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India poll favourite ‘bachelor’ Modi admits he is married

Come and meet him, you will come to know. :D All separated guys are not homo.. He never got married because he wanted to become Full-Timer (pracharak) of RSS.

His marriage was under family pressue (which I mention in earlier post). He was not happy with marriage, He wanted to work as pracharak so he left home and become pracharak. In India there are many ppl who left there family and work for society..

This kind of behaviour are not evident in Arabic tribal culture/religions. Thats why a Pakistani will never understand it. For a Arbaic tribal culture A man can only be homo or hetro. Sex is core of Arabic Tribal religions..

My dear Bro/Sis, He was not Chief minister when he was married. He was in his teen (in 50/60s) when his parent forcibly married him. In village it is believed that if a kid is married he will become responsible.....

He wanted to become Pracharak (full timer volunteer) for RSS. His Father saw it and scared of loosing his son, hence Modi was forcibely married.

After marriage Modi jee ran away from marriage and became RSS Pracharak, He worked for RSS for 20+ years as snall foot soldier. Then in 2001/2 he was aksed to hold the responsibility of Gujrat CM (In 2001 Gujrat BJP was in trouble because of internal conflicts).

Before 2001 Modi was common man, He had no money, His only asset was his cloth and books..
well ok then, i wont speak much on this matter as they r ur internal polictics
and i am bro btw
well my friend i refuse to believe a literate politician would do this, it might be some propaganda

And more over Modi is not well educated, he is well learned man. I don't think he went college for Graduation, rather he did his studies at RSS office and gather knowledge.

He is a good orator, He is good manager. Businessman love him. He work like Putin/Obama. He doesn't succumb to pressure. He make his own team and work with that team. He sidelines his enemy. He believe in honesty, he says "Neither I will take bribe, nor I will allow you to take bribe"

Modi's enemy tag him as Dictator/Autocrat. The Businessman love him because he eliminate all red tape.
well ok then, i wont speak much on this matter as they r ur internal polictics
and i am bro btw

Our Internal policies impact each other, Pakistan share boundry, culture and many thing. Our fate is intertwined. We can't skip discussing internal politics.

Modi can be a threat to Pakistan, If Terrorists attack from Pakistan, the public will demand Modi to Act. Such scenario will be difficult for Pakistan... (though Modi will Act or not is different question).

The good thing is , In both Pakistan and Bangladesh Pro India govt is operating. :)
In his defence, he never said he is unmarried. He has always kept silent about his marital status. So he hasn't lied, technically.
Is his wife that much of an embarrassment? Politicians with hot sexy successful wives show em off like they are walking on the red carpet with Angelina Jolie :unsure:

All Pakistani are Modi Haters..
Nope Pakistanis dont have the time nor can be bothered about India....Dont give yourself too much credit! o_O
Is his wife that much of an embarrassment? Politicians with hot sexy successful wives show em off like they are walking on the red carpet with Angelina Jolie :unsure:

Even Modi wouldn't know whether the woman is hot or sexy or succesful. They haven't seen each other since he was 20.
The real question is Modi a homosexual? i mean the guy left his wife after 2 weeks and never got married. Surely something is not right here. What about the family values of a leader? don't indians look at family values in a leader? what a weird nation!

Even if he is homosexual...........................

So What?????
Pathetic liar :lol:
Ok, so he hid his wife! How about your Pakistani politicians who hide not only the number of wives they have but also the tons of black money hidden in vaults abroad?? :P :lol:

Pot calling the kettle black? Your politicians ain't lily white either!!
yaha se pachas pachas kos dur Pakistan ke gaaon aur shaharon mein jab bachcha raat ko rota hai to maa kahti hai.......
beta soja ....soja nahi to Modi aa jaayega. :lol:

Do you think your ''modi'' is famous in pakistan and we are afraid of him?o_O
Even if he is homosexual...........................

So What?????
His homosexuality will be a threat to Indian national security. Muslims will revolt. Then again communal junky Modi will mass murder them. So i guess it appears hindus do not care.
Ok, so he hid his wife! How about your Pakistani politicians who hide not only the number of wives they have but also the tons of black money hidden in vaults abroad?? :P :lol:

Pot calling the kettle black? Your politicians ain't lily white either!!

When did i say that our politicians are honest. woh tau sab se baray lootery of badmash hain. you failed in your sarcasm my friend. i don't like our pathetic liar and looter politicians
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