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India planning to buy Russian S-400 Triumf air defence missile systems: Report

Not Baluchistan. However, deploying such assets one also ensures that the asset itself is reasonably secure. After all, just as the S-400 could cover all of Pakistan, it too will be vulnerable to both ground launched and air launched systems that home in on its plentiful emissions. It is the reasons that even the Soviets would place their larger assets closer to vulnerable areas and would leave their border areas to lesser ranged systems.

Never thought of that. :undecided:
Not Baluchistan. However, deploying such assets one also ensures that the asset itself is reasonably secure. After all, just as the S-400 could cover all of Pakistan, it too will be vulnerable to both ground launched and air launched systems that home in on its plentiful emissions. It is the reasons that even the Soviets would place their larger assets closer to vulnerable areas and would leave their border areas to lesser ranged systems.

I think if you want to take on that systems you need to do some covert ops .Since that is itself a SAM system you cant use missiles or aircrafts for that .
And I think IAF wont use this as a single system perhaps short range and medium range will also use simulatenously with that to provide a 3 tier air defence layer .
I think if you want to take on that systems you need to do some covert ops .Since that is itself a SAM system you cant use missiles or aircrafts for that .
And I think IAF wont use this as a single system perhaps short range and medium range will also use simulatenously with that to provide a 3 tier air defence layer .

You didn't read his remark carefully.
Not Baluchistan. However, deploying such assets one also ensures that the asset itself is reasonably secure. After all, just as the S-400 could cover all of Pakistan, it too will be vulnerable to both ground launched and air launched systems that home in on its plentiful emissions. It is the reasons that even the Soviets would place their larger assets closer to vulnerable areas and would leave their border areas to lesser ranged systems.
You didn't read his remark carefully.
Agree .But air launched systems ??How ??

If the range of the missile is 400 KM----india will position them at least 200-300 km inside their borders-----.

If we deploy S 400 in western sector we can establish a no fly zone over Pakistan .
Right? @Joe Shearer @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @nair @levina and others


That would be a very welcome location for Pakistan military---ie---the S400 closer to the border where you can cover all of Pakistan---then it would be in the range of 155 mm howitzers---MRLs---short range SS missiles---.

If the range of the missile is 400 KM----india will position them at least 200-300 km inside their borders-----.


That would be a very welcome location for Pakistan military---ie---the S400 closer to the border where you can cover all of Pakistan---then it would be in the range of 155 mm howitzers---MRLs---short range SS missiles---.
But These are Mobile systems and in case of war, the time Pakistan army will take searching and destroying it, the job of S-400 will already be done..!

If the range of the missile is 400 KM----india will position them at least 200-300 km inside their borders-----.


That would be a very welcome location for Pakistan military---ie---the S400 closer to the border where you can cover all of Pakistan---then it would be in the range of 155 mm howitzers---MRLs---short range SS missiles---.

200 km inside :D
Never .
If we deploy that system in those areas that would be heavily protected and totally secretive .We dont need to target you in Baluchistan .Your important cities and bases are nearer to our border .A 100 km would be sufficient .
But These are Mobile systems and in case of war, the time Pakistan army will take searching and destroying it, the job of S-400 will already be done..!


It s not as simple as that---so it launched a SA missile---its position is known now---so it has to run away----it has to bring its radar down----it needs to get off the jacks-----and then scramble---that all takes time---so---closer to the border---the more vulnerable it is----.

200 km inside :D
Never .
If we deploy that system in those areas that would be heavily protected and totally secretive .We dont need to target you in Baluchistan .Your important cities and bases are nearer to our border .A 100 km would be sufficient .


It is not " we will"---it does not work like that because you are an indian---and you believe it and that is why it will happen---.

There are technical issues attached with placing such a long distance weapons system close to the border----. Bring those issues up---.

It s not as simple as that---so it launched a SA missile---its position is known now---so it has to run away----it has to bring its radar down----it needs to get off the jacks-----and then scramble---that all takes time---so---closer to the border---the more vulnerable it is----.


It is not " we will"---it does not work like that because you are an indian---and you believe it and that is why it will happen---.

There are technical issues attached with placing such a long distance weapons system close to the border----. Bring those issues up---.

The system itself is mobile .It is not like we directly buy and deploy on the border .They will analyse and creates there own SOP to take maximum benefit from that ssystem.For IAF if they want maximum benefit from these advanced system they should use its complete capability .In western border case that would be establishing a no fly zone and eastern sector defending PLAAF from Tibet.

It s not as simple as that---so it launched a SA missile---its position is known now---so it has to run away----it has to bring its radar down----it needs to get off the jacks-----and then scramble---that all takes time---so---closer to the border---the more vulnerable it is----.


It is not " we will"---it does not work like that because you are an indian---and you believe it and that is why it will happen---.

There are technical issues attached with placing such a long distance weapons system close to the border----. Bring those issues up---.

Vulnerable from what? aircraft, missile ,artillery or ground troop? It's itself a SAM. Also it will be supported by Akash and mrsam. We can use cheap Akash system for smaller range to protect s400. U don't leave such costly system vulnerable.unless u have a raptor I don't think any one can take s400. Please enlighten us if any
200 km inside :D
Never .
If we deploy that system in those areas that would be heavily protected and totally secretive .We dont need to target you in Baluchistan .Your important cities and bases are nearer to our border .A 100 km would be sufficient .
And trust me if they are deployed as you are assuming then they will be the very first ones to go up in smoke. What do you think our Intel,Awacs, cruise missiles and airforce will be sleeping.Also take into consideration electronic warefare. Those batteries will be the first one to get knocked out. How ? well imagine we send in 1st wave of UAVs and drones your AA will engage them and here we go we know your location now we send cruise missle and rain it down on them and down the drain goes your dream of covering eastren Pakistan.
And trust me if they are deployed as you are assuming then they will be the very first ones to go up in smoke. What do you think our Intel,Awacs, cruise missiles and airforce will be sleeping.Also take into consideration electronic warefare. Those batteries will be the first one to get knocked out. How ? well imagine we send in 1st wave of UAVs and drones your AA will engage them and here we go we know your location now we send cruise missle and rain it down on them and down the drain goes your dream of covering eastren Pakistan.

Only USA has electronic warfare to take out s 400. For drones , AWACS, fighter planes we have lrsam and Akash.
Last Updated: Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 15:56

Its range is up to 400 km.

It is said to fly at supersonic and hypersonic speeds to intercept all kinds of targets at ranges from 120 to 400 km.

India is still not a member of MTCR. Isn't this range prohibited by MTCR or will the deal be closed after India attains the membership.
India is still not a member of MTCR. Isn't this range prohibited by MTCR or will the deal be closed after India attains the membership.

Mtcr prohibit s 300km with 500kg warhead. S300 has under 150 to 180 kg warhead . so most probably s400 should not breach 500 mark. Also its being exported to China and algeria
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