion with defined practices, and worshipping jesus / allah is not one of them.
No. I will just ask a question that you have asked. If we dress prophet muhammad in Dhoti with chandan tika and Aisha in saree, what will you say ? Here you mean your people.

You will be committing blasphemy because in our religion NO Images are allowed as opposed to hinduism and Christianity.

We are very cleaar about our faith rules and basics.

So your question is wrong and based on your lack of knowledge about my faith.

The topic here is NOT how the Mary can be or can not be dressed up, the main issue here is that NON Christians fear that by dressing Mary in an Indian attire will lure non Christians to convert Christianism thinking Mary was local.
This is offensive to me also. Hazrat Issa (PBUH) was not Naxalite

The Hindus do not find it offensive. Their only fear is that this will lure their community into believing the Mary and Jesus was one of them hence they will convert to Christianity.
We have seen Indians are upset at missionaries and their projects in India and blame them for conversion of Hindus (your opposition to it is understandable and if looked at it through religious point yes justified for you) BUT The larger question remains that why missonaries found the space? why Hindus go for conversion to Christianity?

Had you worked on addressing their problems? if NOT why you are feeling insecure over missionaries' activities then?

Why you dint become Hindu missionaries in the first place

Baaji, you well know that Hinduism has never proselytized. It is a foreign concept for us. At one time Hinduism spread over half of Asia, yet when Islam came, there was no counter proselytization.

Hindus are being lured into India by economic and material incentives. I know many kids in my school whose parents became Christian because a recommendation letter from the Bishop of their Diocese would guarantee them admission in Christian run schools and colleges.

India is a huge country. We need to look at uplifting everybody who needs it. 85% of us are Hindus, so who do we choose? If you are indicating Hindu charities and institutions and maths etc.

For the Christians it is easy. The funds come in from abroad. And for the sole purpose of buying numbers in terms of quotas each Church and Bishop is given from above abroad. It is a well organized system. And they do not need to be choosy or picky.

Just go into the "market" with your bag of goodies where you feel it will buy you maximum numbers. And come away with bulk purchase bargains.

They are not interested in the larger god of the country as a whole. Only to ensure that their own numbers swell, their quotas are met, and they get maximum bang for buck.

When you have the funds, and a much much smaller base to spread it around over, it becomes much easier. And that is highy unsecular. And should not be allowed in our country.

Because your funds come from within your community, and from abroad. But your community lives in and feeds off India as a whole. Protected by India. Supported by the Indian system. Which is built by and for all of us. Not just Hindus or Christians or Muslims.

It is wrong period. And you are simply enjoying it, because inside you know it is wrong as well.
Your ignorance is stark. And you have still not answered whether islan allows conversions. Hinduism is not a free for all. It is a structured religion with defined practices, and worshipping jesus / allah is not one of them.

We are very clear we accept anyone irrespective of creed and color and if anyone wants to get out them he is NO more entitled to our faith's identity.

As far as your claim that Hinduism is NOT free for all then say it clear and state it loudly instead of coming up with many versions.

And indeed if you start worshiping Allah or Jesus then you are NO more a Hindu, thats for other religions as well.
He he he. Expected. Indians, see the response of Jana Ji. You guys are wasting your time. No one can convince a religiously blinded person. They will never understands. They only make fun of otheres. Main karun to sala charcacter dhila hai, kyun Jana Ji ? I have always said it. Islam is one way valve. Now people following one way valve can not see anything which is other way around. So their comments does not put any value. And they also can not see others concerns.

And by the way if any one will get out of your faith, he will be killed.


You will be committing blasphemy because in our religion NO Images are allowed as opposed to hinduism and Christianity.

We are very cleaar about our faith rules and basics.

So your question is wrong and based on your lack of knowledge about my faith.

The topic here is NOT how the Mary can be or can not be dressed up, the main issue here is that NON Christians fear that by dressing Mary in an Indian attire will lure non Christians to convert Christianism thinking Mary was local.
Cardinals don't do "missionary" work, isn't it?

I'm ignorant on the subject but someone here maybe he/she knows
Baaji, you well know that Hinduism has never proselytized. It is a foreign concept for us. At one time Hinduism spread over half of Asia, yet when Islam came, there was no counter proselytization.

Hindus are being lured into India by economic and material incentives. I know many kids in my school whose parents became Christian because a recommendation letter from the Bishop of their Diocese would guarantee them admission in Christian run schools and colleges.

India is a huge country. We need to look at uplifting everybody who needs it. 85% of us are Hindus, so who do we choose? If you are indicating Hindu charities and institutions and maths etc.

For the Christians it is easy. The funds come in from abroad. And for the sole purpose of buying numbers in terms of quotas each Church and Bishop is given from above abroad. It is a well organized system. And they do not need to be choosy or picky.

Just go into the "market" with your bag of goodies where you feel it will buy you maximum numbers. And come away with bulk purchase bargains.

They are not interested in the larger god of the country as a whole. Only to ensure that their own numbers swell, their quotas are met, and they get maximum bang for buck.

When you have the funds, and a much much smaller base to spread it around over, it becomes much easier. And that is highy unsecular. And should not be allowed in our country.

Because your funds come from within your community, and from abroad. But your community lives in and feeds off India as a whole. Protected by India. Supported by the Indian system. Which is built by and for all of us. Not just Hindus or Christians or Muslims.

It is wrong period. And you are simply enjoying it, because inside you know it is wrong as well.

oh bhaya the question again is the same howcome Hindus are ready so easily to convert for incentives???

Dont you see your own community is at fault for their conversion to Christianity?.

So better sit back think over and finish this cast based discrimination and social injustice. Try to solve basic needs of these downtrodden so they should not go for Christianity.

if these hindus find chances of education and feeding their families by converting to Christanity then they will freely go for that instead of deprivation
Indian state has no role to play in this. Its non Christians protesting against a perceived conversion tactic (which is incorrect in my view).

Kind of like people in Pakistan went on a murderous rampage when someone in USA came out with a stupid movie about Islam. Am sure that movie was not going to harm Pakistan in anyway, but Pakistani citizens still reacted

Post reported.
He he he. Expected. Indians, see the response of Jana Ji. You guys are wasting your time. No one can convince a religiously blinded person. They will never understands. They only make fun of otheres. Main karun to sala charcacter dhila hai, kyun Jana Ji ? I have always said it. Islam is one way valve. Now people following one way valve can not see anything which is other way around. So their comments does not put any value. And they also can not see others concerns.

And by the way if any one will get out of your faith, he will be killed.


I can see you are hiding behind facepalms :)))

Lets suppose my faith is one way valve and we do stand by it BUT you Hindus are confused among your ownself. On the one hand you practice Hinduism as ONE WAY VALVE as well and on the other you are shying away from accepting the reality loudly.

Why dont you accept that You hindus are afriad of losing more people to Christianity hence the hue and cry and at the same time you are also NOT willing to abloish the discrimantion based on class/cast system so that Christian missionaries could not be able to lure your own people for incentives.
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