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India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas

We don't change history. And these bangali can't change too. If u want independent of Arakan , declare war against us and need to defeat our armed force which is not possible for BD. :D

It's cowardly how a government is bullying an already needy bunch. Don't worry many factions are operating who are giving your rag tag monkey army a run for their money.
Indic people were there all the time even before 1400s. As people used to follow Hinudism and Buddhism they were not counted as Muslims and counted as Rakhine. As most of the Hindus and Buddhist converted in Bengal so did it Myanmar after this time period. This is one of the thing people just omit.

Please do not write your own history. It creates confusion. Every country and region has its own history. Please do not mix up. I or you are not here to write a made by us history. You have no profound idea of distinction even between old time Arakan and Burma. Not your catch phrase that Buddhists converted to Muslim is universal. Know the reality by reading an excerpt below about the first Muslim settlement in Arakan from Bengal:

"In 1430, after nearly three decades in exile in the Bengali Royal city of Gaur, king Narameikhla also known as Min Saw Mun (1404-1434) returned to Arakan at the head of a formidable force largely made up of Afghan adventurers, who swiftly overcame local oppositions and drove off the Burmans and Mons".

This is what I have been telling all the time. It was in 1203 when the Afghans under the Turkic generals settled in Bengal and the historians still used to call them Afghan and/or Turk even in the 1430s although they were from Gaud. These settlers from Bengal are the majority forefathers of present day Arakanese Muslims.

Buddhists there look similar to other Burmese people, but only the Muslims look like us. Instead of talking of local Buddhists taking Islam, you have to understand why it is so. Is it possible that some Burmese takes Islam, and he starts looking like us? It means the two have distinct racial origin. Many other people also went there during the course of history from Bengal as well as Arabistan, and all together they have become a monolithic group they call themselves as Rohingya Muslims.

By the way, where do you get this mis-information that the Buddhists in Bengal took Islam after Malik Ikhtiar took over Bengal ? It is not proved by historical accounts because all the Bengali Buddhists were forced back to Hinduism by the Brahman patronizing Sen Kings after the fall of Pal Dynasty in around 810 CE. The Turkic Muslims settled in 1203 CE after four century of Sen rule. How it was possible for some people to remain Buddhist after such a long period of bullying by the Sens?
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Yeah. Either make them convert or impose zaaziya on non-Muslims. Quite a good secularism you have been practicing there.

This is the most viable and practical solution. Deporting is impractical as neither Bangladesh nor Myanmar are interested in these people and would not accept them.
You don't get it.
Why a tax system based on Muslims and Non-Muslims?
It is clearly against the basic principles of secularism.
Because Muslim were required to serve in the army and subject to conscripts. Participation in war for non muslim are optional. So the tax structure were different based on participation in the army.

Please do not write your own history. It creates confusion. Every country and region has its own history. Please do not mix up. I or you are not here to write a made by us history. You have no profound idea of distinction even between old time Arakan and Burma. Not your catch phrase that Buddhists converted to Muslim, know the reality by reading an excerpt below about the first Muslim settlement in Arakan from Bengal:

"In 1430, after nearly three decades in exile in the Bengali Royal city of Gaur, king Narameikhla also known as Min Saw Mun (1404-1434) returned to Arakan at the head of a formidable force largely made up of Afghan adventurers, who swiftly overcame local oppositions and drove off the Burmans and Mons".

This is what I have been telling all the time. It was in 1203 when the Afghans under the Turkic generals settled in Bengal and the historians still used to call them Afghan and/or Turk even in the 1430s although they were from Gaud. These settlers from Bengal are the majority forefathers of present day Arakanese Muslims.

Buddhists there look similar to other Burmese people, but only the Muslims look like us. Instead of talking of local Buddhists taking Islam, you have to understand why it is so. Is it possible that some Burmese takes Islam, and he starts looking like us? It means the two have distinct racial origin. Many other people also went there during the course of history from Bengal as well as Arabistan, and all together they have become a monolithic group they call themselves as Rohingya Muslims.

By the way, where do you get this mis-information that the Buddhists in Bengal took Islam after Malik Ikhtiar took over Bengal ? It is not proved by historical accounts because all the Bengali Buddhists were forced back to Hinduism by the Brahman patronizing Sen Kings after the fall of Pal Dynasty in around 810 CE. The Turkic Muslims settled in 1203 CE after four century of Sen rule. How it was possible for some people to remain Buddhist after such a long period of bullying by the Sens?

