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India preparing for conventional war with Pakistan, claims Pak daily

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^^^ you didnt have any advantage when war ended,in any war and even your brothers china didnt help lol
the thread is pure bulls*it
i think India is preparing its forces for its defense in case Pakistan attacks us.
Pakistani policymakers and military officials, who are keenly observing India's preparations for a conventional war with Pakistan in the context of the Cold Start war doctrine, a Pakistani newspaper has said.


---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 PM ----------

i think India is preparing its forces for its defense in case Pakistan attacks us.

Good post bro :cheers:
Well In 1965 when pakistan had a very small army but India was gang raped Lol ;;) by pak Air Force Army Cz when india lost the war ( now indian gone say that's not true soo i got a proof
indian Air Chief Arjan singh or whteve Visitng PAK ) well that's enough for proof now y can imagn wht wll gone happen to India ,, around 90's pakistan was saying when war will gone start we LUncH NUkes now indian's are saying when war is gone start :D we will be the 1st one to fire nukes your 50 % airforce , and submarine squd is out dated :D y can't even use them and y gone start the war :D Pakistan's Poltcns Are loosers But till the time a single PAKIstanii is alive :D y cant even dare or else :D y know wht happend in 1965 , 1971 , 1999 :D and i thing else i heard that yr

wow !!! i love this guy
Dont tell me you are expecting to be told about these stuff?-

we are lucky you see . our media and the government in general does not spread false info to keep us in check .:)
you're right. we're not stupid. we will only launch an attack on you once the bullets start flying between you guys and pakistan. during the korean war, we didn't even enter until the US was right at our doorstep. there is always right time. think 1962.

my friend will you kindly elaborate whats right time for china?

you didn't help Pakistan in 1971.

you didn't do anything in 1984.

you remained calm in 1999.

so whats right time?

P.S:- you were unable to do anything in 1974 and 2008-09 too
come on now guys , give him a break , we have a child in our midst . after all, he still has to reach the 5 std where he might learn the truth or will learn how we conspired and used Mossad and the CIA to defeat them in 71 . and about 99, at first they were not involved , then they were involved , then they were not involved .

like i said give him a break , he is going to end up confused.:)
Well In 1965 when pakistan had a very small army but India was gang raped Lol ;;) by pak Air Force Army Cz when india lost the war ( now indian gone say that's not true soo i got a proof
indian Air Chief Arjan singh or whteve Visitng PAK ) well that's enough for proof now y can imagn wht wll gone happen to India ,, around 90's pakistan was saying when war will gone start we LUncH NUkes now indian's are saying when war is gone start :D we will be the 1st one to fire nukes your 50 % airforce , and submarine squd is out dated y can't even use them and y gone start the war :D Pakistan's Poltcns Are loosers But till the time a single PAKIstanii is alive y cant even dare or else y know wht happend in 1965 , 1971 , 1999 :D and i thing else i heard that yr

Wow.... Dream and Dream may be some day it will come true, but don't **** in your pant before.

Wow 1965... :D

According to the Library of Congress Country Studies conducted by the Federal Research Division of the United States[62] –

The war was militarily inconclusive; each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the other. Losses were relatively heavy—on the Pakistani side, twenty aircraft, 200 tanks, and 3,800 troops. Pakistan's army had been able to withstand Indian pressure, but a continuation of the fighting would only have led to further losses and ultimate defeat for Pakistan. Most Pakistanis, schooled in the belief of their own martial prowess, refused to accept the possibility of their country's military defeat by "Hindu India" and were, instead, quick to blame their failure to attain their military aims on what they considered to be the ineptitude of Ayub Khan and his government.

1971 :D

The war stripped Pakistan of more than half of its population and with nearly one-third of its army in captivity, clearly established India's military dominance of the subcontinent.[21] In spite of the magnitude of the victory, India was surprisingly restrained in its reaction

90000 POW:D

1999 Kargil War

And like previous unsuccessful infiltrations attempts, such as Operation Gibraltar, which sparked the 1965 war, there was little coordination or information sharing among the branches of the Pakistani Armed Forces. One U.S. Intelligence study is reported to have stated that Kargil was yet another example of Pakistan's (lack of) grand strategy, repeating the follies of the previous wars

According to numbers stated by Nawaz Sharif there were over 4,000 fatalities. His PML (N) party in its "white paper" on the war mentioned that more than 3,000 Mujahideens, officers and soldiers were killed
why india prepare for war in every two weeks ?
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