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India planning to send 15,000 troops to Afghanistan

I do not think Indians are fool enough to get involved in Afghan quagmire. Take a look at its history. Afghans can be our best buddies only if we deal with them from a distance.

First off.

Which Afghans are you talking about.

They are not a homogeneous populace with allied interests.
Another fake news from the Pakistani media. Another day another new cooked up story. Relax guys.
Amazing to see a preposterous fictitious lie printed in even among Pakistani rags is considered the bottom of the barrel has produced six pages of posts. There is no lie that a Pakistani will not believe if it involves India.:cuckoo:
How can a nation, whose revenue is less than one smaller nation's company (Samsung) to spread its wings like that?

India's Modi friendly billionaire Ambani has missed 10 bank payments and is under default for 7 billion dollars.
India's GDP has taken a drastic dip.
A country who pays 25% of its revenue towards the Interests.
All 29 Indian states are debit laden.

Is Modi pushing India to commit a suicide?
The news should not come as a surprise to anyone.

This is all part of indians taking more responsibilities from Americans. The NSAs of both countries have developed a very good rapport and startegy is not that new.

The obvious target is CPEC and destablisation of Pak through indian terrorism. But the bigger prize for strategic US-indian alliance is spreading terror in Western China...

In indian calculus this way they can force China to accept LAC as permanent border ceding South Tibet to india. And forcing Pak to abandon Kashmir.

Now all Paks can understand why indians are/were against Sino-Pak-Rus initiative for peace in the hellhole of AF.

15000 is a start. The indian need at least 250000 troops if they wish to avenge Hindu Kush legend... for now it is American air support and indians on the ground.

Great move by indians..master stroke... now they can attack Pak from both sides... Surgical Strikes 3.0?

However, there was a recent meeting between Sino-Pak Defence Highups... wonder what they discussed..

Let us all hope that indians can at least send 150.000 troops in AF to help their AF brothers!
US initial deployment for at least a decade was very high but the result are visible loss.
Indians are not that well equipped. more ever Pakistan was not able to interfere much in Afghanistan due to good relations with US and some pressure from US but India is not US.
Why protect Afghan political elites?
Because they are under threat.

Now, by being their body guards, Indian Army would be under the same threat.

Common sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone's backyard.
Sir, sending troops to protect anti Taliban elites is equal to protect our strategic interest, right?
The news should not come as a surprise to anyone.

This is all part of indians taking more responsibilities from Americans. The NSAs of both countries have developed a very good rapport and startegy is not that new.

The obvious target is CPEC and destablisation of Pak through indian terrorism. But the bigger prize for strategic US-indian alliance is spreading terror in Western China...

In indian calculus this way they can force China to accept LAC as permanent border ceding South Tibet to india. And forcing Pak to abandon Kashmir.

Now all Paks can understand why indians are/were against Sino-Pak-Rus initiative for peace in the hellhole of AF.

15000 is a start. The indian need at least 250000 troops if they wish to avenge Hindu Kush legend... for now it is American air support and indians on the ground.

Great move by indians..master stroke... now they can attack Pak from both sides... Surgical Strikes 3.0?

However, there was a recent meeting between Sino-Pak Defence Highups... wonder what they discussed..

Let us all hope that indians can at least send 150.000 troops in AF to help their AF brothers!
US initial deployment for at least a decade was very high but the result are visible loss.
Indians are not that well equipped. more ever Pakistan was not able to interfere much in Afghanistan due to good relations with US and some pressure from US but India is not US.
Sir, sending troops to protect anti Taliban elites is equal to protect our strategic interest, right?


How can a nation, whose revenue is less than one smaller nation's company (Samsung) to spread its wings like that?
India's Modi friendly billionaire Ambani has missed 10 bank payments and is under default for 7 billion dollars.
India's GDP has taken a drastic dip.
A country who pays 25% of its revenue towards the Interests.
All 29 Indian states are debit laden.

Is Modi pushing India to commit a suicide?

Even the mighty superpower US withdrew from this volatile market!
why should we fight the war, let afghans do the job. we will guide
why did u not take iran into account? we are not USA

are you saying that you took USA blows and gulped the insult down your throat??

stingers are not used against army, first let taliban use them against afghan helos
same here, first let them use on afghan forces

really? you are kidding aint you. who are going to fund you?

if he has enough days left

we wish iran remembers past and side with us this time. we can make things happen
ask US about our return of favour and ask maulana soviets about our mullahs.
ask Iran what happened in Taliban take over last time.
if Iran is involved a big coalition will get involved.

about paying. its India which will need trillions of dollars to die in Afghanistan. we took Kabul before even under sanctions and we can do it with ease again as proxy war is very cheap if you know your cards well.

yea 8 lakh for kashmir and 3 lakh for rest of India..... :hitwall: Sometimes Pakistani propagandas do amaze me...
indn news papers also say the same and if I am not wring according to all indian s on this forum India have 75 % military dedicated for Pakistan.
Borrowing for Bullet train.
Borrowing for nuclear reactor (Russia)

And out to squander dollars this way?
Beside the human casualty risk factor.

How can a nation, whose revenue is less than one smaller nation's company (Samsung) to spread its wings like that?
India's Modi friendly billionaire Ambani has missed 10 bank payments and is under default for 7 billion dollars.
India's GDP has taken a drastic dip.
A country who pays 25% of its revenue towards the Interests.
All 29 Indian states are debit laden.

Is Modi pushing India to commit a suicide?

Even the mighty superpower US withdrew from this volatile market!
I don't disagree with some of your povs at all. But when we spend a only a fraction of our GDP in military spendings, our problem is not lack of funds but mostly mismanagement and corruption.
may be under UN india has its presence there
who knows situations can turn in our favour

May be means you are not sure of situation at all. On other hand when it comes under the UN umbrella, what if PA is also posted, may be. By the way, does it says that IA is being posted under UN authority or directly in coalition with Afghan or US government. What are the ground realities, is totally different story and fact that Indian planners wouldn't ignore while sending such number of troops in Afghanistan. India is not NATO so what type of authority India is using to send troops in Afghanistan like is it an invitation by Kabul regime or what?
I don't disagree with some of your povs at all. But when we spend a only a fraction of our GDP in military spendings, our problem is not lack of funds but mostly mismanagement and corruption.

It is lack of funds for a country who wants to fight 2 wars simultaneously.

What is India's military budget?
53 billion.
Minus 42% salaries.
How much they got?
31 billion for weapon procurement for Water, wings & wheels combined.

Deduct 30% customs duty for imported arms.
How much are you left with?
20 billion.

Against this, China + Pakistan military budget = 230 billion USD.
How you are going to make both ends meet on this?

India is in hand to mouth situation.

If only few of ANZAS-II get smuggled into India - Modi would be cremated in his own jumbo jet, 20,000 feet above his motherland.

India is not the US.
India is vulnerable.
US initial deployment for at least a decade was very high but the result are visible loss.
Indians are not that well equipped. more ever Pakistan was not able to interfere much in Afghanistan due to good relations with US and some pressure from US but India is not US.

Ah, my Pak Brother,

All water in Indus...leading to sea.. deal with the US was/is well a deal.

We must welcome indians in AF.

However, the 15000 number is disappointing really. At least 150.000 fully armed and some attack helicopters as well.

As friend of AFs india must demonstrate its love and bring indian prosperity and culture to AF. Let us wish indians stay there for at least two decades to help AF become democracy and all.

Tejas can also be deployed along with MKIs. What you think about Arjuns and LHCs or indian Apaches...

Welcome indians into the paradise of AF!


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