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India pitches for SCO's membership, Afghan role

Look who is talking. India, other than having a potential market for Western countries' export, has no significant to the world at all.

With this funny argument still you cant say that Pakistan is important for SCO (Only China need you because of your land .. no one else)
It is a different matter whether China is in US league, but how come you are grouping Iran, Pakistan and India. India is a $1.8 trillion economy while Pakistan is just a $200 billion economy. We are almost 10 times your economy.

but strategically we are exactly equal, we can nuke the whole India in a few days, and certainly you have that capacity too.

We are a large nation with nearly 200 million people, Russia's less populous even. Would you say you are stronger than Russia?
but strategically we are exactly equal, we can nuke the whole India in a few days, and certainly you have that capacity too.

We are a large nation with nearly 200 million people, Russia's less populous even. Would you say you are stronger than Russia?

Indians don't get it. The only thing on their mind is : "India has a larger economy than Pakistan".
Oh man, I am loving all the jealous Pakistanis hating India for wanting to join SCO.

Let this continue baby. :bounce:
bulls eyes, we are officially a US "ally", check the record find when the US stopped saying we are not an ally?

time to look at you, a non US ally who flirting time to time with them like an animal in oestrous cycle.


Allies?? :lol: :lol:
Do You know what Zardari , President of Pakistan did in Nato Summit at Chicago ?? Or tricks your foreign minister tries to play & changes every week to get Ally's attention??

Sorry friend you are in dellusions, the day NATO leaves Afghan you will be USED-UP-COMMODITY for so called Allies. And you will be ready to get used by China again. Thats your fate if you dont awake at right times.

And Mind it, If Pakistan the most traditional enemy of India wants to have bussiness ties with India....why shouldnt every other country including America try to do so???? Its not flirting GURU , America is itself lured at huge market we offer !!!
With this funny argument still you cant say that Pakistan is important for SCO (Only China need you because of your land .. no one else)

If Pakistan has no importance then why the heck are Russia, China and other SCO members inviting Pakistan to join their club ?

With this funny argument still you cant say that Pakistan is important for SCO (Only China need you because of your land .. no one else)

If Pakistan has no importance then why the heck are Russia, China and other SCO members inviting Pakistan to join their club ?
If Pakistan has no importance then why the heck are Russia, China and other SCO members inviting Pakistan to join their club ?

If Pakistan has no importance then why the heck are Russia, China and other SCO members inviting Pakistan to join their club ?

China want you because of your land and others not opposing .... that's it

You are not important for any other
Oh man, I am loving all the jealous Pakistanis hating India for wanting to join SCO.

Let this continue baby. :bounce:

LOL. Jealous is the last thing that countries in Asia care about. The most importing issue is why allow India to join the SCO when India cannot be trusted in the first place. SCO members know that India is Uncle SAM's spy.

Except China no one is interested in Pakistan (others not opposing that doesn't mean they want Pakistan)

You have no significance other than China no one need your land

ASIA cant trust China ... that's why number of US bases increasing day by day

China is to ASIA what U.S. is to North America.

And Pakistan is important to SCO nations because these countries need access to Arabian Sea. They don't need india that is surrounded by only south asian countries and China that hates you.
If Pakistan has no importance then why the heck are Russia, China and other SCO members inviting Pakistan to join their club ?

If Pakistan has no importance then why the heck are Russia, China and other SCO members inviting Pakistan to join their club ?

Everybody needs some laughing stocks in everything wat to do?
LOL. Jealous is the last thing that countries in Asia care about. The most importing issue is why allow India to join the SCO when India cannot be trusted in the first place. SCO members know that India is Uncle SAM's lapdog.

I love when Pakistani talking about US lapdogs :rofl::rofl:

You has decades of experience and after watching you we have that how to handle USA :lol:

Russia, Israel, Iran and USA all are Indian friends :tup:
Oh man, I am loving all the jealous Pakistanis hating India for wanting to join SCO.

No one is jealous of india.
india is a big spoiler and we don't want SCO to be turned into another SAARC.

Besides india has more interests with U.S. and Israel now than China or Russia who are strong supporters of Iran and Pakistan.
India will go to USA and tell them to be nice to them or else we are going to SCO.

USA did approach India, to control "anti-US" language in SCO,

India Skeptical Of Sco As Security Forum

Summary: PolCouns delivered reftel demarche to MEA
Joint Secretary for Eurasia Bhagwati on May 10 seeking
India's help to prevent the inclusion of anti-US language at
the upcoming SCO meeting in Shanghai. Bhagwati stated
clearly that as an observer to SCO, India has no role in
drafting the organization's official documents, and is
interested in participating in SCO only to discuss technical,
trade, counter narcotics, cultural, and potentially, counter
terrorism issues, but not broader strategic and security

Not going to happen as India prefers to maintain a low profile in SCO.

Sco Summit: India "watching And Waiting" On The Sidelines

Comment: Eager to Appear Uneager

¶8. (C) India wants to keep its foot firmly in the door of
SCO without sending signals to the rest of the world
(especially China) that it has more than a "friendly"
interest in the goings-on of its neighbors. While content to
maintain its status as "observer only" in the organization,
India wants to see more progress in real regional
cooperation, particularly those with an economic emphasis.
New Delhi continues to see the SCO as China's Central Asia
club. Therefore, it will publicly pay lip service to the
group's value, while using its observership to keep a
watchful eye on China. End comment.

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