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India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas

Arakan is not your father's land. Arakan has been occupied by the Burmese. Rohingyas are the native sons of that region. You Bamans cannot change history even you all keep on telling lies for million years. Just vacate Arakan and let it be an independent state.

Does not matter.
World have realized the duplicity.

The moment you lot destroyed the Buddhist statues with Bombs, you alienated them.
Why cry now?

Myanmar muslims can't even vote now. India will kick them out soon. No sympathies though. These people have done infinitely worse where ever they have been in power to non-muslims.
Nope.. Muslim believes in non Muslim rights under Islamic rule. Your forefather survived by this simple rule. Secularism concept came from Islam only until the day of French revolution.

@Al-zakir @hussain0216

I am confused. Secularism came from Islam or secularism is non Muslim junk?
Yeah. Either make them convert or impose zaaziya on non-Muslims. Quite a good secularism you have been practicing there.

You hindus make it a big deal. How much is Jaziaya? 10%? Muslim also paid 10% Osul on top of Zakat and Fitra.
Under Hindu Zamindars Muslim lost all of its land rights, taxes as much as 20-30%.
Today I have to pay 25% on personal income and 35% on corporate income. No complains.

@Al-zakir @hussain0216

I am confused. Secularism came from Islam or secularism is non Muslim junk?

The concept of the rights of differing religion came from Islam.
It is perfected in French revolution when state and religion was separated.
Arakan is not your father's land. Arakan has been occupied by the Burmese. Rohingyas are the native sons of that region. You Bamans cannot change history even you all keep on telling lies for million years. Just vacate Arakan and let it be an independent state.
We don't change history. And these bangali can't change too. If u want independent of Arakan , declare war against us and need to defeat our armed force which is not possible for BD. :D
Okay then why isn't Bangladesh government helping them against Burma in forming this Arakan nation? Even though I know that the state of Arakan had a minority muslim population and most historians are of the view that these Rohingya are indeed Bengalis.

Which history book do you read? They may be ethnic Bengali, but they are not Bangladeshi. They have been living in Arakan since 1430 when Sultan Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah of Bengal sent an expedition there to reinstate the Buddhist King who was deposed by his nephew with the help of Burmese. Rohingyas are mainly the descendants of those settlers.

BD cannot interfere in the internal affairs of another country only because the people there are Muslims. There are fundamentalist and fanatic elements there who would radicalize our own country. This is one reason why BD is not willing to interfere there.

We don't change history. And these bangali can't change too. If u want independent of Arakan , declare war against us and need to defeat our armed force which is not possible for BD. :D
Rohingya Mujahids are already fighting against your rag tag military. They will do their own fighting to liberate themselves from the Burmese oppression.
Beg lol.
Aren't you guys the land thieves who invaded.
Lol most of the countries in this world founded by invasion. So by ur logic , BD need to give independence for ur minority like chakma coz u guys steal their land. :D
India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas

Detour them to Malaysia which accepts them all with open arms.
Many here. With refugee permit, till their claim is authenticated and settled to get a refugee status.

If India sends them back, poor folks would be incarcerated.
Which history book do you read? They may be ethnic Bengali, but they are not Bangladeshi. They have been living in Arakan since 1430 when Sultan Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah of Bengal sent an expedition there to reinstate the Buddhist King who was deposed by his nephew with the help of Burmese. Rohingyas are mainly the descendants of those settlers.

BD cannot interfere in the internal affairs of another country only because the people there are Muslims. There are fundamentalist and fanatic elements there who would radicalize our own country. This is one reason why BD is not willing to interfere there.

It is a well known fact that the British encouraged last scale immigration from what is now Bangladesh in to the Arakan region, and indeed the rest of Burma during their rule. I personally have no bone in this matter, but I am disturbed that the world continues to ignore the Rohingyas. Since you guys are the closest country to them and they have a lot in common with you since you also accepted that they are indeed ethnic Bengalis, what harm is there in helping them, at least letting them settle in your country?
It is a well known fact that the British encouraged last scale immigration from what is now Bangladesh in to the Arakan region, and indeed the rest of Burma during their rule. I personally have no bone in this matter, but I am disturbed that the world continues to ignore the Rohingyas. Since you guys are the closest country to them and they have a lot in common with you since you also accepted that they are indeed ethnic Bengalis, what harm is there in helping them, at least letting them settle in your country?

Because their 'population density is too high', they are denying them and saying they are the internal affair of Myanmar. I know BD is mostly secular but that doesn't mean they shouldn't cower from saying something about a genocide next door.
Rohingya Mujahids are already fighting against your rag tag military. They will do their own fighting to liberate themselves from the Burmese oppression.
Lol. Mujahideen or IS ..? Who care..? We will kick out every single extremists into BoB.
Because their 'population density is too high', they are denying them and saying they are the internal affair of Myanmar. I know BD is mostly secular but that doesn't mean they shouldn't cower from saying something about a genocide next door.

Even Pakistan accepted and settled over 200,000 Rohingyas even though we are not Bengalis. But inki pata nahi kyun jaan nikal thee hai.
Lol. Mujahideen or IS ..? Who care..? We will kick out every single extremists into BoB.
For that you guys have to send more underage Burmese girls into prostitution to earn cash for your military. :P

Anti terror operations aren't cheap. Ask USA. :D

Anyways, good luck. ;)
You hindus make it a big deal. How much is Jaziaya? 10%? Muslim also paid 10% Osul on top of Zakat and Fitra.
Under Hindu Zamindars Muslim lost all of its land rights, taxes as much as 20-30%.
Today I have to pay 25% on personal income and 35% on corporate income. No complains.
Under Muslims zamindars Hindus stopped existing.
I don't care what Muslims has to pay as taxes but why do I have to give tax for not being a Muslim? That's your secularism??
Even Pakistan accepted and settled over 200,000 Rohingyas even though we are not Bengalis. But inki pata nahi kyun jaan nikal thee hai.

You are not looking at the big picture here.

Some Rohingya did come during British rule but others have been in Myanmar since the 1400s.
Even the ones that came during British rule have every right to stay in Myanmar as they were in the land when Myanmar became independent in 1948. No other colonised country in the world has tried this excuse to cleanse it's own people.

BD will not assist Myanmar in committing ethnic cleansing.

We don't change history. And these bangali can't change too. If u want independent of Arakan , declare war against us and need to defeat our armed force which is not possible for BD. :D

BD can easily defeat Myanmar but now is not the right time due to current world geopolitical situation.

Within 10-15 years then the window will open to take whatever chunk of Myanmar BD wants.:D
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