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India Plans Homeland Security

The highest Brahmin caste hierarchy (Brahman) less than 4% of the population, they hold 70 per cent of the judicial power, and nearly half of the seats in parliament.

who can tell me ,why?


You have totally wrong idea of Brahmin domination.
The hell brahmins have 70% say in judiciary. You are misleading people in this forum.
In fact one of the former Chief Justice of India, when he was in his position asked publicly in a conference in Andhra Pradesh high court why only 'Kammas' become high court judges in Andhra Pradesh. The caste politics do exist but not as you think polarised toward brahmins or the technically higher castes in your view.
You clearly don't understand the meaning of HOMELAND security do you? Ahmed's point was the HOMELAND security has ensured NO terrorist attacks on AMERICAN soil. You refute that by telling him US soldiers are getting killed in Iraq. Well, let me break it down for you. Homeland security in US deals only with attacks on US SOIL. Since there haven't been any it is a success. Come back to the forum when you graduate elementary school.

Your emphasis on "School" in this post shows that you were fearing a spanking yourself for wasting time in a serious forum instead of doing your homework, school boy.....:lol: I hope someone teaches you how to respect others even at the cost of a good spanking on your rump......:lol:

You clearly are blissfully ignorant of the larger picture for making a naive argument which is obvious from the term itself. But you fail to understand what is the underlying motive??????? to protect americans, i guess........ This mindless travesty and mimickery by hindustan in the name of national security overlooks few things, one, that hindustan does not have geography similar to US, two, such legislations have served to alienate minorities in US and in hindustan it is likely to be even worse, three, it may have saved americans from getting killed in the "homeland" but evetually they have got more americans killed in last 8-9 years then anyother same number of years except civil war and vietnam. Not to forget that all those body bags eventually return to the same "homeland" for the near and dear ones to wail. :tsk:

It's frankly a waste of time to counter any of this crap, since most Pakistanis even know this is propaganda. This is old-school commie propaganda, transposed directly from Maoist campaigns. The poster is probably a Nepali maoist, he knows nothing of India.

Wow..... most Pakistanis know that POTA 4.0 implemented now with some other name is worse than TADA or POTA 1.0, so who are you trying to deceive here.... it appears that you yourself are ignorant about such laws, if you want i can let you know some of the salients......
So you think Nepalis are sub humans...... because they are Nepalis so they dont have the right to criticize shining hindustan. So what if he is Maoist..... they have the right to voice their opinion. Come out of your complexed and schizoid thinking that is clouding your judgment.
This is not the first time that i have seen hindustani posters launching ad hominem attacks on other posters who criticize anything hindustani. If you can't counter his argument by debate then you would be better advised to just shut the hell up. He is not at all offtopic because he raised valid questions regarding indian establishment's response to mumbai attacks and this homeland security thingie is just one part of it.
This is a discussion forum and if you are not mentally equipped to respond to criticism then just refrain from displaying traces of your innerself by getting personal with other posters.

I am very well aware about the purpose of particuler topic, rather then getting so hyper about my comment, first go and figure out whether comments made by the "communist" are in line with subject at hand or not. Commenting in line with topic at hand is the first and formost policy of any discussion forum.

Regarding my ability to counter his remarks, well I have keep up my standing by keeping in line with topic at hand. If you are so willing to vent your anger at India then drill on thing your skull that before fuming hot air, one should back up their commenting with sufficient sources or links. Indian security agency never involved in any genocide, if you can prove me wrong then go and search for sources.
Your emphasis on "School" in this post shows that you were fearing a spanking yourself for wasting time in a serious forum instead of doing your homework, school boy.....:lol: I hope someone teaches you how to respect others even at the cost of a good spanking on your rump......:lol:

You clearly are blissfully ignorant of the larger picture for making a naive argument which is obvious from the term itself. But you fail to understand what is the underlying motive??????? to protect americans, i guess........ This mindless travesty and mimickery by hindustan in the name of national security overlooks few things, one, that hindustan does not have geography similar to US, two, such legislations have served to alienate minorities in US and in hindustan it is likely to be even worse, three, it may have saved americans from getting killed in the "homeland" but evetually they have got more americans killed in last 8-9 years then anyother same number of years except civil war and vietnam. Not to forget that all those body bags eventually return to the same "homeland" for the near and dear ones to wail. :tsk:

I failed to understand what mimickery did you seen in Hindustan? I guess I seen first human being on earth uttering a term "Minority of US"

Wow..... most Pakistanis know that POTA 4.0 implemented now with some other name is worse than TADA or POTA 1.0, so who are you trying to deceive here.... it appears that you yourself are ignorant about such laws, if you want i can let you know some of the salients......

Rather then demonstrating salients, you should come out for a identical term conceived in your mind of POTA.
Your emphasis on "School" in this post shows that you were fearing a spanking yourself for wasting time in a serious forum instead of doing your homework, school boy.....:lol: I hope someone teaches you how to respect others even at the cost of a good spanking on your rump......:lol:

You clearly are blissfully ignorant of the larger picture for making a naive argument which is obvious from the term itself. But you fail to understand what is the underlying motive??????? to protect americans, i guess........ This mindless travesty and mimickery by hindustan in the name of national security overlooks few things, one, that hindustan does not have geography similar to US, two, such legislations have served to alienate minorities in US and in hindustan it is likely to be even worse, three, it may have saved americans from getting killed in the "homeland" but evetually they have got more americans killed in last 8-9 years then anyother same number of years except civil war and vietnam. Not to forget that all those body bags eventually return to the same "homeland" for the near and dear ones to wail. :tsk:

Wow..... most Pakistanis know that POTA 4.0 implemented now with some other name is worse than TADA or POTA 1.0, so who are you trying to deceive here.... it appears that you yourself are ignorant about such laws, if you want i can let you know some of the salients......
So you think Nepalis are sub humans...... because they are Nepalis so they dont have the right to criticize shining hindustan. So what if he is Maoist..... they have the right to voice their opinion. Come out of your complexed and schizoid thinking that is clouding your judgment.

You keep setting loose a verbal diarrhea that passes for your argument but you still haven't disproved my point that Homeland Security has prevented attacks on US soil. Instead you come with the awesome point that HS is actually responsible for the soldiers killed in the Iraq war! Do you even know the basics of how a country is run?

When did I ever call Nepalis subhuman? :crazy: Nepalis have all the rights to criticize India, but they should at least get their facts straight rather than posting the same tired crap over and over again. That's assuming he/she's even Nepali. Regardless, he/she's a complete piece of work. Btw, how much time did you spend on dictionary.com to come up with complexed and schizoid?

As for respect, my respect is reserved for those who deserve it, especially senior members of the forum. You don't qualify by any stretch of imagination.
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