Actually this is the history of royal court of Arakan but not the geography and population trend. What makes anybody think that Indic people stopped settling right at the bank of naf river when there were no border. Take a map and look into the current settlement. Maungdaw and Budhidang township were always settled by the Indic as much as our lower chittagong region. Rakhines are majority from Sittwe to up to rangoon.
Rohingya history is no different than the history of the Chittagong people. Their history has little to do with Arakan royal court.
Because Muslim were required to serve in the army and subject to conscripts. Participation in war for non muslim are optional. So the tax structure were different based on participation in the army.
So if the non Muslims decided to not join the thirst for brutal conquest of their fanatic rulers they will have to pay taxes??
This and then look back at your claim about Muslims being the first secularists on the planet.
Actually this is the history of royal court of Arakan but not the geography and population trend. What makes anybody think that Indic people stopped settling right at the bank of naf river when there were no border.

It was not only of Royal Court. It was an expedition army from Bengal that constituted an migration of Muslims from Bengal. But, who told you Indic people were there before the Muslims from Bengali settled there? Who told you also that Assam was not a monolithic Mongolian dominated region of India.

The entire region encompassing Indian NE, Chittagong, Arakan, Burma and beyond were all Mongoloid. They remain so even today. Race compositions in all these regions changed gradually over the historical time. Arakan composition changed in 1430 CE.

Chittagong itself was also a part of Arakan, it was northern Arakan. People from mainland Bengal and seafarer Arabs domiciled in these places there. Ctg is more populated with Indic people because it became permanently a part of Bengal, and the areas beyond Naf still remains more populated with Mongoloid Buddhists.

You are wrong to state that the Arakanese BUDDHIST Indic people there took Islam since there was no existence of such people there at that time. Rather, it was the Muslims from Bengal that domiciled in both the north (Chittagong) and south Arakan.
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But, who told you Indic people were there before the Muslims from Bengali settled there? Who told you also that Assam was not a monolithic Mongolian dominated region of India. The entire region encompassing Indian NE, Chittagong, Arakan, Burma and beyond were all Mongoloid. They remain so even today. Race compositions in all these regions changed gradually over the historical time. Arakan composition changed in 1430 CE.

Chittagong itself was also a part of Arakan, it was northern Arakan. People from mainland Bengal and seafarer Arabs domiciled in these places there. Ctg is more populated with Indic people because it became permanently a part of Bengal, and the areas beyond Naf still remains more populated with Mongoloid Buddhists. You are wrong to state that the Arakanese BUDDHIST Indic people there took Islam. No. Rather, it was the Muslims from Bengal that domiciled in both the north (Chittagong) and south Arakan.

Even Bengal was mongoloid according to some sources.
Dont just read part of the history. The entire region up to Australia were part of the austro asiatic race. People come and people go. Even bamars of Burma came from Chinese kunming.

There is no magic line in the naf river which stopped people to go to the other part of the river and settle there.
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Let Nepal deport all "Madhesi" indians from Nepal and end all cause of land grab and indian interference. Since, Madhesi are indians, india should shelter them instead of blockade trade to and from Nepal.
India and deportations....deport to where? Good luck making Myanmar take them back. BD is definitely not interested.
Even Bengal was mongoloid according to some sources.
Dont just read part of the history. The entire region up to Australia were part of the austro asiatic race. People come and people go. Even bamars of Burma came from Chinese kunming.

There is no magic line in the naf river which stopped people to go to the other part of the river and settle there.
Bold part: It is me who is supposed tell you this, and not you tell me. How many 10s of history books have you read? Bengal may have been Mongoloid but now all are mixed with others. PDF is not a history class, yet even here we have to KNOW and speak the truth. Learn first by reading accounts from old history books. I wonder if with our ugly and dark faces do we really look Mongol? Pure blooded Mongoloids can be seen in places that starts in our eastern front.

