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India plans to deport 40,000 Rohingyas

Nice quick jab. lol
Seriously, 40,000
India should take them in. Its time to shove the lun of hypocrisy down Islam nations throat!
Don't see human suffering until there muslim. Than don't go the UN to complain! Go to your IOC!
India is a land of belonging. If 100,000 refugees makes the 180 muslims in India a little more happy so be it. Its a small burden.
Where would we be if India did not take in the 1/2 million Tibetans? The Nepalese? Hell, let the Bengalis in as well. Because in the end, India will remain Indian.
Few refugees does not turn India backwater banana republic. Idiots like the RSS and AIM do!
They should only be required to register under the UN refugee status as to bitch slap UNSC with the list of refugees under Indias care.
Do you know why so many Afghans like India? Because many Afghans fled to India called it its home. They felt welcomed in India were everyone was treated equally...like sh1te! Pakistan, they were discriminated against and so on.
Get your head out of our own *** and see the world as human first. The amount of islamaphobia from Indians is giving me diarrhea...only curry should do this.

What muslim country is safer than India? Pakistan is nation built on Islam, they are not going to take them in. They are not going to Pakistan for obvious reasons. The rest don't want share their food.
They should remain in India as long as they want. If they find ways into the western countries so be it. But Muslim countries are NOT going to take them in. I can guarantee it. These muslim countries don't exactly have a constitution like Indias nore the heart.

Get your facts right. There are half millions of them in each of these countries Bangladesh, Saudi and Pakistan. India border in NE shares long open boundary with them, maybe because of this they flock in India, unlike the boundary with Bangladesh where they have to face difficult journey through sea and swollen naff river. From India they either try to enter BD or go for further North where they are little more welcome in Kashmir. From there they may next try to enter Pakistan. Otherwise how do you think these so many people ended up in Pakistan which doesnt share any border with them? These 40,000 people India wants to deport maybe they failed to enter Pakistan or secure any other place.

I see it a good opportunity for BD. As Indians claim their fictitious number of millions of illegal Bangladeshis. Why cant their govt come up with exact number like this, in case of BD and try to deport Bangladeshis in numbers. And BD can now drag India in its boat to settle this Rohingya refugee issue with Myanmar.
Why should we take Muslims in?

They have Pakistan and Bangladesh.

India is only for seculars. Muslims believe in Allah and not secularism.

So we are justified in keeping Muslims out of India.

Since when Hindus started to believe on sickularism? they just believe on cow mata and killing other innocent people.
So Muslims believe in secularism or Allah?

Na u said India is only for those who believe on secularism so it mean you guys are hypocrite on one side u want people who follow secularism on other side we have majority hindus who believe on gau mata and akhand bharat. you guys should die with shame. shameless creatures you are.
Na u said India is only for those who believe on secularism so it mean you guys are hypocrite on one side u want people who follow secularism on other side we have majority hindus who believe on gau mata and akhand bharat. you guys should die with shame. shameless creatures you are.

Forget Hindus. They have their land called India they will run and live however they want. It may be the worlds largest toilet or poverty hell hole.

If Muslims do not believe in secularism, they should go to Islamic land called Pakistan and Bangladesh and live in peace.
Myanmar ramps up troops, curfews in violence-wracked Rakhine
  • AFP
  • Published at 11:19 AM August 12, 2017

File photo of armed Myanmar security forces Collected
Rakhine has been gripped by violence since October last year
Myanmar is imposing new curfews and deploying fresh troops to Rakhine state, the government confirmed Saturday, after the UN expressed alarm at reports of a military build-up in the region where authorities are accused of widespread rights abuses.

News that an army battalion was flown into Rakhine this week to boost security was met with criticism from UN special rapporteur Yanghee Lee on Friday, who warned it was “cause for major concern”.

Rakhine has been gripped by violence since October last year when Rohingya militants attacked police posts, sparking a months-long bloody military crackdown.

The army campaign sent more than 70,000 Rohingya villagers fleeing across the border to Bangladesh, carrying with them stories of systematic rape, murder and arson at the hands of soldiers.

The Rohinyga are a stateless group long maligned by Mynamar’s Buddhist majority and the UN believes the army’s crackdown may amount to ethnic cleansing — a charge the government vehemently denies.

State media said Saturday that “clearance operations are being heightened” in Rakhine’s May Yu mountain range, an area where the government says Rohingya militants remain active.

The army used the same language to describe counter-insurgency sweeps in October.

“Plans are underway to reinforce security forces and military forces by deployment of additional troops,” the state-run Global New Light of Mynamar said, adding that curfews would be imposed in “necessary areas”.

The goal was to “prevent extremist terrorists from taking a stronghold in the May Yu mountain range,” the state mouthpiece said.

The military build-up comes after a spike in violence in recent months, with dozens of villagers murdered and abducted by masked assassins.

The government blames the killings on the insurgent Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, which claimed the raids on police posts last October.

The group has denied killing civilians in statements issued through an unverified Twitter account.

Rohingya communities in the remote area also continue to be raided, with security forces firing “warning shots” during a face-off with a mob of villagers earlier this month.

UN rights expert Lee urged authorities to carry out their security operations in line with international human rights standards.

“The government must ensure that security forces exercise restraint in all circumstances and respect human rights in addressing the security situation in Rakhine State,” she said in a statement.

Buddhist-majority Myanmar has long faced criticism for its treatment of the more than one million Rohingya, who are denied citizenship and struggle to access basic services.

The minority are widely reviled as illegal migrants from Bangladesh, despite having lived in the area for generations.

A government-appointed commission in the country has dismissed allegations of widespread abuses, while Myanmar is refusing to allow a UN fact-finding team to conduct its own probe.

Stupid rohingyas! pamela geller's house is a better place for Muslims than india.
They are mostly immigrants from what is now Bangladesh who went there during the British colonial rule. Why doesn't Bangladesh accept them?
There was a country called Arakan before british even set foot in Bangladesh. You should talk to Arakan government for that matter. ;)
ruingas have been in northern arekan since 1400s its their land. the brits are to blame for this mess like their stupid decision of separating korimgonj from sylhet to have kusiara as border line. idiots
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