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India 'playing dangerous game', says Pakistan officials

Shame on you too since you're an Indian and that gun would be having your tax money too.
My tax money to GOI is for constructive works in india not for destructive work in neighbouring countries.I take no responsibility for breach of trust by GOI by mis-using my tax money in espionages.
1 pakistani is sufficient to deal with 4 bharthis. obviously you people need to run in packs where as our intelligence, beauty and strength will overcome all your insecurities.

Racist comment Mind it, This racism was one of the reason why East Pakistan became bangladesh..

and by the way the Indian sachar committee make an observation that most of the Indian Muslim (Pakistani were indian Muslim before 1947) are converted from Lower Hindu caste... Read it....
pakistan is in a bad situation, its leader themself claimed a few month back - that they did support allowed safe haven for terror- to hit in india and other part of world.

now which face is left for them to- say that other country can or cant do it to them ????


now there are a few things to be learnt here

1. keep your mouth shut. to the leader who open the state secrets.

2. dont allow the terror to have haven in pakistan, because then they can real raise their voice and scold.

3. tighten your socks and hold the monster by its balls - there is no way out.

4. its more than india - a failure of pakistan, isi and other security teams are not doing their job perfectly

5. indian hand is just speculation here - most probably its radical muslim- ttp etc. who are hitting pakistan,
Racist comment Mind it, This racism was one of the reason why East Pakistan became bangladesh..

and by the way the Indian sachar committee make an observation that most of the Indian Muslim (Pakistani were indian Muslim before 1947) are converted from Lower Hindu caste... Read it....

no, no, pakistanis were the Muslim masters of indian hindus (or what ever you called yourself before british called your religon "hindu") before 1947. read up on history...Mughals, Durrani, Lodi. thanks. :D
Nonsense. "Metro" may be a Pakistani with a false flag. India has nothing to do with these unfortunate events.

i belong to Haryana.
have been staying in Noida for 20 years.

would request you to kindly check the credentials of a person before calling him/her a false flag.
there are many Indians here, who know me very well.
plz dont do this next time.
My friend, your cries would be alot louder if the ISI mandate was chnged to being India centric and concentrate its forces on India reather then terrorists..........one....just one bomb at your stock exchange would damage you severley, in many ways.....

This is something I have been saying for a long time now, Pakistan needs to wake up and start a full on campaign in India as Indian only unerstand one language.......when bombs go off on a near daily basis, they will very quickly curb their activities in Pakistan.......it is time our leaders woke up........

And such an attack if pakistan has the guts to take the responsibility for,would spell doom for your beloved nation.
Which then will soon be vanished!

Is this really your mentality? Are you really having fun? Do you really enjoy the killing of innocent people? Shame on you.

I came back to the forum after a break of some months and this is what i see. U say u enjoy seeing innocent people die, then i pity the country you live in. Is this what you have been taught? Where is your humanity?

Deplorable, and that goes for all the other wannabe internet warriors too, put some thought into what you write for Gods sake.

Bunch of foolish 12 year olds,

Such a immature post:tdown:
it shows how u support terrorists directly....

Us is not killing any children or innocent life..
they r killing hardcore terrorists near pak-afghan border...and ur govt is also helping...

Yes my post is correct..
we r happy and have fun to see US bombing and killing those hardcore terrorists on their land....
Yes, but that was done by the Pakistan military (the operation). Two different things here.

Where did you learn history ??

The British commander Gen.Doughlas Gracey of the PA refused to attack Kashmir, which is why Jinnah had to assemble a lashkar of Afridi and Waziristani Pashtuns to invade "free,sovereign" Kashmir nation.
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Where did you learn history ??

The British commander Gen.Doughlas Gracey of the PA refused to attack Kashmir, which is why Jinnah had to assemble a lashkar of Afridi and Waziristani Pashtuns to invade "free,sovereign" Kashmir nation.

and Where did you learn history?

Pakistan launched a military attack involving a front of guerrilla infiltration of Pashtun tribals meant to frighten its ruler into submission.

Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where did you learn history ??

The British commander Gen.Doughlas Gracey of the PA refused to attack Kashmir, which is why Jinnah had to assemble a lashkar of Afridi and Waziristani Pashtuns to invade "free,sovereign" Kashmir nation.

and Where did you learn history?

Pakistan launched a military attack involving a front of guerrilla infiltration of Pashtun tribals meant to frighten its ruler into submission.

Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of Kashmir (Author: D.H Green 1961)
25th January 2011 - Blast in Lahore & Karachi
27th January 2011 - Killing of 3 Pakistani by US's criminal
29th January 2011 - Kohat tunnel Blast
29th January 2011 - Bara Market Blasts

Series of terrorists attacks but our government & defense authorities only there for condemning & on warnings.
It seems like that India & US on second game to create public violations against government like Tunis & Egypt after they defeated in Blasphemy Law situation.

Rehman Malik is supposed to work on foreign agenda. Most non serious & irresponsible moves towards Pakistan internal security.

Russian law enforcement authorities already carried operation and killed master mind of Dagestan Blast(25.01.2011 6.30) and 28.01.2011 operation was launched to terminate main suspect.

So what is doing our Law enforcement authorities & agencies?

If they sure about involvement of India then why they don't take proper action on international level & UNSC against India? They can and we can't!
In which UN charter or world charter it mentioned?
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