Like Bamars went from Kunming, the Rohingyas also went from Bengal in 1430s. Similarly, many Assamese also came from south China in around 1150s and mixed up with the Monipuris. There are thousands of similar events throughout the world. But, we must concentrate on the Rohingya Muslims. Better we do not say untrue/unreal things that go against their interest.
Like Bamars went from Kunming, the Rohingyas also went from Bengal in 1430s.
These are the kamans who gone there in 1430s what you are referring to. Rohingyas were local and there all along in the northern Rakhine the same way Rakhines were in the Chittagong region.
Delhi rules out tri-nation talks over Rohingya issue

A boy belonging to Rohingya Muslim community stands amidst the rubble of a burnt shop, at a makeshift settlement on the outskirts of Jammu, May 5, 2017REUTERS
On Friday an Indian government spokesman said, India is in talks with Bangladesh and Myanmar about its plan to deport around 40,000 Rohingyas
India has ruled out the possibility of any tri-nation talks among Bangladesh, India and Myanmar over the deportation of Rohingyas though several news media has reported claiming that India has planned to deport 40,000 Rohingyas.

“We’re not aware of any such discussion. We don’t know where you did get it,” UNB reported quoting a diplomatic source in New Delhi on Sunday.

Other diplomatic sources said India did not want to get involved in the Rohingya issue when Bangladesh made a request in the past.

Also Read- India in talks with Myanmar, Bangladesh to deport 40,000 Rohingya

During his recent Dhaka visit, Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Dr Yousef bin Ahmad Al Othaimeen reminded Myanmar that Rohingya people must be given full citizenship and basic rights.

“Rohingya people are denied their basic rights. They need to be recognised in giving their identity. They must return to their country. They must have their full citizenship,” he said.

The OIC chief called upon the Myanmar government to come up with a roadmap on how to go forward to settle the issue peacefully.

India to deport all Rohingyas regardless of UN registration
  • Reuters
  • Published at 04:23 PM August 14, 2017
  • Last updated at 04:40 PM August 14, 2017

A family, who says they belong to the Burmese Rohingya Community from Myanmar, eats their breakfast at a makeshift shelter in a camp in New Delhi, India, May 14, 2012REUTERS
The UNHCR's India office said on Monday the principle of non-refoulement, or not sending back refugees to a place where they face danger, was considered part of customary international law and binding on all states whether they have signed the Refugee Convention or not
All of an estimated 40,000 Rohingya Muslims living in India are illegal immigrants, even those registered with the UN refugee agency, and the government aims to deport them, a senior government official told the reporters.

Junior interior minister Kiren Rijiju told parliament last week the central government had directed state authorities to identify and deport illegal immigrants including Rohingya, who face persecution in Buddhist-majority Myanmar.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has issued identity cards to about 16,500 Rohingya in India that it says help them “prevent harassment, arbitrary arrests, detention and deportation”.

But Rijiju, a high-profile minister in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist government, said in an interview on the weekend that the UNHCR registration was irrelevant.

“They are doing it, we can’t stop them from registering. But we are not signatory to the accord on refugees,” he said.

Also Read- India in talks with Myanmar, Bangladesh to deport 40,000 Rohingya

“As far as we are concerned they are all illegal immigrants They have no basis to live here. Anybody who is illegal migrant will be deported.”

The UNHCR’s India office said on Monday the principle of non-refoulement, or not sending back refugees to a place where they face danger, was considered part of customary international law and binding on all states whether they have signed the Refugee Convention or not.

The office said it had not received any official word about a plan to deport Rohingya refugees, and had not got any reports deportations were taking place.

The treatment of the roughly one million Rohingya in Myanmar has emerged as its most contentious human rights issue as it makes a transition from decades of harsh military rule.

The Rohingya are denied citizenship in Myanmar and classified as illegal immigrants, despite claiming roots there that go back centuries, with communities marginalized and occasionally subjected to communal violence.

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have fled from Myanmar, with many taking refuge in Bangladesh, and some then crossing a porous border into Hindu-majority India.

Many have also headed to Southeast Asia, often on rickety boats run by people-smuggling gangs.

Rohingya are generally vilified in India and over the past few months, there has been a string of anti-Rohingya protests.

Rijiju declined to comment on the deportation process, even as some human rights activists question the practicality of rounding up and expelling thousands of people scattered across the country.

“There’s a procedure, there is a rule of law,” Rijiju said.

“We can’t throw them out just like that. We can’t dump them in the Bay of Bengal.”

India said on Friday it was in talks with Bangladesh and Myanmar about the deportation plan.

But deportation is likely to be difficult, given Myanmar’s position that all Rohingya need to be scrutinised before they can be allowed back in as citizens.

Myanmar officials were not immediately available for comment.

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